Ok so this is my first Fan fiction, so please be nice! Thank You and Enjoy! :D

" This means your talking"

' This means your thoughts'

You walked along a path through the woods looking at the patches of flowers. Beautiful colors of purple, red, and orange. One color caught your attention, Blue. The color of the sky, the ocean, and the one you love. 'Ciel Phantomhive' .It's been too long, and now you were going to see him again. After all those years you would see him again. 'Ever since that horrible day, that fateful day, his birthday…'


You were visiting the Phantomhive Manor; Ciel's Parents were friends with yours. Your Parents were on a business trip and didn't want to bring you along because it's not a very safejourney. It was perfect timing too; you want to be with Ciel for his birthday, to make it his best birthday ever. The sun was setting.

"CIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL" you screamed. As he turned around, you tackled him to the ground. "_"! The both of you laughed. "Sorry Ciel, Do want to pick flowers with me? I want to make everyone flower crowns for your birthday party". "Of course, _ " You and Ciel held hands as you talked and giggled walking towards the garden. You picked (Favorite flower) and white roses, they were yours and ciel's favorite! "Ciel! Please come inside, your father wants to speak with you" yelled Rachel, Ciel's Mother. "Coming Mother! Umm…._, I'll be right back!" Ciel says. You nodded with a cheerful smile, he smiled back with a laugh. With that he ran back to the manor, you got the flowers and headed towards the woods. You and Ciel had a secret spot, you both found it when playing in the woods one day. You sat on a rock below the tall tree and started making the flower crowns; you made Ciel's crown the best. You were left alone to think, but the only thing you could think of was Ciel. You were only 9 and you knew that you really loved Ciel. He would make you feel good about yourself, and fill your heart with laughter; you wanted to be with him forever. While you were daydreaming, you didn't see the smoke rising from the manor. You went back to making flower crowns, until, a gust of wind blew. Your (hair color) hair flowed all around you. Your (eye color) eyes went wide, it smelled of smoke. You dropped the flower crowns and ran rapidly back to the manor, you ran in fear. There isn't a town for miles, and you were sure that you didn't walk far from the manor. You finally reached the manors garden, but could see it all clearly as day. The manor was on fire.

You watched in horror, not knowing what to do. Your eyes watered, everyone was still in the manor. That's until you heard a loud scream, NO it said. "Ciel?" you said. You then started to run towards the manor. "CIEL! CIEL! CIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. Tears still falling, you wiped them away as you ran to the front of the manor. As you were reaching the front you could hear voices that said "come on you little brat!" then you heard Ciel "No! Mom! Dad! NOOO! I'll kill you! Let me go! LET ME GO!" Ciel screamed. You saw Ciel being dragged into a carriage by 4 men covered in cloaks. "CIEL?! CIEL! CIEL NO!" You cried. Everyone turned around to look at you, Ciel's face was filled with so many emotions. Happiness, Anger, Worry, etc. One of the men with the cloaks pulled out a gun and aimed it right at you; your (eye color) eyes widen in fear. "_ NO!" Screamed Ciel. You heard the sound of the gun go off and pain hit your stomach. You looked down to see your (favorite color) dress, now blood red. Blood filled your mouth, Ciel watched in horror as you fell to the ground. His eyes full of tears, he screams at the top of his lungs "_!" You watched as he kept screaming your name and struggled to get out of the grasp of men covered in cloaks. They finally got him in the carriage and rode off quickly.


You remember it all, it was most dreadful. And now you were going back to see him. You heard he was alive and came back with a mysterious butler at his side. You were over joyed when you heard of this, you cried tears of joy. But, something puzzled you. Who were those men covered in cloaks? Why did they take Ciel? Who started the fire? Was it the men covered in cloaks? It had to of been, they were the only ones there when the fire started. All these questions had no answer, but you had a feeling you would find out soon.

You stood in front of the manor's gates, and on the other side of those gates stood the Phantomhive Manor. " Still huge as ever" you said. You were wondering how you would get over the gates but your thoughts were interrupted by a man in black. "Excuse me, miss, May I help you?" His voice was like velvet, and had alluring red eyes. "Umm, yes, I would like to speak with Earl Ciel Phantomhive, I am a good friend of his, my name is _" you said. "Ah! Yes, I have heard many good things about you _, I apologize" he said as he opened the gates, "My name is Sebastian Michaelis, Butler of the Phantomhive Household, please right this way". You followed Sebastian towards the manor 'So this is the new butler huh? I gues- wait a second' You stopped in you tracks looking at Sebastian, your eyes wide. He stopped and turned around, "Is there something wrong, Lady _?" He asked. His voice got you out of your deep though, "Hum? Oh! It's nothing" you chuckled. He smiled" Very well, right this way"

You were inside the manor, everything was the same. The decorations, the walls, the floor, everything was right to the last detail. As he led you to Ciel's study you started reminisce of all the adventures you would have in the manor with Ciel. You stopped in front of large doors, as Sebastian opened the doors, you saw Ciel. He sat in a huge, brown chair filling out paper work. "This had better be good, Sebastian" he said, his voice full of boredom. He was acting so mature for his age; also he wore a black eye patch over his right eye. 'What happened to you?' You thought. "Excuse me my lord, but a old friend of yours has come to greet you, Lady _" Sebastian said. With that Ciel's eyes widened, he stopped his paper work to look up. "_?" he said almost in a whisper. You smiled, tears on the verge of coming out, "Ciel". He got up from his chair and walked calmly to you, eyes still filled with shock. You didn't care now; you let tears fall and ran to him. You gave him a hug, filled with longing and happiness, knowing he was well and fine. You both held on to each other for about 5 minutes, he held you and said "_, how I've missed you" You cried even more as he said that, "I missed you too Ciel" you say. You both broke away so the both of you could talk.

"Ciel, I'm so glad you're ok, I thought you were dead"

"_, I'm glad to see you're ok as well. I would love to catch up on lost time, but there is much work to be done. If you may please follow Sebastian so you can unpack all your belongings. I will, of course, join you for dinner" he said with a smile, a smile that you have not seen in ages. "Of course, Ciel" You said. You got up and curtsied, then followed Sebastian, wiping away all the tears. "This way my lady" he said.

"Your room, my lady, I hope it is too your liking" Sebastian says. "My old guest room" you whisper. You stared in awe, just like it was 3 years ago. It had a queen size bed with (favorite color) sheets that matched the wall and had the stuffed animals that Ciel's parents bought for you. On the walls were old pictures of your family and ciel's family. On the night stand, there was a picture of you and Ciel, both smiling like loons. You smiled, 'I always loved this picture' you thought. Sebastian was right about to leave, until you called his name.

"Yes, my lady?"

"You already know what I am, don't you Sebastian?"

He smiled deviously.

"Yes, you are a grim reaper"