All hell breaks loose chapter 2

Do not let the vampires escape" shouted Buffy at a group of Slayers who were busy clearing the vampires out of an abandoned building in Rome. Despite the fact that they were facing the Slayers the vampires fought well together and many growled in anger at seeing the Slayers attacking them. Buffy took the opportunity to observe her sister's boyfriend Connor fighting and he certainly moved like his father and she remembered the first time she saw Connor fighting alongside Angel. Although there were differences between Angel's fighting style and his son as Connor fought with less finesse.

"Buffy look out!" said a Slayer before Buffy received a hard blow to the jaw. The vampire who struck her grinned coldly.

"So you are the Queen of the Slayers and I am gonna drain you and become a legend for taking you out." snarled the vampire and he had an Italian accent.

"You wish," retorted Buffy and she dodged his next punch and retaliated with a spin kick to his chest sending him back before she staked him in the heart with a well aimed blow.

Connor was doing quite fine and he had staked one vampire and moving with vampire speed he took on the next vampire and blocked the demon's first punch and kicked him in the chest sending him flying into a wall.

"What are you?" questioned an awestruck vampire seeing his comrade go flying into a wall.

"I am not sure but maybe you heard of my father Angel or maybe you know him as Angelus." snarled Connor and the other two vampires moved back with a look of alarm on their fanged faces.

"Oh come on he is bluffing as everyone knows that we vampires can't have kids." said the third vampire to his fleeing friends.

"Wanna bet?" questioned Connor and the vampire cursed in Italian before moving to take him and after Connor ducked his kick and punched him in the face and the force of the blow was strong enough to rattle the vampire.

"Ow, that hurt boy" said the vampire with blond hair and he moved back and this time he had a knife in his hand and swung it while Connor tried to block and the knife cut his hand.

"Ouch," said Connor and he kicked out catching the vampire's knife wielding hand and the impact was enough to make the vampire drop the knife and Connor took advantage of the shock to dust him with a stake.

Buffy pulled out a scythe and was busy mowing down approaching vampires.

"How come all these vamps want a piece of you" questioned a Slayer with red hair.

"Well Patrice they want bragging rights for killing me" replied Buffy and soon the Slayers were the only ones left standing and dust covered most of the ground.

"Alright girls time to go back to base and Connor remember to get that hand seen too" ordered Buffy and the girls left while Connor checked his hand and the cut seemed shallow but he did as Buffy said and left for the hospital and he pulled out a phone and dialed a familiar number.

"Hi honey it's me and yes the vampires have been dusted. What is the Italian for hospital?" Asked Connor into the phone and he listened to Dawn talk and he first met his girlfriend when the Slayers came to save his father from the army that the Senior Partners sent after him and they hit it off due to their similar origins and he went with her back to Italy. While Connor fought with the Slayers in protecting the innocents, Dawn was studying to become a Watcher and she certainly had the brains for it.

He hailed a taxi and after telling the driver the right word for hospital he sat in the back seat. His thoughts turned to his past and he wished Cordelia could be here to see him become a champion like Angel and she would have liked Dawn he thought.

Meanwhile in a warm morning in Rio de Janiero where the temperature was about 45 degrees a redhead walked through the bustling streets and she was heading back to her apartment that she shared with her girlfriend. She finally reached her building and opened the door and walked in. She saw a strange woman in a dressing gown opening a fridge and taking out some orange juice. Willow took a closer look at the stranger feeling that something that was wrong and she finally recognized the woman in front of her. Her name was Juliana a girl from Rio aged eighteen and recently been located by the Council as she happened to be a Slayer.

"Where is she?" questioned Willow coldly and she could guess from the girl's smudged makeup, wild hair and the fact that she was wearing Kennedy's blue dressing gown what had been going on while she was away on a business trip for Giles. A strange sense of calm settled over her and she left the girl in the kitchen before walking into her room and Kennedy was snoring with a cover over her.

Willow felt her rage deepen and she deliberately took out a cold water bottle and poured it over her ex girlfriend.

"Jesus!" shouted Kennedy in alarm.

"So that you are awake, care to explain why there is a girl here wearing your dressing gown?" asked Willow furiously

"Baby I am sorry," said Kennedy trying to look contrite.

"I am not interested in your apologies" snarled Willow now pulling out a bag and putting Kennedy's things in it.

"What are you doing Willow?" asked Kennedy

"I want you and your new girlfriend out of my apartment now." snarled Willow and Kennedy's eyes hardened and she glared at Willow.

"I am not the commitment type and I have noticed the way we have been falling apart ever since Wolf boy entered our lives again. How am I supposed to compete with your first love from high school?"

"I never saw this as a competition but you are right Oz will never have done this to Me." said Willow in revulsion and she locked herself in the study and waited until her ex left and began to sob quietly.

On a wet London morning Rupert Giles drove his car slowly along with the road. He was known to being a careful driver and he parked his car at the new Council headquarters and walked inside the front door. The old one had been blown up by the minions of the First Evil.

"Mr. Giles sir," said a woman

"What is it Amanda?" asked Giles

"A call from Rio de Janiero, a Ms. Rosenberg" said Amanda who happened to a secretary.

"I will take it in my study." said Giles and he hoped that Willow was alright the redhead was like a second daughter to him.

"Of course sir." replied Amanda before moving away.

Giles headed to the study where a wide range of books stood proudly in their shelves. However many books had been destroyed by the bombing that had nearly destroyed the organization forever. These books had been reclaimed from Wolfram and Hart by his former colleague Wesley who had been healed by Willow when he and Angel had taken on the Circle of the Black Thorn.

He picked up the phone and he immediately sensed from Willow's voice that she was in some amount of distress and after listening to her story Giles felt some rage at Kennedy as how could the foolish girl be so careless with the redhead's heart.

A knock sounded at the door.

"Come in," said Giles and the door opened and his protégé Andrew Wells walked in.

"Well sir, it seems that all sources agree that Wolfram and Hart are rebuilding and are planning to resurrect a vampire or more than one back from the dead." said Andrew

"This is worrisome and ask your contacts to find out which vampire it is." ordered Giles

"Yes sir and if I may offer a suggestion I think that it is Spike as Wolfram and Hart would have heard about William the Bloody and his murderous deeds." replied Andrew

"Yes you may be right Andrew but all the same make sure you do the diligence in checking on what is going on in LA as we acted rashly last time by not trusting Angel and LA was nearly destroyed by a demon army." said Giles and immediately called Wesley in LA.