Experiment with TT, YJ, and JL
Ch. 7: Hello Megan!
"HELLO EVERYONE!" Megan yelled.
"Why are you yelling?" Kalder asked.
"I don't know. I just did." Megan said.
"ANYWAYS! Since Jason is still in the hospital because of Robin, I will host today's experiments!" Miss Martian said.
"Is that why we're in the closet?" asked Artemis.
"Exactly!" Megan sang.
"Now, today, we will take all of Kid Flash's food away from him when he's not looking or paying attention." Megan explained.
"Ooooookay?" Rocket looked confused.
"She meant to say, why?" Zantanna asked.
"Uh… Does there HAVE to be a reason? It's Wally!" Megan said.
"I am getting tired of him spitting food everywhere." Artemis said.
Everyone agreed.
"Can we get out of the closet now? It's rather small." Superboy finally spoke.
"Yeah, besides, it's no fun in there." Megan cheered.
"LIES!" Roy yelled.
"What?" Kalder asked.
"Closets CAN be fun… if used the right way." Roy smirked.
"EWWWWWEEE! TMI ROY!" Zatanna yelled.
"Erasing the last ten seconds out of my mind." Superboy said.
"Let's just go on with it." Megan suggested.
"Hey Robin!" Kid Flash yelled and ran over to the Zeta Tubes…Beams. (?)
"Artemis! NOW!" Megan yelled in their minds.
Artemis jumped over the couch, grabbed Kid Flash's chips, and jumped back over to hide in the shadows.
Just then, Kid Flash and Robin walked into the living room.
Kid Flash stopped talking.
"Something wrong KF?" Robin asked.
"Hum. I had a bag of chips on the table. Guess I ate them all ready!" Kid Flash laughed and grabbed another package from the cabinet.
KF and Rob went on to play some zombie shooting game.
"Okay. Test one failed." Artemis said to the others.
"Okay. We'll try again." Megan replied back.
"I'm gannget ya." Wally said slurred and moved sluggishly.
Everyone was currently on a mission, and Wally ran out of energy after about the first five minutes.
Joker laughed loudly.
"We shouldn't have taken his snacks! We're goanna die!"Megan whined.
"Yep." Robin said.
"But I haven't taken those hot twin sisters out on a date yet!" Roy yelled.
Then the Justice League popped up.