Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians
I'm not a Guardian.
Those spirits, I'm not like them. They leave money, candy, gifts,and sweets in their wake. They're unmistakably good.
I'm not like them.
I may bring snow days and such. But that's just in recent years. Truth is, for most of my memory, I have been a force of death.
I kill. My cold seems its way into people's bodies and slowly freezes them to death. That's part of the reason I travel so much.
My presence alone killed my village. I stayed too long and they starved. I can't stop killing people.
Pitch is right. What goes better than cold and dark?
You agree. I see it in your eyes. I'm big bad winter aren't I. Heh. Y'know, I'm so used to it, it just doesn't seem to matter anymore.
No matter how hard I try, no matter how much joy and play I bring, the eyes of those I've killed won't leave me. Glassy, empty stares of men, women, and children. The worst are babies. Their mom or dad will take them out and leave them to die. Give the children up for me to kill. To do the dirty work and keep their hands clean.
What kind of Guardian murders children?
Just a one-shot. Kinda depressing, but it's something. Happy holidays everyone.
- B. Angel