Disclaimer: I understand Hart Hanson and FOX have ownership rights to all 'Bones' concepts, characters, and dialog. This is intended to be simple Fan Fiction for the enjoyment of the author and any readers.

9AM Sunday - July 15, 2012

Suffolk Mill Condos

Lowell, Massachusetts

David stopped at the top of the stairs, "Emily?"

"Yes?" Emily responded as she walked quickly through the bedroom to the hall.

"Here," David handed the bag to Emily, "how is she doing?" he asked.

"I think she is ok, I suppose it is very helpful for her that I am here."

David smiled, "Yeah, I'm sure she is more comfortable with you than you were with me last week."

Emily smiled slyly back, "Yes, but you very quickly made me more comfortable than I would have thought possible." She leaned over and gave David a kiss. "Thank you for procuring clothing for her, I am sure she will be very happy with whatever you chose."

"I hope so, but either way, we just need to be able to get her in and out of the store, so you and she can pick what will be best. I'll go downstairs and let you get her ready. I love you."

"I love you too."

When Emily returned to the bedroom she saw Jenny leaning out the bathroom door clutching the bath towel tightly to her chest warily looking around.

"David went back downstairs to wait for us. So, let's see what he found for you." Emily grinned at Jenny. First thing out of the bag was the dress. Emily dropped the bag on the bed and held the dress up for both of them to look at. "This is very nice," Emily remarked as she looked over the long summer dress. She immediately noticed the high ruffled front, but then nothing else but thin straps from the top of the front down the back to the waist. "Do you like it?" She asked as she looked at Jenny.

Jenny's eyes bugged out as she took in the brightly colored dress. She had never seen such a pretty dress, so many colors and ruffles. "For me?" she mumbled, barely able to believe.

"Ok, you should be dry, you can put on the dress and then we will see what else David bought for you." Emily took the towel from Jenny and handed her the dress. "It is put on like a bed gown, over your head. Hum, well, I suppose you could step into it. It might be easier. Wait." She turned and looked in the bag, 'no cor.. Ah, bra? But, then a little girl did not need a bra, but what did little girls wear for top underwear?' she thought. Hum, ah, she turned and pulled open David's bureau and fished out a white muscle shirt of his. After a few seconds, Emily had the tight shirt on Jenny. As she reached for the dress, it occurred to her she had seen women less covered by a dress at the 'fun' place than Jenny was by David's long snug fitting muscle shirt. The dress was on next and Emily was pulling at it to judge the fit. "Hum, it seems a little large, hum…" Emily soon noticed the end of the two straps had three extra holes and after moving the straps up two holes the dress fit better. She stepped back and looked Jenny over with an appraising eye, still a little loose, but the waist was positioned correctly, she thought. "Ok, let us see what the top looks like." She said as she looked in the bag and pulled out the white cardigan.

Jenny stood stunned as she looked down at the dress and her fingers tentatively ran along the material, touched lightly at the ruffles on the front. She had never had anything so nice, so pretty in her life. Suddenly, Emily was sliding the softest material Jenny had ever felt up one arm around her back and then on to the other arm. More pulling and smoothing by Emily and the top was on and adjusted.

Emily stepped back again. "It looks very pretty on you. Do you like it?"

Jenny nodded her head up and down as she touched the soft cuff of the sleeve and ran her fingers down the collar.

"Ok, now, the underwear and socks…" Emily took the two packages out of the bag and pulled the plastic apart dropping the small socks and panties on the bed. Emily briefly sorted through the colors, thinking David did well to pick fairly plain colors.

"What are those for?" Jenny asked as she eyed the small piece of underwear.

Oh, Emily thought, I have to explain these to her. For a moment her mind recalled the embarrassing discussion with David eight days ago. "Ah, they are what people wear in this time as underwear. They are very comfortable."

"But, they are very small and have no legs…" Jenny stated nervously. "Is not the white dishabille enough?"

"Yes, I know; there are no pantaloons in this time. They are all I have worn since I arrived here. You need to wear them. Ah, the white dishabille is an odd shirt that David wears sometimes. It is all he had for me to wear until we could procure underwear for me." Emily explained.

"Why?" Jenny wined as she looked warily at the little piece of cloth.

At that moment, Emily paused and looked at the child's almost pouting face. In a second of frustration, words that had been handed down through generations of human DNA, across all cultural boundaries and ages, words every parental figure has said to a child at some point, slipped from her lips, "because I said so."

Jenny looked up at Emily and sucked in her lower lip and tears built in the corners of her eyes. Emily hesitated and then pulled Jenny into a hug. "I am sorry; there are so many things that are so different here that it is difficult to explain them all." She squatted down in front of the child and held Jenny's arms gently. "I will try to explain most everything, but sometimes you will just have to accept what I tell you for some things. I have certainly done it for some things that David has told me. I trust him. I need you to trust me, OK?"

"Yes, Emily, I am sorry. I will do what you ask of me." Jenny replied with a small catch in her voice.

After another hug, the underwear was put on, followed by socks and finally the sneakers.

Meanwhile down in the kitchen David stood in front of the sink. His fingers drummed at the metal edge. His eyes stared across the breakfast bar through the dining room and out the windows into the morning sun. His mind noticed none of these things; it was focused on the current situation upstairs. Again, the same thoughts he had in the car resurfaced and again he thought through what to do, what he could do. No sudden stroke of genius appeared in his cerebral cortex. No obvious solution or even potential expert to talk to appeared as the right thing to do or person to consult. Every thought circled back to the same concern, exposing Emily to risk; and now Jenny. A child, a ten year old, he was suddenly responsible for. For a split second he questioned, was he responsible for her? He could call CPS; foster care? No, he wouldn't, he couldn't do that. Instantly, the answer was obvious, yes, he would accept the responsibility. It was the right thing to do. She may have been an orphan in 1837, but she wouldn't be one here. He needed to talk to Emily. Then Angela… oh, Angela, that was going to been an interesting conversation.

David pulled his mind from these thoughts and focused on dinner prep. Out came the crock pot from a lower cabinet. The four pound I round roast was taken from the fridge where it had been defrosting since yesterday morning and put in the bottom of the crock pot. A dozen small potatoes, a package of carrots, and a couple of onions were fished out of the bottom draw of the fridge, then peeled, sliced and added to the roast. A can of low salt beef broth poured on top to complete the preparations for the afternoon meal and maybe a couple of leftover meals for the week. He had just finished when.

"Ah, David?"

"Yes? Oh, wow, don't you look nice." David smiled at Jenny as he grabbed a paper towel and wiped his hands. "Do you like the dress?"

Jenny smiled slyly, "yes, sir, very much. Thank you."

"Does it fit ok?" he asked and glanced at Emily.

"It maybe a little large, but that is preferable to being too small." Emily commented with a smile. "You made a very good selection."

"Yeah, thanks, I'm such an expert at little girl's clothes," David responded sarcastically with a chuckle and a roll of his eyes. "I've got the crock pot going for dinner." He casually waved toward the counter. "I was thinking I'd call Angela and see if she wanted to come back earlier today, maybe bring Jack." He glanced at Jenny then back to Emily.

Emily bit her lip slightly and also glanced down at Jenny. "Yes, that would be a good idea… she would be back this evening in any case. Ah, Jenny, remember I told you that Angela was David's sister and the room and bed you woke up in is hers?"

"Yes…" Jenny replied anxiously.

"Jack is her boyfriend, err, her, ah, serious suitor." Emily stumbled over the words, "We will invite them to eat the evening meal with us. It will be an opportunity for them to meet you and you meet them. They are very nice and you should not be concerned. They know about me as do David's parents."

"I understand." Jenny answered, glancing nervously between the two adults.

"Ok, good deal." David smiled at Jenny, "Before we go out shopping for more things for you, let me explain a few things like I did for Emily, ok?"

Jenny looked between them again and smiled slightly, "Ok?"

"Good!" David chuckled, "Maybe I have another girl with a disturbingly steep learning curve."

Jenny looked at them quizzically as they both laughed lightly.

"First," Emily started, "As I said earlier when you saw the little machine on my work desk, there is no magic or witchcraft in this world, everything you will see was invented or discovered and built by people, normal people like us. Most things will not hurt you, but there are things you do have to be careful about. It is very important that you watch us and obey immediately when we tell to do or not do anything. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Emily." Jenny replied somberly.

"If something scares you, just look at us or especially me," David grinned over to Emily, and then looked back to the child, "if we're not concerned then it's ok."

"The shop we will be going to is very large, much larger than any shop you have seen. All the clothing is finished and made to fit all different sizes of people. We will pick from many different colors and styles made to fit your size. As David explained earlier the styles are very different from what we are use to." Emily paused again and studied Jenny's expression. "Do you have any questions?"

Jenny hesitated and looked at Emily's jeans, "Will I have to wear boy's breeches?"

"No," David immediately answered before Emily could. "We will try to get you things you will be comfortable wearing. Ok?"

"However," Emily smiled at David's quick response then focused on the child, "when you look at other girls and women you will notice that most wear breeches that are made for women. Also, many older girls and young women wear very short breeches and most of their legs are exposed." Jenny's eyes got big. "I was shocked but I have gotten use to it because it is so common."

David grinned, "Yeah, Emily is turning into a twenty-first century woman pretty quickly."

Minutes later they were in the garage and David was explaining the mustang they would be riding in to a wide eyed Jenny. "This carriage is called a car or automobile. It has a small powerful engine under the hood, ah, this cover here, that makes it move." He tapped on the hood. "I operate it from inside where we will sit," he proceeded to open the driver door. "Are you ok? Do you have any questions?" After a small shake of her head, David guided Jenny into the backseat directly behind him, thinking she would be better able to see Emily from that spot. By the time he had Jenny buckled in, Emily was in the passenger seat smiling back to reassure the child. Jenny's wide eyes traveled warily around the inside of the mustang taking in the various things she did not understand. Small fingers nervously fiddled with her dress ruffles and the collar of the cardigan.

"Next," David began, "I'm going to press this button and the wall behind us will roll up and over us along the ceiling so I can move this carriage outside. There is nothing to be scared of, it won't fall on us. Ok?" After another small nod, he opened the garage door. Emily reached back and Jenny latched on to her hand while looking around trying to see what David had described.

Emily smirked over at David then looked to Jenny, "This carriage of David's is called a mustang. It has a loud engine, so don't be afraid when he turns it on. I rode in Angela's carriage yesterday. It is called a BMW. Its engine is much quieter and it rides much smoother and it is more comfortable." She looked back to David's quizzical face and smirked at him again and raised an eyebrow. "Angela said her BMW is the ultimate driving machine."

David rolled his eyes at her as he turned the key and five liters of testosterone fueled supercharged American iron roared to life.