I kept thinking about when Booth told Brennan that she would ask him to marry her. We all know that everything happens eventually…
During sex.
She had been fighting the overwhelming feelings for months. While she had been gone she had spent many lonely nights where she fantasied what marriage to Booth would be like. Still she wasn't sure that she needed a piece of paper to cement her relationship to him but she also knew that he did. In the weeks following her return, things had gradually returned to normal. The tension between them had simmered down and they were communicating fairly well. Brennan was happier than she had ever been in her life and she couldn't help but wonder why she felt the urge to participate in such and antiquated tradition.
As the weeks flew by, it became harder and harder to keep it to herself. There were times when she thought she would burst if she didn't ask him, but she fought it. If she were to marry, it would prove that she depended on him. But who was she kidding? She already depended on him for everything. What difference would a couple of rings and some vows really make? It was a constant argument in her head. It would happen while she was working in Limbo, or while she was taking a shower. It happened in the dark of night while she was curled around him.
It was during one such moment while they were making love when she couldn't contain herself any longer. Just as they reached the pinnacle moment, she screamed:
"Marry me!" And with that, she collapsed into his waiting arms. It was an extraordinary moment. She had no fear of rejection and her heart felt like it was flying. Finally, she was free from her tortuous thoughts. She had asked him just as he had always said she would.
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