Title: ::When the Rukawa Brigade first met Rukawa (Part 4)

Original Characters: none

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Slamdunk or any of its characters.

[my comments]

(the situation)

Chapter 4: They finally get to cheer on Rukawa! Hahahahhaa!

~Later that day


Let's go! We might miss his fabulous, great moves!


Hurry up, Tsukino!


Hai! I'm coming!

Ru and Ka

What's that you're holding?


Pompoms! Whatelse? We'll be shaking this as we cheer for him! Hahahhaha!

Ru and Wa

Oh yeah!

~On their way there~


Oi oi oi! I just realized something! We could be called as Ru, Ka and Wa!


How? My name doesn't even start with the syllable Wa!


But your name has "Wa" in it! At your last name, HiroWa! ne?!


Souka… then mine is at the beginning of my name, which is Rumeia! Ne? Kano-chan? And yours has the syllable 'ka'!


Hai! Rumeia-chan! Oh my god! This just proves that Rukawa really IS our soulmate!

[and so, they were formed… waaaaahhhhhhhhhh!]

~At the basketball courts~

Ru, Ka and Wa (with their skimpy, stupid uniforms on and with the syllables ru, ka and wa on their foreheads)

Rukawa! Rukawa! L-O-V-E Rukawa!

Rukawa! Rukawa! Love me! Love me! Rukawa!


-_- (Dribble, dribble, dribble, Shoot! 10x)

]~After the try-outs~


Oi! Let's, like, recruit some more members so that Rukawa would know that we'll always be there… cheering him on whatever happens!

Ru and Wa

Good idea!


Hey! Do you remember his first words at us?


Of course! And I'll cherish those words forever! So kawaii!


I'd quote him! "Step aside so I could get the ball."

Ru, Ka and Wa

Kawaii! Aishiteru Rukawa-kunnnnnnn!


[And slamdunk never became the same again]

() \/\/ /-\ |7_ |


so what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Absolutely can't stand it? Let your emotions out! Please review! Arigato!

Ru- the promiscuous one who wants boys to look at her behind.

Ka- the overly-obsessed-with-Rukawa fan

Wa- the kibitzer

[ahahhahaha! the story's so lousyyy, isn't it? Well, that's it. Really. Thanks to all those who reviewed!]

it ended at looooong lasssttt! Ehe ehe ehe.
