MLP fanfiction...this is new for me. Sort of. I've written bits before, but never outside my personal headcanons. However, inspiration struck after Season 3's finale, and I had to write this down.

Keep in mind this is based on the last episode, but is technically an alternate universe.

Hope y'all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic."

My dear sister,

By now, I'm likely miles away—if not, I'll have to ask you hold off on search parties. No one wants me back, and quite frankly, I'm tired of harming so many innocents. A unicorn has no place wielding weather. It's best for everyone if I depart.

There are times I wonder why I hadn't before now. I'm not the cleverest of ponies but I'm certainly no fool. I should have clued in; something wasn't right, and everypony but me knew it. Of course, I may have and simply refused to accept; what I lack in talent my pride certainly makes up for. It's common, in our family, although you're too young to understand.

Why I've decided to leave you this, actually. You're just young enough to make an impression and old enough to take my word for truth. I know what our parents think of me…I couldn't bare your resenting me as well.

However…should those feelings develop regardless…I need you to know this isn't my fault. Well, It is, but…it's complicated. I tried my best, you see, to live up to my special skill. I wanted to love what I do, and help everypony hoof in hoof. I'd hoped the clouds would cooperate…

Alas, neither weather nor cutie marks come with directions. Such a shame… would have been so much easier. Though I suppose that defeats the purpose of self-discovery.

Perhaps If I'd been certain as a filly when it happened, I might have gone away unscathed. Gained a different marking some years down the road. I knew I loved patterns, and what better drawing board than the sky itself? So much space—and the colors! Blues, reds, oranges…dazzling, tantalizing, the list goes on and on.

Unfortunately, I realized too late this canvas was not mine to mold. I was to do my job, and my job was no masterpiece. They use to tease me horrifically in Cloudsdale: what business had a unicorn with weather? Such a rise that brought about... "She does one thing nopony else has, and suddenly she's fit to be a flier." Ugh. I didn't want recognition—it WAS an accident, and I'm sure somepony before me at some point must have done the same. Rainbows aren't terribly uncommon, storms even less so. For the two to intertwine…

It mattered little to them. Those who stick out are easy targets, and no one belonged there less than me. So many days I just wanted to hide in bed or let my pillows swallow me…if mother hadn't forced me out the door, I'd have stayed in there til I dissolved.

Or something a little less dramatic but you get the idea. A nightmare, all of it. (And the accessories I had to wear just to study up there… oh it was awful. AWFUL. You'd think there'd be one unicorn besides me who understood climate AND accessory.)

…I digress. Such things are dead and buried. Nothing left to do but hope you'll learn from my hardship. A blank flank is better than one marred with failure. Growing up is a one way path—don't rush to reach the end.

You've such potential, Sweetie Belle. If you approach it correctly, I know you'll be somepony great.

Good-bye, little sister.

We shan't meet again.
