" " Means talking
' ' Means thoughts
(This is my Valentine's Day gift to me from you! : )
Oh and to the person that has their username "Attack of the Mary Sue"
Some people tell me that I need to change this or fix this, and I would love to here advice or suggestions.
But yours was just plain dumb -.-
Their are other people who write Various X Reader stories and you can't stop them!
And if you hate these types of stories, then don't read them, simple as that.
Sorry everyone I had to put it on this, he/she blocked me from replying. Sorry again and I hope you Enjoy! :D
You ran all the way to your room, not caring who saw you cry. You slammed the door when you entered, and flopped onto your bed; letting all your tears out.
'What is wrong with me?' you thought
'His work is important. Why did I ever think that I could take him away from his duty? I must be selfish' you cried even more and regretted what you just did.
"I have to leave" you got up from your bed, wiping away your tears.
"I don't belong here, I belong with other Shinigamies" you got up and started to pack. You stopped when someone threw your door open, without even knocking. You quickly turned around to see Grell, his face all beat up. You laughed a bit knowing Sebastian would be the only one to do that.
"Grell, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be reaping a soul today."
"Oh! Quiet you! My face hurts" He flopped onto the bed. "I didn't know that someone you love a lot can hurt you so much" he whined.
Your eyes widen by his comment.
'I wonder if Ciel is hurt from MY actions' you thought with sadness.
Grell felt the tension and sat on the bed to look at you.
"My dear _, Is something the matter?" He asked.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CIEL'S POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"What! What do you mean you broke it?!" I shouted, anger taking over at the problem.
"Well I was polishing it, I wanted to make it shiny bright for Lady _, I did" Mey-Rin says, scared from the master's tone.
"But when it fell out of my hands as I polished it and I lost it. I looked everywhere on the floor but when I walked toward your desk…." She stopped.
"But what?!" I shouted even louder.
"BUT I DIDN'T SEE IT, I STEPPED ON IT AND IT BROKE" she broke out into tears, knees falling to the ground.
"I'M SORRY YOUNG MASTER, I AM!" she whined.
I sighed.
"Mey-Rin please go and fulfill your other duties" I said while rubbing my temples.
"Baldroy! Finny!" I called out.
"Yes, sir" they both said.
"Make sure the preparations for outside are still alright"
"Right away, sir" They yelled in unison and left to go handle their work.
"Yes, my lord?"
"Is their anyway that you can fix it?" I asked, hoping that he could. He's done it before, so this shouldn't be a problem.
"Yes I can, but it may take a while. The day is almost up though and that event outside could make Lady _ leave"
My eyes widen at what he Sebastian said.
'No! I don't want to lose her' my mind fought with other thoughts that ran in my head '….I love her….."
"Master?" Sebastian asked very concerned. It broke me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, sir"
"This is an order! I want you to fix it quickly before dinner and make sure all the preparations are in order before 8!" I shouted.
Sebastian smirked.
"Right away my lord" he left to go do his duties.
'I need to go talk to _, I need to straighten this problem out' I quickly went to _'s room.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEANWHILE YOUR POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"It's alright _" Grell patted you on the head as you started to cry again holding onto him.
"He really does care for you but he has responsibilities that are also important, it doesn't mean he wants to do those things then rather be with you" he smiled.
You lifted your head up and smiled.
Grell was probably right, I mean the way he acted the whole day, he did show emotion that seemed he did really care about me. You wiped away your tears, your face was a bloody mess. Blood shot eyes and red cheeks that still had dried tears. You laughed as Grell started to cheer you up about what happened when he was with Sebastian. You guys were brought out of your conversation when Ciel busted into the room. His face shocked at who was sitting with you in your room ALONE.
"Grell?! What are you doing here?!" he shouted
"Ciel, I can explain why he is here" you said
"Why can you explain why he's here?" he asked angrily.
"Well, I wanted to tell you later, but I guess I can't hide it now"
"What is it _" he says calmly
You look down at the floor, thinking of the right words to say. You looked at Ciel and saw that same emotion in his eyes when he said all those kind things to you. 'If he can't accept me as a shinigami, then he doesn't deserve me' you thought.
You looked him straight in the eyes, ready to tell him the truth.
"Ciel, I am a shinigami!" you shout
Ciel's eyes widen.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CIEL'S POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When I walked through _'s bedroom door, I couldn't believe what I saw. Grell was sitting right beside _, laughing. It made me so furious!
'He shouldn't be here, especially if _ here. I don't want her to find out what he really is' I thought quickly.
I shouted at Grell, aking why he is here, but _ told me she knows why he is her. It made me nervous.
I looked at _ waiting for her to speak her reason, but it looked as if she was trying to find the right words.
I told her that it was alright and to just tell me, I've never seen this much worry in her eyes. She was still deep in thought for about 2 more minutes, and then her face expression turned from nervousness to determination.
"Ciel, I am a shinigami!" she shouted
My eyes widen.
"What did you say?" I asked, knowing full well what she said.
"I'm…..I'm a shinigami…." She almost whispered. Out of nowhere she pulled out a huge anchor that was highly decorated.
"This is my Death Scythe" she said calmly
"So, it is true" I said still shocked from the new news.
"Yes Ciel, it's all true" she looked as if she was on the verge of tears, but this was a big surprise, and I had to go think about this. I left without a word and headed straight for my room.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOUR POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You were on the verge of tears as Ciel stood there, saying nothing, his eyes still wide with shock. You were about to ask him to say something, but then he walked out the door, not saying a word. You couldn't hold back the tears that you were trying so hard to keep in. You dropped you death scythe, which made a huge bang on the floor, as you cried into your hands and fell on your knees.
'He hates me! I knew it was too good to be true' you thought, tears still pouring all over your face.
Grell never saw you cry, because you were never EVER sad. Sad wasn't in your vocabulary, you were always the happy idiot that made everyone happy, even William. This was a first for him, he actually felt sad for you. Which was funny, Shinigami's aren't supposed to feel regret or sympathy.
You cried into your hands until you felt Grell pick you (bridal style).
You looked up at and sniffled.
Grell put you on your bed, and he sat down at the end of your bed.
"_ Dear, he needs some time to think"
You looked at with confusion.
"You just gave important news, and needs time to think" Grell said.
He was right.
You just told him something that can change his life, he does need to think.
Grell walked toward the window.
"Just give him some time and he will talk to you"
He grinned.
"And if that doesn't go well, I'll kill the little bugger" he laughed maniacally.
You gave him a glare; your aura filled the entire room with anger if he touched Ciel.
"Wah! I was just kidding!" he yelled in defense
You smiled your innocent smile.
"Ugh, sometimes I think your more scarier than Will"
Grell opened your window.
"Just give a ring if you need anything, kay? Buh~bye!" He shouted happily as he jumped out the window.
You laughed at his antics.
' I guess all I can do is wait until he's had time to him self and come to his senses' you thought as you laid down, starting to fall asleep from all the events today that tired you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CIEL'S POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I've been sitting here, thinking about it all. How could I not have known that she was a shinigami? Did Sebastian know when she came, but left me out of it? Why would she hide it?
As I was still thinking Sebastian came through the door.
"Master, I have the item you requested ready"
I glared at him.
"Is something wrong my lord?" he tilted his head.
"Sebastian, I want you to answer me truthfully, that is an order" I said, trying not to lose my temper.
"Of course, young lord" he said, his eye showed a hint of amusement.
'Did he think this was funny?!' I thought in anger.
I got up from my desk and slammed my hands down.
"How long have you known _ was a Shinigami? And why did the both of you hide it?!" finally letting all the anger out.
Sebastian's eyes widen at your anger and question.
What was he supposed to say? He promised you, but his contract bond with Ciel was stronger than some silly promise.
"Well?" I yelled.
"I knew she was a Shinigami the first day she came into the manor" he said calmly.
"Then why did you both hide it?" I asked starting to become more control with my anger.
"I confronted her about her being a Shinigami, and told her about the Jack the Ripper incident…."
I stared at the floor "….Madam Red….."
"Yes. I told her how you hated Shinigami's because of that confrontation. She didn't want you to know because if you found out, you wouldn't love her like she loves you"
I felt a pain in my chest.
"Even if she is one of those foul creatures… I could never come to hate her"
'I love _ too much to let our relationship burn because of her difference…'
"Master?" Sebastian said.
"Yes?" I replied.
"What would you like me to do with this?" he gave me a box.
I opened it and widened my eyes.
I looked up to be met by a smirk.
"I know what to do"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOUR POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You were awakened by someone who pounded on your door.
You quickly got up from you bed and ran to open your door.
You were about to scream at whoever pounded on your door, only to be met by a note on the floor. You picked it up and it read:
Dear _,
Please meet me in our "secret spot" from when we were little.
Love, Ciel
You started to shake violently.
He was done thinking and wanted to talk to you now, this was going to be very nerve racking. You headed out towards the secret spot; arrows on the tree helped you find your way. When you arrived, your eyes widened at the site.
Ciel and the rest of the manor stood there, surrounded by many (your favorite) flowers.
"What is all this?" you asked, clearly curious to what they were planning.
"_" said grabbing your hand.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way today" he said with sadness.
"I'm sorry about how I acted today and that I didn't tell you" you cried.
"No it's alright, you had a very good reason to not to tell me. I care a lot about you _, and I don't care if you are a shinigami" he held your hand as he got one knee.
"I love you _, with all my heart and I don't want lose you for stupid, selfish reasons" he grabbed a box out of his pocket and held it up.
"_, will you marry me when we come of age?" he asked and opened the box. Inside was white pearl ring, incrusted with diamonds on both sides.
You started to tear up. And everyone around you awaited your answer.
There might be rules that say a shinigami cannot marry a human, but you didn't care.
You jumped on Ciel, knocking him and you down.
"Of course Ciel" You screamed happily with tears of joy.
He laughed and put the ring on your finger.
You grabbed Ciel's face and locked your lips in a deep kiss. He slowly wrapped his arms around your neck, pulling you closer to him. Your lips move in synch as he kisses you gently with passion and joy. Everyone around you danced with joy, you were now to be wed to Earl Ciel Phantomhive. A dear friend to you since childhood, and now were utterly in love with.
There is going to be Just like I promised you all! This is my Valentine's Day gift to you from me! I hope you enjoyed because this is the final story of Ciel X Reader EVER! Nah, just yanking your chain ;3
There will be a season 2 but I can't make it right away. I have to balance school and writing anime stories. But I don't care because I love writing
This is what you ring looks like (It's the last one at the end) : [link]