In late October many know the weather to be chilled and the signs of a vicious winter, and in terms it held its title well. Or at least to the judge of the weather could suggest. Ino Yamanaka, a vivacious blonde known for her temper attitude and rather large breasts. This evening she was quite the opposite, or so it seemed. Her platinum locks pulled neatly back into a rather hideous bun. Her sparkling blue eyes seemed rather dimmed down to humble state. Her face was not dowsed with its usual paints and blushes. Her lips although always were a natural pink and no strange altercations made them plump, it was indeed a natural feature. Her body was not exposed for fright of a cold and in sweet solitude. She had lived in this fashioned life style for quite some time. Catering to the widow of a rather wealthy family. She had been doing this for a little over half a year. She was well accustomed to the crazy woman and the routine in the household. The woman didn't seem to grieve for long in fact it seemed like a mask. This made Ino's eyes loose a sparkle or two. People in this damn world were to self righteous and greedy. She couldn't bare it sometimes. The thoughts brought her back to why she was here in the first place. She had been ridden off by her mother and father with claims of 'love' and 'for her own good' she rolled her eyes. To learn to be obedient and silent. To find a suitable man and understand the righteousness of a Yamanaka woman… In other words they wanted the money... greedy bastards… She had taken a crack of dawn stroll. One of her dear favorite things was sunrises and sunsets. She loved seeing the suns golden rays stretch across the land not only bringing color to every bit of life but warming it up as it did to her rosy cheeks. And when it sets showing its power to take the warmth and color all away again just as easily it had given 12 hours ago.
Her eyes closed slowly feeling her body and the ground underneath her warm. The smelled the morning grass and felt the dew melt on her leather walking shoes. Although all the god awful things she had to endure she thanked to Lord for these breathtaking mornings.
The booming ring of the clock tower startled her eyes to flutter open. Signaling it was ten o'clock, a good time to head back before the madam awoke.
A few moments of scurrying she made it to the large estate grounds and ran through the double doors nodding at the door keepers who kindly opened them for her. Pausing just inside the entrance she already could feel something had gone a miss in the madam's perfect world. Just as the blonde suspected crashing of plates and pans could be heard from the above stories. Ino sighed and scurried off the find the distressed female in the dining hall throwing a fit outraged by news from the apparent letter in her hand. She was talking her anger out on the poor butler. It didn't take long for the madam to notice Ino and then directed her rage at her.
"Miss Yamanaka! Where have you been ?! I need you I am severely distressed!" The woman complained and Ino put on the mask and ran to her side.
"Yes madam what is the matter?" Ino fanned the old lady softly pretending to care. The woman waved the letter around like it was a disease. "My degusting horrible dreadful stepson is coming to the estate!"
Ino raised a brow. She had always heard about the great son the amazing son the noble son… but not the disgusting horrible dreadful stepson. "I beg your pardon madam?" Ino inquired more information. The older woman waved the disease around more. "The disgraceful owner of my mansion honestly! How could anyone leave money to that ridiculous little scoundrel?" Ino watched the woman frantic and heard her blabber more. Until the grandiose doors opened and a booming dark alluring voice rang. "Scoundrel? That is a tad ridiculous stepmother." Ino spun swiftly eyeing the man at the door. This must be him the owner of the mansion the disgusting horrible dreadful stepson?
Ino's eyes scanned him and truly found no sign of those adjectives. He was a tall lean man broad shoulders strong legs, though he was leaning to one more. His eyes dark, and a shocking black; his hair to match silken back into a tight pony tail. He was fairly groomed but she could see the small array of stubble upon his chin.
The madam was befuddled at a loss for words which slightly stunned Ino. The tall man strode in with such confidence Ino almost didn't recognize his slight limp. "What are you doing here!" The hag managed to spit out. "I live here." I snidely remarked watching the madam get huffy brought a smirk to his lips as he nodded in Ino's direction and looked back at his stepmother. Ino briefly froze at his nod but did a miniscule curtsy.
"What business do you have here? What have you done now?" The hag challenged and the man gave a scowl in return. "That is none of your business… I will merely move to my room unless you want blood all over your mahogany chairs." The old lady gasped and the two watched as the handsome man escaped the chamber. Ino looked to the madam who was fanning herself. "I will get him the nurse!" She shouted scurrying past the doors and past the man.
"Miss Yamanaka!" The madam yelled after her but Ino kept scurrying. The man heard his stepmother as well and raised a brow seeing how she didn't stop or turn around. It slightly lightened his mood that not everyone in this establishment was her complete slave.
A few short moments later the man was in his bed resting and Miss Yamanaka was back at the madam's side. The day passed shortly and due to the sudden appearance of the respected man of the household returning the madam needed more of Miss Yamanaka and she missed the sunset. After the old woman retired to her room Ino was set free. She looked outside her window to see the threatening cold dark sky and frowned. She couldn't go out so she would stay, in and perhaps read a good book. She went around the maids halls and walked into the library seeing the fire she smiled at it and picked a book off a table inspecting it and nodding for approval as she headed down the hall way. She saw a door just a smidgen opened and a light coming through. Ino raised a thin brow, being as curious as she was she stepped lightly sure not to make a sound. She peered into the bare lit room to see a figure in a large bed she leaned forward entering the room now. She eyed the character. Soon enough realization flooded her face along with a blush to match she had walked into the man of the houses room. Her big blue eyes scanned his revealed torso seeing it rise in fall slowly to assure he was not awoken and still asleep. His blankets low on his waist her eyes widened more if they could and flushed deeply. He could be very well naked under those thin sheets. She backed out slowly being completely out she darted down the long hallway and into her room. She plopped down upon her bred and sighed in relief she felt around her body. "Where is my book…?" She muttered and paused in realization that she had dropped it in the man's room. She buried her face in her pillow letting her wild mane free. "This is going to be a mess of explaining to do…" She looked at the small window and pondered. "The man had been here for only a day and it was so exciting." She warned herself mentally for his company could get her in trouble if she wasn't careful. Especially not with the stunt she pulled to night. Lightly shaking her head she closed her eyes trying to forget the events of the day and rest up for tomorrow.