The date was August 10, in the year 2010 of The Imperial Calendar. The Holy Britannian Empire had just declared war on Japan. The far east island nation had held fast to its neutrality, and now Britannia looms as the world's only super power. Rights to Japan's underground resources became a hotly disputed issue, straining the already deep rooted diplomatic tension between the two sides. In the deciding battle between the mainland, Britannian forces introduced into battle the Humanoid Autonomous Armored Knight known as the Knightmare Frame. The enemy's forces were far greater than anticipated, and the Knightmares obliterated the Japanese line of defense on the mainland with little effort. Japan became a dominion of the empire. The country was stripped of its freedom, its rights, and its name: Area 11.
The once proud nation of Japan was rechristened with a mere number.
In an area of Japan, newly named Area 11, a boy of ten years with brunette locks and emerald eyes sat on a slab of rock. His gaze was directed to the ground with his hands clasped together. "I swear," the voice of another boy of the same age broke the silence, anger and hatred burning within his eyes. His appearance consisted of black hair, violet eyes, and pale skin. Next to him stood a girl just a year younger; her appearance similar to the second boy. Her light amethyst eyes shined with fear as she gazed upon the war torn land from behind square-framed black glasses. "I swear, you two, so help me," he spoke a second time, "I will one day obliterate Britannia!"
Present Time: 2017 a.t.b.
"Oh, man, they'll leave without me at this rate," an older version of the young girl said as she ran down the hallways of Ashford Academy. Nothing of her appearance had differed as the years passed other than obvious aging. This girl was Victoria Lamperouge. By the time she was able to reach the outside, she saw her brother and friend getting ready to depart. "Ugh, Lelouch, Rivalz!" she exclaimed. The aforementioned students turned to look in her direction. The teen first mentioned, her brother, was also an older version of the second boy, Lelouch Lamperouge. The second, however, was a new character with dull navy hair curling outwards on each side, framing his face and grey eyes; his name is Rivalz Cardemonde. The two stood around Rivalz's motorbike, helmets in hand, prepared to leave. "Were you two really going to ditch me?!" she cried angrily.
"Now, now, no need for that temper, sister dearest," Lelouch teased with a smirk.
"Yeah, don't have a cow, Vikki," Rivalz joined, grinning as he pulled on his helmet.
"You two, I swear!" Victoria complained as she put her hands on her hips. She shook her head as a mother would while scolding her children, "Just give me a helmet and let's go."
"Whatever you say, drama queen," Rivalz said as he pulled his goggles down and over his eyes. Victoria rolled her eyes in annoyance as she and her brother geared up and got in their designated seats of the motorbike; Lelouch's being the side cart and Victoria's being behind Rivalz.
"Why do you guys always battle nobility? They get on my nerves," Victoria complained as she and her companions walked down the corridors of the opponent Lelouch would be facing.
"Aw, c'mon, Vikki," Rivalz started, throwing an arm around her shoulders, "they're always the best to get money from when we win!"
She brought her index finger to her lip in thought, "I do see your point..." This made Rivalz grin at her. Truthfully, he had a bit of a crush on her and often tried what he could to get her attnetion. Sadly, she was leaning dangerously on the oblivious side and never noticed. They soon reached the doors of the room they were supposed to enter. Lelouch then opened the doors for the trio.
"Did your substitute arrive?" Victoria heard the deep voice of the noble ask.
An elderly man stood from his seat and approached the trio, relief clear on his face. "Oh, thank Heaven I'm saved!" The three progressed forward as he continued, "Are things going well at school?"
The nobleman looked smugly towards them. Did these fools take him for an amateur? "What do we have here? Students?" A smug smirk never seemed to leave his face.
"Well, look at this: a nobleman," Lelouch retorted. The nobleman tapped the end of a nail file against the table top.
"I envy you kids today; you have so much time on your hands," the nobleman remarked. "Time for regrets. What's your name?"
"Lelouch Lamperouge," Victoria's brother replied.
Rivalz walked up to the chess board, Victoria still in his arm, and gasped, "Woah, wait a minute; you can't win this one. It's impossible, right?"
"Oh, ye of little faith," Victoria teased. Rivalz turned to her in his confused state then to Lelouch.
"Rivalz," Lelouch started, catching the mentioned male's attention, "when do you think we would have to leave in order to make our next class?"
"Uh, twenty minutes if we bust our hump," he replied.
"Then drive safely on the way back."
The nobleman tapped the nail file twice more in impatience. "I'll need nine minutes," the pale-skinned lad said, taking a seat across from his opponent. "By the way, about yesterday?" the eldest Lamperouge asked the elderly man.
"Understood, sir. We'll discuss it later."
"Nine minutes? You only have twenty seconds per move."
"Enough time," Lelouch says as he picks up the black king.
"Mm?" the noble gets a brief look of confusion. "You start with the king?" He then lets out a laugh full of mockery. This boy must not have the slightest clue when it came to chess! Lelouch just gives a small smile.
Elsewhere at Ashford Academy, it was the time allotted for students' to eat lunch.
"Where's Lelouch?" a girl with sandy hair and ocean blue eyes, Milly Ashford, question.
"He went somewhere with Rivalz," replied a ginger girl with emerald eyes, Shirley Fenette. "They probably took Victoria, too!"
"What? Maybe it's poker this time?"
"They seem to forget that they're on the student council!" The two plus another girl named Nina Einstein sat outside while eating their meal, "Not to mention Lulu being a bad role model and letting his sister tag along! They're off gambling for money! Lulu may be smart, but he wastes his brain on stupid things. If only he applied himself in school, he'd get high grades," She huffed before shoving a cherry tomato in her mouth.
"'Oh, I wish my darling Lulu would be a serious young man,' how adorable is that?" Milly teased.
"Uh, please, Madame President..."
"I love playing against the nobility!" Rivalz said happily. "When they lose, they always pay out of pride. By the way, eight minutes, thirty-two seconds is a new record."
"Way to get technical, hot shot," Victoria commented sarcastically.
"He didn't have much time to move, either," Lelouch commented. "And as opponents go, the nobles are tepid. They're just over privileged parasites, that's all."
Rivalz jogged ahead so he could walk backwards, "Well then, why don't you challenge the Elevens? They're nothing like us Britannians." He brought his arms up behind his head.
"Rivalz, don't be so discriminative!" Victoria cried. "There could be a Japanese smarter than you! Not like that's much of a challenge..." Rivalz started whining to her until they heard the commotion people were talking about.
"We apologize for the delay," a disembodied voice said. "Now his royal highness, Prince Clovis, third prince of Britannia, will address the nation." The screen on a building changed to show a man with dusty blonde hair, blue eyes, and royal clothing that proved his status.
"To all my imperial subjects," he started as Lelouch's eyes narrowed, "also including, of course, the many cooperative Elevens who choose to serve the empire of Britannia." He clutched the fabric covering his chest, "Do you not see my pain? My heart was ripped from chest only to be torn apart! The remnants are filled with rage and sadness; however, as ruler of Area 11, I will not tolerate terrorism of any kind! Because the battle we fight is a righteous one. A virtuous battle to protect the well-being of one and all! Now then everyone, I would like you to join me in observance of the eight who died for justice in the line of duty."
"A moment of silence, please," the voice said.
"Well aren't ya gonna join in?" Rivalz asked Lelouch, seeing as Victoria was joining the moment of silence.
"Aren't you?" Lelouch retorted.
"Heh," Rivalz leaned on the seat of the motorbike, "it's kinda embarrassing."
"And I agree with you," Lelouch said as he got the receipt for the parking. "Besides, spilling tears for those people won't bring them back to life, now will it?"
"Dang, that's dark, buddy," the tanner of the two men commented as he pulled on his goggles.
"It's all about satisfaction; it doesn't matter how hard you try, you can't do it. You just can't change the world." Soon the moment of silence ended and they were off; Lelouch in his side cart reading and Victoria sitting behind Rivalz with her arms wound around his waist, bringing a happy rush through the tan skinned teen. As they rode, Lelouch and Rivalz conversed as the singular girl listened to her beloved music, earbuds tucked safely beneath her helmet. Suddenly, she felt them swerving. They came to a halt and she pulled out her phone and paused her music. Looking to the left, she saw a large dust cloud.
"What happened?" she questioned confused.
"Was that our fault?" Rivalz questioned.
"Was what our fault?" the singular female questioned, not receiving any answers from her male companions.
"I don't think so," Lelouch replied. He started walking to the railing.
"Hey, what's up? You see somethin'?" his sister questions, having given up on learning about the situation. He ignored her as he started taking off his gear.
"Aw, man! Looks like the power line on the bike got cut," Rivalz complained.
"Yeah, you guys come check this out," Lelouch called. Bystanders started gathering at the railings, but none went to help. 'All those idiots,' he thought. He threw his helmet and goggles in the side cart and ran to help.
"Hey!" Victoria cried as he ran by. She quickly threw her things in as well and chased after him, "Lelouch!"
"Wait!" Rivalz called to them but didn't take chase.
Once on the scene, Lelouch started trying to find a way in, "Hello? Do you need any help?" His sister soon caught up, panting from the unusual exertion. As she looked at the vehicle she noticed something: a ladder. She tugged on her brother's sleeve and pointed it out. "Nice work, Victoria." He climbed the ladder to the top, leaned in the hatch and called, "Hey, can you hear me?" Victoria climbed behind him and reached the top when the truck revved up, backed out, and sped away with Lelouch falling inside. Victoria quickly scrambled in before she could get hurt by possibly being flung off the rapidly moving vehicle. "Stop! We're in here!" As the truck continued, the two were tossed about.
"Hello?!" Victoria tried.
"You'd think they would stick a ladder on the inside, too," Lelouch commented. He started trying to use a mass in the truck as a possible way out.
"Stop the vehicle!" the siblings heard from the outside.
"They must have the police or something after them," Victoria elaborated.
"Surrender now and you'll have the chance to defend yourself in court! Stop; surrender at once!" The truck began swerving as Lelouch threw his arm around his younger sibling.
"If we jump out, we have the chance at breaking our neck or getting shot," Lelouch reasoned. "However, I could call-" They saw a girl with red hair styled in a pixie-like style, two pieces of it framing her face, and aqua eyes.
"Can you enter the subway via the Azabu route?" She questioned, most likely, her partner.
"Kallen," her companion called, "let's use it here. Why not?"
"Because that would mean a bloodbath!" Victoria's eyes widened. A bloodbath? What can they have that's that dangerous?!
"You're right..." her partner begrudgingly admitted. The girl, Kallen, climbed her way up the stairs and out of sight.
"I've seen her before," Lelouch muttered, catching his sister's attention. Suddenly, a hatchway opened and a Knightmare Frame exited it. Lelouch ran to try and exit out, but it closed before he could. "Crap! These guys are real terrorists!"
"Shut up!" Victoria cried. He's not making the situation any better! His eyes softened at the sight of his little sister's shaking frame. He walked to her and brought her into the comfort of his arms. He brought them over to sit and brought out his phone.
"No cell phone reception; we must be out of range," he concluded. "Judging from the darkness and road surface, we must be driving along the subway lines which means they're headed for an exit in the ghetto. Getting out would be dangerous... Okay, I got it. I'm not big on military, but I'll take their protection. If I give them a terrorist communicator... Oh, wait; I forgot." The pair rode along for some more time when the truck began shaking, "An accident, or else..." A doorway in front of them started opening; Lelouch stood up and drug his sister to get a better look at the giant mass. "Now I can use this chance to climb up." Suddenly, a soldier came and delivered a mid-air round house kick to Lelouch who tried to block but was knocked down.
"Big brother!" Victoria exclaimed, but was silenced as the soldier knocked her back as well.
"Ugh, you Britannian," Lelouch said as the soldier grabbed the fabric around his neck.
The mouthpiece of the soldier's mask fell as he said, "That's enough mindless murder."
"Wait, we're not one of-"
"Planning to use poison gas; don't play dumb with me!"
"Get off me!" Lelouch took a swipe at the soldier with his leg which the soldier dodged by jumping back. "We're not here by choice, and if that's poison gas it was made by Britannia, wasn't it?!"
"My God..."
"Mindless murder... Then why don't you just obliterate Britannia?!"
"Lelouch," the soldier started and took off his helmet, "it's me: Suzaku." The soldier had brown curly and unruly hair and emerald eyes; much like the first boy in the past. That boy was Suzaku Kururugi.
"Suzaku?" questioned Victoria.
"Hey there, Vikki," he greeted warmly. He's still the same, kind and warm-hearted.
"You... You became a Britannian soldier?" Lelouch asked.
"Yeah, and what about you? You became a-"
"What are you saying?!" Suddenly the mass started opening and Suzaku rushed to the siblings. He placed the part of his masked that covered his mouth over Lelouch's and buried Victoria's face in his shoulder, fearing the gas would kill them. The only thing that came from the container was a woman with green, long hair and gold eyes. She was held by restraints.
"That's not poison gas; what is it?" Suzaku questioned. She fell onto the ground and Lelouch and Suzaku rushed to free her while Victoria chose to stay away from the woman.
"Tell me the truth, Suzaku: the poison gas, this girl?"
"Hey, it's what they told me in the briefing."
Light was soon shone ahead of them. "Stinking monkey," a general with black hair and sideburns paired with cold, blues eyes grounded out. The trio looked ahead and saw the general and another nine soldiers with guns locked and loaded. "Being an Honorary Britannian will not excuse you."
"But, sir! I was told this was poison gas!"
"How dare you question orders?!"
'This is bad,' Lelouch thought as he wrapped an arm around his younger sibling. 'Poisonous situation could pose a threat to Suzaku's superiors if it's unleashed.'
"However, in light of your outstanding military achievements, I'll be lenient. Private Kururugi, take this and execute the terrorists." The three's eyes widened as Lelouch tightened his arm around Victoria.
"But they're not terrorists! They're civilians who got caught up in all this!"
"You insubordinate, little... That's an order! Didn't you swear your loyalty and life to Britannia?!"
"Yes, but... but I can't."
"What?" the general slowly said.
"I won't do it, sir," Suzaku turned to face his two childhood friends, "I won't shoot a civilian; I can't follow your orders, sir."
The general placed his pistol to Suzaku's turned side, "Very well." Bang! He shot him... He really shot him!
"Suzaku!" Lelouch and his sister cried. Their friend crumbled to the ground before their own eyes.
"Well, Britannian school kids, not a good day to cut class-" The general trained his eyes on Victoria. "You, girl, what is your age?" Victoria looked at him confused. "I asked, 'What is your age?'!" He aimed his pistol at her forehead, making Lelouch tense up.
She shrieked but answered, "Fifteen!"
"Hm, young, innocent looking," the general spoke with a thoughtful look on his face before smiling maniacally. "Collect her; she could be used as a form of bait or maybe even a decoy to lure terrorists astray." A pair of soldiers grabbed her in a strong grip, dissipating any hope of hers to run away.
"Let me go!" Victoria cried, fear fogging her amethyst orbs.
"Victoria!" Lelouch exclaimed as they drug her away from him. No... Not another one!
"Now," the sadist started, "collect the other one and once you secure her kill the student."
"No!" Victoria struggled in her captors grip, but was shot in her shoulder. "AAH!"
"Yes, my lord." The truck soon exploded, creating an opening for Lelouch and the girl to escape. As the pair escaped, Lelouch had his mind in a flurry of thoughts. What will happen to Suzaku? What about his sister?! He just left her there to fend for herself with a gunshot wound to the shoulder! If she doesn't make it out of this, it'll be his fault!
The girl tripped on an upturned piece of stone and fell to the ground. "What the hell are you?!" The girl looked up to him as she lay on the ground. Lelouch leaned against the wall, cradling his face in his left hand, "All this chaos is your fault, isn't it?! Not only that, but Britannia has even killed Suzaku and... And took my sister hostage to use as bait!" Soon after Lelouch calmed down well enough to continue their search for the exit, the pair came across a stairway. "Stay here and stay quiet," he ordered the girl. The soldiers continued their genocide in the ghetto as they shot more Japanese civilians.
"Report," the general commanded.
"There were only Elevens here, sir," a soldier informed. The general sneered.
"Are you sure of it? That exit comes out here." Lelouch's eyes zeroed in on the unconscious body laying on the ground that resembled Victoria's. She had another wound, meaning she most likely tried to defend some of the Japanese and got shot for it.
"Yes, sir. It matches up with the map of the old city." Lelouch heard a small child crying only to be silenced by a barrage of bullets. His cell phone began ringing as he quickly tried to silence it before they could find him, but it was too late. They dragged him out and threw him against a wall while surrounding the girl that was with him.
"What an appropriate location for a terrorist to meet his end," the general mocked. He signaled one of the guards who picked up the injured and unconscious Victoria and threw her to Lelouch. He was barely able to catch her before she hit the cold, concrete ground. "The same goes for your accomplice as well. The brat couldn't even last a major bullet wound plus a minor one. She never would have lasted long enough for a decoy."
"You scum," Lelouch gritted out.
"Still, you two did well for students, but that's to be expected. You both are Britannian; unfortunately, my clever young friend," he pointed his gun at him, "you have no future." Lelouch clinched his eyes shut tightly and held Victoria tighter.
The girl broke from the surrounding soldiers and ran to shield Lelouch with her arms stretched out, "He mustn't die!" She bravely stood her ground and took a bullet to her forehead, dead center of an insignia located in the very spot.
"You shot her," Lelouch said in shock as he set his sister down and rushed towards the girl's fallen body.
"Hmph, our orders were to bring her back alive if possible," the cruel man gained a smirk on his face. "Oh well, nothing can be done about it now. We'll tell the Royal Guard we found the terrorist hideout and killed them all. Regrettably, the female hostage had already been tortured to death. What do you think, school boy?"
'This can't be happening. First Suzaku's killed; then Victoria, my own sister, could be on the verge of death; this girl; and now I'm about to die. Before I've had a single chance to do anything in my life. It's gone in a heartbeat. Nunnally!' Lelouch felt the girl grip his wrist. Images flashed before his eyes.
'You don't want it to end here, do you?'
'You appear to have a reason for living.'
"That girl... That's impossible."
'If I grant you power, could you go on? I propose a deal; in exchange for this power you must agree to make my one wish come true. You accept this contract then you accept it's conditions. While living in a world of humans, you will live unlike any other. A different providence, a different time, a different life. The Power of the King will condemn you to a life of solitude. Are you prepared for this?'
"Yes; I hereby accept the terms of your contract!" Back to the scene of the massacre, Lelouch begins to stand, "Say, how should a Britannian who detests his own country live his life?"
The general repositioned his weapon, "Are you some kind of radical?" He gasped.
"What's wrong? Why not shoot?" the male teen questioned, covering his left eye with his right hand. "Your opponent is, after all, a school boy, or have you realized the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed." He uncovered his eye to reveal it scarlet instead of its usual violet. The same insignia from the girl's forehead appeared in his eye.
"Uh, what's going on here?" the general questioned, shaking from the new turn of events.
"I, Lelouch vi Britannia, command you, no, all of you... Die." The general and his soldiers gain a scarlet ring around their eyes.
The general gives a laugh full of insanity and brings his pistol to his neck, along with the soldiers as well, "Happily, your Highness!" A moment of silence, "Fire!" Blood flies from its previous habitat and into the air. A small amount stains Lelouch's cheek while his unconscious relative gets more blood, now not her own, on her body.
'That was the turning point. Since that day, I've lived a lie. The lie of living. My name, too, was a lie. My personal history: a lie. Nothing but lies. I was sick to death of a world that couldn't be changed, even in my lies I refused to give up in despair, but now this incredible power is mine.'
His expression grew sinister, "Well then."
A/N: If anyone's lost on the whole 1 year apart thing between Lelouch and his sis, It's cuz the show didn't have a specific time of the year in 2017 so I made it happen in like spring and since Lelouch's birthday is December 5 and his sister's is May 9 that would make her 15 while he's 17.