All hell breaks loose chapter 1

Author note: I only own the plot and the rest belongs to Joss Whedon.

as a dark night in LA when most normal people would be in bed as rumors of what went bump into the night had reached the ears of most as bodies drained of blood were a difficult thing to keep secret from most. However in a secret meeting wicked things were being planned.

"I am surprised that the Senior Partners can still influence this dimension as the Circle of the Black Thorn is gone" commented Lindsey McDonald who was recently resurrected after Lorne shot him dead. The injustice still smarted that his mortal enemy Angel did not see him as a threat worth ending instead the vampire got his lackey to shoot him.

"My master's influence on this dimension may be weakened but they are still rebuilding and Wolfram and Hart survived the Beast's rampage remember?" replied Hamilton a well dressed man created by the Senior Partners as their Liaison.

"Why have we been called together Hamilton" asked a new voice belonging to a brunette woman.

"Why Lilah to make Angel pay for betraying the goals of our masters and also the Partners are mildly concerned by the Slayer army that Buffy Summers created when she defeated the First Evil" responded Hamilton and he had a grudge against Angel for defeating him in a fight which was said to be nearly impossible as he was stronger than any vampire or demon. The vampire with a soul and his son managed to pull off the impossible.

"How do the Partners propose to make Angel pay as he is a formidable foe? Also from studying the files of Buffy Summers she is a lethal warrior and not to be trifled with" asked Lindsey with some concern and Buffy Summers had defeated vampires such as the Master and even hell gods and now the First. Some in the firm nicknamed the Deathless Slayer.

"The Senior Partners have come to an agreement with the Powers and the agreement is this to separate Angel from his demon and put them against each other and if Angel wins then he completes the Shanshu prophecy and becomes human however if he loses then Angelus will be a vital component of the Senior Partner's plans to destroy the world and I think that gaining a vampire of Angelus' caliber would benefit this firm"

"You cannot bring that monster back Hamilton" interjected Lilah angrily and her face was flushed with red.

"Why Lilah are you scared?" taunted Lindsey

"Yes I am and you should be McDonald I have seen Angelus before and that monster is much worse than Angel could ever be" said Lilah and her once haughty face filled with fear as she remembered Angelus chasing her in the Hyperion Hotel during the permanent midnight before she was killed by a possessed Cordelia.

"Don't worry Lilah we can offer Angelus many things to keep him happy" said Hamilton smoothly.

"By the way how is the ritual to resurrect William the Bloody also known as Spike" said Lindsey and he was impressed by the blond vampire as he could sense that the same hatred for Angel that he had radiating from Spike.

"Going well and we will have him back" commented Hamilton looking bored.

"Without a soul I hope" replied Lindsey

"Yes and let see if Summers can face such monsters such as Angelus and William the Bloody and we need William to deliver Angel to us for the demon to be extracted" said Hamilton now coldly satisfied.

"That is if Spike goes along with us and I have read his file Spike helped Buffy Summers in Sunnydale without a soul in protecting the Key from Glory and who is to say that removing the soul won't make a slightest difference" Lilah said coldly.

"Now Lilah, Spike is not his grandsire as he was doing good deeds to impress the Slayer and besides he was chipped by the Initiative while Angel was motivated by sickening things such as justice, compassion" barked Hamilton

"We need someone of Spike's caliber to kidnap Angel" added Lindsey knowing that it was wise to side with Hamilton who had a direct line to their bosses rather than Lilah.

"You've got me and my boys Hamilton" said a new voice belonging to a dark skinned man.

"Ah Charles I hadn't forgotten you and don't fret you will have a part to play in the forthcoming plans laid down by my bosses" said Hamilton soothingly.

"Why am I here" said Charles Gunn and he was a recent addition as he was kidnapped by a gang of soulless vampires and later turned. The first thing the new vampire did was to dust his sire and take over the gang.

"We need you to indentify a picture the Immortal sent us of a new player working with Buffy Summers in Rome" said Lilah and she passed him a photo of a young couple on the Spanish Step looking carefree and happy.

"I know the boy in the picture that is Angel's brat Connor and damn the girl is fine" said Gunn after carefully studying the picture

"The Destroyer well that's interesting" said Lilah remembering the violent young man well.

"The Senior Partners have just informed me that they would like the Destroyer on their side and maybe even the Key as her innocence would an enchanting thing to corrupt" said Hamilton.

"I must warn you that Junior has a habit of not following orders" said Gunn and he had a beef with the boy as if he wasn't for Connor and Jasmine. Angel would never have that deal with Wolfram and Hart although it made sense that Angel would sign that deal as the vampire would anything to protect his brat that caused nothing but trouble.

"Much like his father then and besides the Senior Partners have been interested in the boy for some time now as he killed Jasmine and dropped Angel into the Pacific Ocean and they believe that as a vampire he would be a younger and stronger version of Angelus" said Hamilton.

"They want another Angelus, are they mad?" spluttered Lilah.

"I am with Lilah on this having two versions of Angelus is a recipe for disaster" said Gunn now worried as knew that the boy hated him and without a soul that hatred would be enhanced tenfold.

"Shut up both of you!" snapped Hamilton and Lindsey said nothing as he never met Connor or Angelus apart from what he read in the firm's files.

Meanwhile driving in LA a young couple was out walking after a film ended late and they are unaware that they are being watched.

"Did you like the film honey" said a woman

"I don't know as you seen one horror movie you seen them all" said the man

Then three men jumped out with deformed faces. The woman screamed in terror while the man looked pale.

"Are you boys from the nut house or something?" asked the man

"Are you insulting us man" said one vampire looking offended.

"I think he is" said a dark skinned vampire.

"Now boys this hardly looks fair" said a voice belonging to a handsome man in spiky brown hair.

"Who the hell are you?" snarled the third vampire

"I am Angel" said the man

"Yeah sure I am Dracula" said one sarcastically

"I met Dracula once and you are not him and I mean the real Dracula and not Bram Stoker's creation" said Angel

"He really is Angel the traitor who kills his own kind" said another vampire

"Kill him" said the dark skinned vampire

"You can try" said Angel and he moved in and he ducked one punch to the head and launched a kick to the chest and it connected sending one crashing back.

"Run" shouted Angel to the couple. The couple ran for their lives.

Angel now took out an axe from his jacket and quickly beheaded one.

"Lenny" shouted one vampire in shock.

"Let's go or something" said a vampire now weighing up his chances of fighting the legendary Angel.

"No! That freak killed my sire" shouted the angry vampire.

"Fine your funeral" said the calmer one and left.

Angel now faced the last vampire and he easily evaded the clumsy blows and responded with a flurry of punches driving the other back before the vampire got him with a lucky punch to the ribs making him drop the axe.

"I have got you now," said the vampire gloatingly.

"You haven't man" said Angel and let the vampire come forward before activating the wrist mounted stakes and the vampire turned to dust.

Please read and review and I would like to thank Starway Man and my beta reader nurjen08 for their kind assistance on my story.