Purpose of Writing: Doesn't want to do homework on those damned microscopes. This explains the lousiness of the fic. anyways, review, people!
Original Characters: none!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Slamdunk or any of its characters. [Though I wish I do]
[my coments.. mwehehhehehhe.]
I've always been attending an all-girls school. Oh my! I wonder how many cute boys I'll be meeting there at my new school? And I'll even count on how many boys would stare at my legs! FABULOUS! [*sigh*. what a pok-pok! Hahahhahah] I put on my oh-so-short skirt and that wonderful [gah!] big, red bow on my blouse with stiff shoulder pads [? Is it really stiff? I've always pictured their uniforms as stiff.]. senior high really IS something...
I skipped as I walked towards my new school, Shohoku High School. While walking, I noticed a cute guy cycling towards MY school listening to music while sleeping. Cool! I never knew someone could do that! Sleeping while pedaling his bike! Unberibaburya! [ehehehe]
I wish I was at the same section as he is.
I then continued walking up to my classroom, still thinking about that overly cute and cool guy. [Limited vocabulary, ne?]
Aaaaaaiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee! I've never seen Rukawa-kun to be so much cuter! So much amazing! So much of everything that screams greatness and gorgeousness and. and. who cares? He's cute anyway! Aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee! [she's worse than Ru] Then, I saw him again! Oh my god! Aaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee! I then ran happily up to my classroom. I can feel that senior high will be the best learning I'll ever have! Especially with Rukawa-kun! Aaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee! Oh my! He's always in my mind! Maybe we're soul mates! (The mere thought made her legs turn jelly) AAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Hmmmm. I've heard there was a certain someone in this school who's really cool, cute and most of all, gorgeous! The problem is, I can't find his classroom. It's section 11 right? I looked at my timetable:^First subject starts at 7:00^. Then I looked at my watch. ::6:45:: Oh no! I better go down to my classroom now. I'll just snoop around later when I have more time! Then I'll chat with him, ask if he already has friends. [yadda, yadda]
Wa's imagination:
Wa: Oh hi Rukawa-kun! I heard you're great at basketball! Can you please shoot some hoops for me?
Rukawa: [imagined as one of the smiley boys in girls' magazines] Of course! I'll do anything for a girl like you who's great, cool, gorgeous and. nice!
Wa: really? (turns hearty-eyed) Oh my Rukawa-kun!
Rukawa: oh yes! ( background music: Britney's Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know)
[tenen tenen tenenenenen.. I need to hear you say. blah.. blah..]
Oh! (finally snaps out of her cheesy imagination) the bell!
~At the classroom of Ru, Ka and Wa~
[ I don't know their real names, so I made them up! Please bear with me. ]
Ok. Since all of you are new here, and obviously, I don't know your names, I'll take a roll call.
Hai! Sensei!
Soiichiro Arima?
(and the list goes on until..)
Tsukino Hirowa?
Tsukino Hirowa? Are you here?
Kaahh.. kaahhhh.. kahhh..
I promise I'll never look for that Rukawa ever again.
Then I heard someone say my whole name over and over in a classroom. That must be my room!
"Present!" I said as soon as I reached the door.
Finally! Planning for a great start for the school year, are we? [smirking, his words were dripping with sarcasm] What took you so long, Hirowa-san?
Watashiwa.. .[ I hate that smirk on this ! Why can't I think of a good excuse.I can't say the REAL reason why I'm late, can I? THAT will make a REALLY good !]
Just take your seat then. I'll just talk to you later. Now that we're finished with the list, let's talk about the rules in this school. Firstly, (blah blah and blah]
This sensei just doesn't make any sense! He's so full of crap and. so like. ohmygod! I just saw my knight in shining armor placing his bike at the bike stands. Rule-breaker, huh? I've always found that cute in a guy. I looked at the way his hair was framing his gorgeous face. Kawaii! I wish I could get to know him.
****************** ~_^ so what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Absolutely can't stand it? Let your emotions out! Please review! Arigato!