p style="text-align: center;"span style="text-decoration: underline;"strongAuthor's Note:/strong/span/p
p style="text-align: left;"Hey guys, it's Jinny. Second Chance is finally completely complete, and I wanted to say some things, especially for the new readers. Second Chance was first published on January 16, 2013 and officially completed somewhere in October of 2013, I think. The epilogue was written sometime in 2014, after an enraged reader screamed at me for making me end it like that. However, I did not post the epilogue until October 19th of this year, meaning October 19, 2015. The reason being I had taken a break from Fanfiction because of a friend of mine on this website passing on./p
p style="text-align: left;"But I did post the epilogue, and that did bring in some new followers, and I don't know if any of my old readers even are still aware that this story exists or that I posted an epilogue... even if you did, you probably had to re-read some chapters since it's been so long.../p
p style="text-align: left;"Moving on... as some of you have pointed out, there are many grammar mistakes as well as spelling mistakes in my previous chapters. As you can probably tell, I have improved as a writer and cringe while reading myself spelling 'Gryffindor' as 'Griffindor,' yet I make no effort to change it. There are two reasons for this./p
p style="text-align: left;"The first reason is that I purposefully have never edited any of my previous works on this website, because I wish to come back and see my writing improve as I kept on getting constructive criticism and getting better at writing. I can come back and see how bad everything was, and see myself improving. I find it a very good ego boost when I feel my writing is bad, because I can see how much I've improved and how much more I can improve./p
p style="text-align: left;"The second reason is simply because after a certain number of chapters, I no longer have the documents. As you know, Fanfiction deletes your documents after 90 days, you cannot copy and paste stories on this website, and my USB in which I once carried everything was damaged, leaving me with my backup files that had not been backed up in quite a while. Because of that, I am missing around half of the story. So I couldn't change it even if I wanted to./p
p style="text-align: left;"I've had one person PM me and ask me if I was going to come off of my hiatus, but to be honest, I don't think I ever will. If I'm really up to it, maybe I'll write a one-shot and publish it, but I highly doubt it. Unless one of my old friend's really needs it as a favour, I probably won't. To be honest, this past year I have been falling away from the Harry Potter fandom. I still cry when I read Fred's death scene and I still know a million quotes and I still watch AVPM when I need a laugh but I'm not really invested in this fandom anymore. I don't blog about it anymore, I don't ship Dramione as hard as I used to, and I've stopped writing HP fanfiction altogether./p
p style="text-align: left;"So my discontinued fanfics will stay discontinued, and I probably will not write anything else on this website./p
p style="text-align: left;"If you want to contact me, you can still PM me here since it's linked with my email, or message me via a href=" .com"Tumblr/a (and see the K-pop that I am now as invested in as I was once HP)./p
p style="text-align: left;"Love you guys, and thank you so much for the support you've given me throughout these years./p
p style="text-align: left;"~Soccerisawesome19 out/p