(Disclaimer: All rights to characters from Pocahontas belong to Disney. The following is not a factual representation of any historic characters or events.)


Spring, 1607

"In Sixteen Hundred Seven,

We sailed the open sea,

For Glory, God, and Gold,

And the Virginia Company,

For the New World is like Heaven,

And we'll all be rich and free,

It's Glory, God, and Gold,

And the Virginia Company... ."

It was a good morning in London. A ruddy-faced red-haired young fellow, who had reached the age of manhood, bid his sister, mother and father farewell, leaving home for the first time. He would miss his playful bouts with his sister; his mother ensuring his room was well-kept and he was well-fed; his wrestling matches with his father, in which his father allowed him to win for good measure.

But no more. Thomas, the young lad, was off on an adventure, to become a sea dog: traveling by sea and exploring new worlds he had only read about, and dreamed of. He boarded that Susan Constant, with the same ambitions of many other men, with only an idea of what lay ahead.

Not long while boarding, had heard a couple of apparently seasoned fellows stop their conversation, remarking about a face in the crowd.

"Is that Smith?" A burly redheaded man enquired.

"That's him alright, the ol' sea dog!" A long, dark haired scotsman replied.

"Captain John Smith!" The young man realized. "I heard some amazing stories about him... ." He had not expected to receive the opportunity to meet a man so famous for slaying men, plundering great wealth from the Spaniards, and whom travelled around the globe. But why? He was after all, John Smith—the one men said "you couldn't be without." He watched as a strong, blond man took hold of a rope from canon, subsequently raising him, and the weapon, aboard.

Surely, there were quite a few men aboard. While Thomas was excited at the adventure that lay ahead, a carriage came to port at the last moment. A tall, long dark haired man in a stiff purple suit with a bulldog, strode toward the Susan Constant. Governor Radcliffe, was not only the last, but arguably the most important man aboard (besides the Captain, of course). There would be no governing colony without him.

Before long, Thomas could see the anchor being raised, with two other vessels, the Godspeed and Discovery, following closely behind... . Over the next few months, he'd learn a thing or two about life at sea watching and following the Captain's orders, while aspiring himself, to become none other than one of the best...one of the sea dogs.

"Thomas, watch out!"

That was the beginning of various thoughts replaying in his mind after a sudden storm arose: Blackening clouds...heavy rain...ferocious winds tossing the ship to and fro...a large wave knocking him over board...a man's arm pulling him back aboard...the Governor's speech he couldn't remember... . Trying to forget what happened, he followed the man who called to him up to the crows' nest. He hadn't had much contact with the man before this event, save a reminder here and there, as there was always much to do...but he was nevertheless approachable, even now.

"What do you suppose the new world will look like?"

"Like all the others, I suppose. I've seen hundreds of new worlds, Thomas. What could possibly be different about this one?"

Thomas was still shivering at the thought of nearly meeting his end...that is until the courageous comrade rescued him. He sat there for a few moments after he asked John about the New World. Captain John Smith seemed to have enough experience under his belt that the thought of a "new" world didn't phase him at all. He wondered why a man perhaps a decade his elder could make such a statement, yet think it worthwhile to save him in the first place?

"John, why did you dive in after me? Why not let me drown in my ignorance?"

"Perhaps you reminded me of someone I once knew, or was. I was a foolish lad myself, once." He chuckled, in recollection. "And it wasn't until men that I greatly admired showed me a thing or two about life, did I become the man I am now... .