Eevee panted as she followed her parents and siblings out of the deep forest and up north as they headed to the Cat Pokemon Convention. She asked, "Can't you guys please slow down a little?"
Jolteon, her oldest (and rudest) brother, replied mockingly, "Aw, little Eevee can't keep up. Oh well, we'll just have to leave her behind, don't we?"
"Don't say that!" Leafeon, Eevee's youngest sister, exclaimed. "She's younger, so it's no wonder she's tired. Here," She continued to Eevee, "you can ride on me until you get your strength back."
"Thanks," Eevee breathed a sigh of relief as she climbed onto Leafeon's back.
The whole family continued for a little while, and as soon as they had passed the last landmark Eevee knew, she got off and started walking on her own. She stuck close to Leafeon and her parents, Flareon and Vaporeon.
So a lot of time went by just walking in silence. Eventually they came across another group of cat Pokemon heading in the same direction with some young ones just about Eevee's age.
"Mom, Dad?" Eevee asked. "See the group over there? I think they're going to the same place as us. Can we travel with them please?"
"Sure, why not?" Mom (Vaporeon) replied. They sped up for a little while until they reached that group. Immediately Eevee rushed to the others her age.
"Hi, what's your name? Mine's Skitty. This is Glameow. Are you going to the Cat Pokemon Convention too? I hope you are, it'll be so fun!" the smaller, pink and cream one said in what sounded like a single sentence, then took deep breaths.
"Hi, I'm Eevee. It's nice to meet you two. Yes, my whole family is going to the Cat Pokemon Convention. I'm also very excited." Eevee replied, her brown coat blending into the sand as the large group crossed a small beach.
"Nice to meet you Eevee," the taller grey one, Glameow, told her. "I hope-"
Whatever she was about to say was cut off by Skitty. "Have you heard? There's going to be legendary Pokemon at the Convention- two of them!"
"Yeah, I've heard." Eevee replied. "It's on my family's invitation."
"So your whole family's here, then?" Glameow questioned lightly. "How many Pokemon are in your family?"
"Yes, my whole family's here," Eevee answered. "And I have seven Pokemon in my family, counting myself."
"Wow! That sure is a lot of family to cope with!" Skitty exclaimed. That Pokemon uses too many exclamations, Eevee commented to herself. The young Pokemon continued, chatting as they walked, with Skitty using way too many exclamation points.
A/N: Sorry this chapter cut off so suddenly. I've gotten a bit of writer's block.