Hello my dear reader pals or Chumettes, this is another chapter which I hope you will enjoy! Thanks to all who have favourite, reviewed and followed this story!

*DISCLAIMER = I do not own Revenge or any of the plots, characters,

Footsteps echoed along the concrete, creating the eerie clatter that awakened our presence, THEY were coming. I had to RUN, but no matter how hard I tried to run, I could not move fast enough, I was tripping, stumbling, moving from the wet pavement – the boardwalk was strangely deserted, FASTER I urged my body on, I could SEE the beach, I was close! YES, so close, but I was sinking, falling, Laughter ERUPTED around me, dark, menacing. Storm clouds closed me enveloping me, circulating, burning brightly the -

"JESSICA!"I was shook away "Come on Jess, you need to move!" I blinked rapidly, before it sunk in. It was a dream, relief flooded through me washing away the undiluted fear, before I realised why Emily was standing over me.

I began to shake my head, but she had already flung the covers off me letting the cold air penetrate over me, rudely awakening my senses from their sleepless lull. "Hurry, you have 5 minutes." Emily left, after turning on the too bright lights.

I sighed, I glanced at the clock; it was 4:37 am! Living with Emily had some strange perks, but this was definitely not one of them. I searched with my hand on my nightstand till I found the comforting bunch of bronze keys, I knew what almost 3 of them opened but the other two were a mystery. I had examined them carefully, every time, looking for clues, the only thing I could see was a small number code on the smallest key 236, whilst the other key was smooth and blank with just a slight copper discolouration on the corner of it. Mystified, I left it to hang on my next whilst I rummaged through my now newly stocked wardrobe. It was peculiar to think that this room was now where I lived, that the clothes in the cupboard were mine; I shook my head again at the clothes.

Since the NYC news had reported that my house was burnt to the ground along with 3 of the Initiative's victim , I shuddered, it seemed whatever I had told Emily had cemented the truth between us, this and the fact that since I had no possessions, Nolan had took it upon himself to supply my new wardrobe since my " HOBO-moody jeans & t-shirt" was not working any more.

To be honest I wasn't sure about some of the items, I mean I know I need essentials, but definitely not a Versace 1960's inspired limited edition little black dress or 14 pairs of distinctive designer shoes. I had objected to most things, even though as a family we were not necessarily poor we hardly spent much on clothes, the nicest thing I had ever owned was a floaty, strapless lilac dress which my mom had found in the sale for my prom. At least he got the message when he dragged me into the underwear department which i vehemently refused to try on anything lacy or red. I guess I just wasn't used to luxury, I tried to explain that to Nolan, but who has the energy or the time to argue with Nolan?

I sifted through the pile of clothes, until I located a pair of soft Hollister sweats, encompassed with a purple Starkid t-shirt which had the super friends displayed on it. I smiled guilty as I padded towards the bathroom, knowing fully how Nolan would react at my fashion choices.

I entered the kitchen fully dressed, yawning slightly as I sat next to a pale Aiden who was nursing a strong almost black cup of tea, it seemed 5 am was early for him too. I didn't feel like eating but Emily had already pushed a bowl of cereal I front of me, "Eat." She commanded, before siting opposite me and Aiden. I took a spoonful; it was muesli, which made me feel if possible more disgruntled at being abruptly woken up. Emily had put me on what I call a "rabbit" diet, I was subjected to "healthy and nutritious" food including protein, brown breads, seeds and a bunch of other stuff I couldn't pronounce. At the end of the day Emily said I needed to build my strength up and to not seek solace in comfort foods, but I just really wanted a muffin and can of coke.

"So, 5am, is this a thing now?" I asked, after I had noisily swallowed my last spoon of cereal.

"Well, not exactly no, " she gave a small laugh " IT's just since the fire and recent events unfolding we thought that "

"What events?!" I asked eagerly. Emily stopped short, her face a bemused smile.

"Jess, we've been over this, for your safety " I let out a small huff. It's been like this for a few days now after Emily had revealed to me who she was and why she was here; and if I was going to stay with her, she had made me promised that I could not reveal this to anyone. OF course like an idiot without reviewing the conditions I had agreed. This meant that keeping my safety was top priority, which translated as " I was to be kept in the dark about EVERYTHING!". I also had a curfew, I wasn't allowed out without "supervision" , I wasn't even allowed to drive my car! I didn't really mind the last conditions; my own parents had imposed the same rules on me when I was younger, but ever since recent events I had never questioned it and look now where I was stuck!

"Blah, blah, my safety, OH forbid the day I would be out past 9:30pm on my OWN!" I stood up, throwing my arms theatrically in the air, as I placed my bowl in the sink to wash it away.

" I never realised you loved the dramatic arts so much, even when sober!" came a familiar voice, I turned around to see Nolan, walking in with a brown grocery bag.

I blushed at his comment, but I proceeded with my question "What's in the bag Nolan, I never thought you were much of a brown paper bag guy?"

"Ha-ha" he spoke sarcastically, before placing the bag on the table, "this is actually something you're sister wanted".

"In light of events, Jess, you need to be able to defend yourself, I can see you already know some combat, but your balancing is off and your systems needs adjusting", my eyes trailed to where Emily was rubbing her side, from where I had kicked her over a week ago, I wasn't sure if I should be pleased or upset at that statement.

She continued" which is why with each of us, you will train, it will give you something to focus on and will prepare you-"

I was about to raise an issue "How can I, I mean we need"

"We can handle it Jess, besides if you want to be involve this is not a place to be an inexperienced, vulnerable school girl, otherwise I suggest you leave" Aiden spoke the last remark quietly, it sounded quite cutting in his accent.

I stood in shock for few seconds, before anger coursed through me, sure I may be young and a little rusty, but what they did not know was how much I had trained, learned, I knew things, for a moment I was about to speak scathingly to Aiden, but I stopped. I pondered, a thought came across, maybe I should let them believe I know nothing-for now. Let them be the ignorant ones, of course they would have some inclination, my father was a trained operative of the Initiative, but don't they realise my entire life I have spent training, even if it was unknowingly.

" I will train" was all I could muster, wearily sat down again, couldn't they have told me this later.

"Ah, ah, no sitting down Jess, lots to do, go get your shoes!" Emily's firm hands propelled me to the doors, before handing me my shoes.

I sighed In defeat but on the inside I was smiling, I must of looked overly too depressed, because Nolan laughed slightly, before placing his hand in the brown bag to reveal a chocolate chip muffin "here, when you FINISH your training then you can have the muffin!" he winked at me, which caught me off guard slightly, but before I had time to question it, I was being pushed out towards the beach ready to be taught by Emily & Aiden.