
Title: Twins Uzumaki and the Uchiha (or you can change the title to what ever you want)

Summay: Naruto and Naruko are twins brother and sister and they both have part of the nine tails fox inside of them, but no one knows about Naruko having the fox insiding her. Naruko is smarter than her brother and knows how to do FÅ«injutsu with the same personality as their father Minato, but she looks like their mother Kushina with the colour hair and eyes, while Naruto has the same personality as their mother, but he looks like their father with the hair and eyes.

The story line is going to stay the same the only different is before Sasuke goes to Orochimaru he and Naruko start to fall in love no one knows that they are in love, but she tells Naruto after she learns of Sasuke leaving the village, but she asks Naruto not to tell no one. He goes to see Naruko just after he had the fight with Naruto on the roof and after he sees the Sound 4 and gives her a Uchiha Necklace that is like a promise ring, but he doesn't tell her that he is leaving the leave village. Also after the Chunin Exams as well as Shikamaru making Chunin I want Naruko to make Chunin as well. I want her elemental types to be wind and lightning.

During the three years time skip I want Naruko to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique and that her elemental type is wind and she finds out about the fox being inside her and she learns how to use a Katana for her wind type to go through.

Characters: Naruko/Sasuke

Make sure you write the story long and chapters or do it in two parts for example for part 1 Naruto and Naruuko get the nine tails fox seals in them up until around the Sasuke leaves the village and Jiraiya leaves with Naruto and Naruko and part 2 Jiraiya comes back with Naruto and Naruko and goes up to around the fourth war. I also want someone who hasn't got bad grammer, spelling and the layout of the story is good and they update at least once a week.

For example this is the type of layout I don't want:

"Naruto! You get back here! When I get my hands on you!" shouted one of the Ninja that was chasing her as the other started telling her off for what she did. But she didn't care, she was had fun doing her prank and laughed at the face of her pursuers. She smiled at her handiwork of painting the four Hokages as she started the building to her advantage. "Give it up, you're just pissed that you don't have the guts to do what, losers!" She laughed. "You'll never catch me!" she was starting to get the feeling that the Third Hokage was going to hear about this but what did she care.

If someone is speaking for example Naruto and then Sasuke put their words on differents paragraphs for example:

"Ne, Sasuke," Naruto said, grinning like a fool and ignoring the stares from the shocked villagers. "I'll bet I can get to the gate before you."

"Hn. Idiot." Sasuke shook free and carefully smoothed his hair and straightened his clothing. "I'm not racing you."

Naruto shrugged and laced his fingers behind his head. "Fine," he said, strolling away.

That is how I like the layout of the story to be.

(PM or review me if you are interested in writing this story, also I will be putting which
authors has adopted the story in here as well as on my profile.)