Figured I might as well keep these in one fic. Ideally, I'd like to do one for each character, but so far, muse has come and gone. If I find more inspiration, I'll definitly keep going. I love this alternate universe so much!

To anypony out there,

I just want to say I'm really really sorry I let you all down. I know I didn't do a very good job keeping up the farm, but I tried. All I wanted to do was make everypony happy; if I knew it was gonna blow up on me, I would've stopped a long time ago…

I think. I don't know. You know? I mean, this is what I'm s'posed to be good at. "Everything apple" from the trees to the fruit to the pie in my name.
Apples are what I do.

I just…don't do it well.

I can't.

No surprise there, right? Missed harvest deadlines, overdue repairs…and forget apple-bucking, my hooves aren't built for it.

I'm not built for it. I should be. But I'm not. And I don't. Know. Why. Mama had an apple on her flank, and she was real good at baking with them. I thought—if I couldn't do the heavy work, maybe I'd be good at snacks. I made real good "baked apples" once…(why did I do that? Stupid thing woulda stayed away if I hadn't touched them…)
Cutie marks are supposed to define you—put your heart out on display, so ponies know what's in your core.

If my core's made of apples, then they're all filled with worms.

Too bad my flank doesn't show that, huh? You'd have known to avoid me at the start. I wouldn't have minded. I'm used to being alone. Mama didn't want me, I never fit in with uncle's family, and my friends…

…I don't have time for friends anymore. And they don't have time for me. It's just work work work, one mess after another, each greater than the last.

At least I had help, at first. Don't envy them, there. I mean, the farm isn't even mine—Big Mac hired me when I came to Ponyville cuz they needed help. Granny Smith's too old to do much outside the Zap Apples (so I'm told-they've never succeeded with a batch since I've known them…) and Apple Jack's busy with her store. I was supposed to keep things going. Achieve what they couldn't shorthanded.

Big Mac's gone now. So's Applebloom, and Granny, too. Better to leave the problem be. It hurts less than watching everything crumble.

Why haven't I left, then?

This is my fault; I should follow by example, right?

Walk away and wait for somepony else to collect my dust?

I don't know. Not really. I'm just…tired. My entire life, it's been one place after another, running from my wrongs. Mama, dad, the accident at uncle's…life was supposed to get better. It's always supposed to get better.

The opposite's happened to me. I keep going from bad to worse, "sucky" to "suckier" and I don't wanna do it anymore.

The farm's gonna fail, nothing can be done, time to call it quits.
Pack up my things, and move on out.

I don't know where. That part doesn't matter. As long as it's away, everypony will finally be happy.

It worked when Rarity left. I'll be no different.

No more Pinkie Pie dragging them down.

No more barren trees.

No more empty harvests…

I bet the Apples might come back, too…wouldn't that be something.

If they do… let them know I'm sorry. Really really really INFINITY-times sorry.

…so, so sorry…


Note: A few things mentioned are from my personal headcanon, which can be found on deviantArt.