"What are they?"
"What odd colors!"
"They look like cats, but they are not? What looks like a cat but is not a cat?"
"Whatever they are, they sure were badly beaten."
"They're waking up!"
Shinx groaned. What just happened? She thought, slowly opening her bright yellow eyes.
"Hello," something said to her. "My name is Foxpaw. What's yours?"
"I'm Shinx," the blue, black and yellow Pokemon replied. Feeling a bit stronger, she pulled herself into a sitting position.
By now all of the (very) large crowd of cat Pokemon was starting to stir. However, there was only one that was anywhere near as conscious as Shinx. It was a small pink Pokemon with a long tail. It was slowly opening blue eyes and floating a few feet above the ground.
Foxpaw stumbled back. "Wha...what's that thing doing?"
"Oh, Mew's just using its Ability, Levitate," Shinx explained calmly.
"What's an Ability?" Foxpaw asked, confused.
"It's basically a special thing each Pokemon can do if the conditions are right." Shinx explained. "Why, don't you know? Also, what kind of Pokemon are you?"
"No, I didn't know, and I'm not a Pokemon, I'm a cat!" Foxpaw replied angrily. "What is a Pokemon, anyway?"
"A Pokemon is a creature, much like myself and the others, that have different types and appearances. For example, I am the species of Pokemon known as a Shinx. Also, every Pokemon has an Ability. I've already explained Abilities. I have one known as Rivalry. When I battle an enemy, my power goes up by a significant amount when I battle someone of the same gender as me, but if I battle someone of the different gender, my power goes down."
"That... is weird." Foxpaw decided.
"Weird?" Shinx repeated, downcast.
"Weird, but it's really really really cool." Foxpaw rephrased herself.
Suddenly Mew floated over.
"Hi! What's your mane? Mine's Mew. Many Pokemon think I'm genderless, but I'm really a female. Genderless Pokemon are really weird." she said.
"I'm Shinx, and this is Foxpaw," the blue and black Pokemon said.
"What kind of Pokemon are you, Foxpaw?" Mew asked. "By your looks, I'd guess you're a Fire type, am I right?"
"I'm not a Pokemon!" Foxpaw replied indignantly. The female "cat" was a dark red with ears tipped with black and a bushy tail tipped with white.
"I think what happened is that Spiritomb sent us to a world with no Pokemon." Shinx said calmly.
"If that's so, how do we get home?" Mew started to panic.