*A man shrouded in black stood before her. He carried a bloody shotgun in one hand and a equally bloody pipe in the other. The two gruesome weapons seemed to ooze blood that puddle at the man's feet.

"What do you want with me..." She asked the man.

"You got away Da... you and your little friends." _'s eyes widened and she tried to back away but her feet felt as if they were cemented to the floor.

"No gets away from me!" The man yelled back, slowly pointing his bloody shotgun at her.*

"_ wake up! _!." _ jolted back to life. Gilbert sat next to her with a worried look on his face.

"Are you ok?" She nodded

"I just had a terrible dream." he hugged her.

"What was your dream about?" Gilbert asked as he stroked her hair.

"There was a man dress in black, dripping with blood yelling that we got away and that no one gets away." _'s breath hitched tears started to well up in her eyes.

"I think it may have been him…" Gilbert shook his head.

"It's been a year he is not coming back."

"But, they never found his body!"

"Don't worry about it, its just a dream were here anyway." Gilbert said with a reassuring smile.

"Yea your right." _ looked out the window from the back seat of her brothers car and watched as the loading docks grew larger and larger."

"We're here." Feliks said from the diver seat.

_ and Gilbert hopped out of the car and grabbed their things from the trunk.

"I don't get why we have to go back to the island." _ said

"Because we are the only survivors and they think that we should be praised in the exact same place where we almost died."

"Hey _, Gilbert." Elizabeta called.

"Hey guys." _ replied.

"I had hoped we would never have to step foot on that island again." Roderich said with a deep tone of disdain in his voice.

"They were our friends and classmate. The least we can do is say a few parting words." Elizabeta said

"Your right absolutely Elizabeta lets go on the boat." Gilbert replied.

_ stared out the window.

*Why can't I shake this uneasy feeling? Ever since that dream in the car, I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that he is alive…* Gilbert squeezed her hand. "Are you ok?" _ looked at him

"I just can't seem to shake that dream." Gilbert kissed her forehead.

"Everything is going to be alright, and before you know it we will be back home." she nodded and gave a weak smile. Gilbert cupped her chin in his hand and pulled her in for a light kiss.

"I love you _." Gilbert whispered in her ear.

"I love you too, Gilbert." _ replied her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

The old steamboat slowly pulled up to the docks. Gilbert stood up and stretched.

"I am so glad to be off that boat." Elizabeta said.

"You can say that again." Roderich added.

As the four "Survivors" walked into the hotel every eye was glued on them.

*The trap is set* A voiced whispered like a eerie fog rolling in. _ stiffened,

"Are you ok?" Gilbert asked.

"Did you hear that..." _ said in a worried tone.

"Hear what?" Gilbert asked confused.

"Someone whispered *the trap is set*"

"I'm sure it was nothing, babe." Gilbert replied. _ exhaled sharply,

"Yea nothing..."

Gilbert flopped down on the purple and silver accented bed.

"This bed feels like I'm laying on a cloud. You should come over her and lay on it!" He said with a smirk.

"We have to get ready for the memorial dinner." _ replied, red flooding her cheeks.

"We are gathered here today to mourn the deaths of the children who lost their lives just a short year ago in what is now known as The Field Trip Massacre. To speak in their behalf's are the four brave souls who managed to escape the carnage.

*Clapping erupted from the crowd.* _ stood up and took a deep breath.

"Today marks a milestone: For most it's a tragedy that never should of happened and hopefully will never happen again. But for my friends and I, it marks the day we lost our friends, our classmates, our hope in humanity..." A tear rolled down _'s cheek as she set the microphone back on the stand. There was not a dry eye in the house. The crowd stood up in applause. Elizabeta gave _ a huge hug.

"You did great." *The screams were like a bitter sweet symphony Da* A chill shot up _'s spine. _ shot Gilbert a terrified look.

"Did you hear the voice again?" He whispered in her ear. She nodded as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Gilbert asked as he wiped a stray tear from her cheek.

"That would be nice." _ replied.

"Look at the full moon." Gilbert said pointed up at the sky like a child chasing a shooting star with his finger.

"It's Beautiful."

"But not as beautiful as you." Gilbert reached for _'s hand, but came up empty handed.


A man walked into the light with _ in tow a gun pushed into her temple.

"The four who got away... Soon to be the three that got a way Da." Tears streamed down _s face.

"Aw don't cry it will all be over soon Da."

"Let her go!" Gilbert fumed with rage.

"And what are you going to do Pryo? If you burn me you burn her too." he said with a grin.

"Gilbert run! Go get Roderich and Elizabeta and get out of here!" _ said through the tears.

"I'm not going to leave you to die!" Gilbert replied.

"You and your friends meet me tomorrow at Port 1A if you want to extend her life a little longer."