A/N- Hey everyone! This is a new story of mine for Camp Rock! I've been working on this for a really long time and am still working on it now. And is crazy long, which means trying to break it into chapters, which is like an enemy for me but I got it split somewhere now. I am not sure whether or not this is the right spot to break it but it seems to work for me.
Mitchie Torres is an east coast girl who has to make a sudden move to the west coast. She's had some tragedy strike through her life, but is still moving beyond. She's an artsy girl with some attitude about her but its what makes her, her. When she moves she meets a new friend right of the bat, as well literally walks right into a person who she never expected to. Believing in miracles and 11:11 is one thing that this girl doesn't. But she might want to start believing that these types of things can really happen. (Nothing to do with Camp Rock but does include the characters).
Chapter 1: My Reality
Okay I am sitting on my swing chair that occupies part of my balcony off my bedroom. Yeah, I should probably be getting to sleep sooner or later, but then again, why? It's the start of summer vacation. But this is the last time I get to sit on this very spot, because it is getting packed and taken away from me. Okay, your now probably confused, am I right? Well, okay then lets get this squared away so you don't keep giving me that look.
My name is Michelle Torres but please I hate that name, its Mitchie to you and only Michelle (shudders) to my parents when I'm in trouble. I'm 17 years old who has lived my entire life in Boston, Massachusetts. But that doesn't work for my parents anymore. We are moving; I am so excited to leave my friends and everyone I love here in the city of Boston! Can you hear the sarcasm dripping from me? Please tell me you do because I am so not excited about this. I am the complete opposite. It's more against my own will. Ugh, parents. Now where might you ask we are shipping off to. The land of Los Angeles, California. Why may you ask? Oh yeah, I forgot to fill you in that part, whoops. See my mom is Connie Torres, the wicked great caterer, no exaggeration there either and she got this new job and we now get to move. My dad, is Steve Torres, he owns hardware stores all over. But now because of mother dearest, don't get me wrong I love my mom to pieces, but because of this job we have to move and I hate moving. I love Boston and the East Coast. I love the snow and the fall in Boston with the leaves changing. Going to the Esplanade on the Fourth of July and seeing the fireworks and the Pops. Talking strolls in the commons and the garden. Going to sporting events. Going to the Symphony. Going to Faneuil Hall. Going to the North End and getting delicious Italian food and cannolis. Going to The Pru and Newbury for shopping. Yes as you can see, I am going to miss this city. And I am lucky to live in the city at that. We have, well now a penthouse suite at the top of the richest places in the city that outlooks the entire city. So yeah, as you can guess, my balcony outlooks the entire city and the beautiful lights. You can probably figure out that we are pretty well off people. We have lots of money but I am not that snobby girl who is popular or walks around as though I own the world. I have friends, but not many of them. But I'd rather have friends that like me for me and not have fake ones that just want to be friends with me because of the money. I won't lie, I do like having nice things, but I don't go crazy about it.
I guess I should probably tell you actually stuff about me so I m not a totally stranger because I was always told to not talk to strangers. Well as I told you I'm Mitchie. If you even think of using the other name you should run because you might find something sharp being thrown at your head. I am the smart type who like to get their work done, but in no way a teachers pet. I just completed my junior year in the prep school here in the city. My best friend is Sierra, but now I am going to be losing touch with her. We've been friends since we were in kindergarten. But lately she's been so distant and I don't get why at all.
Something you should know about me, which is very important in my life, is that I am the artsy kind of girl. I love all forms. I love to draw, paint, music, a thing called color guard, photography, dance, write, etc. Whatever else you can think of I do. But most important, I sing. I want to become a famous singer one day in my life, so I guess that's maybe the only good thing about going to LA. But other than that, yeah I have been doing classical ballet, contemporary, tap, hip-hop, jazz, and ballroom dance since I can remember. My parents took one of the many rooms and made it a dance studio for me, a room of mirrors, which is amazing. I also have a small music room/ studio as well. Yeah, I play instruments as well. Piano, guitar, violin, flute, French horn, oboe, etc. Yeah, I am musical. But have no idea where it comes from because my parents, well aren't. Ever heard of color guard? Well I do that as well, sabre is my forte but I love all pieces of equipment equally. Our past show was the best of the winter seasons I can think of. A show to do with abuse. Wicked amazing I tell you! I love visiting museums and all that jazz. But don't get me wrong I love sports, well not actually playing them, because my hand-to-ball or anything coordination is really bad. Don't ask me how I do some of the things I do because I couldn't even tell you. I am totally a Hockey and Baseball fan though; I just can't actually do sports. I love just going to museums to look around as well.
But now that is all gone. I have to start a new life with new people.
We are leaving tomorrow. We have an early flight. The movers are coming after we leave to get everything into boxes and then shipping the rest of it across the country into the west coast. Can you see my excitement, probably not. I'm not normally a bitter person, I am sarcastic, but not bitter. I am just annoyed with the rents. But at least all my clothes and all that will be shipped immediately with us. I have a lot of clothes, lets just say that it takes at least 6 huge suitcases to fit at least three-quarters of my wardrobe and that isn't including shoes. But weird enough I just love sticking to barefoot. I told you, weird. So yeah, we leave tomorrow, but not many of my books or anything are getting there immediately, which is sad. So I am literally carrying on the plane like 10 books and of course expensive things, like my electronics, all Apple. But also my guitar. See I love the piano but that won't fit with me and my guitar is one of my most precious ones. Then I have my beat up pointe shoes with me, I take them everywhere with me. But I definitely didn't forget my beat up songbook, which I treasure with my life.
Before we leave though, Sierra promised to say goodbye, which I am so glad that, she is because I am going to miss her like crazy. Yeah, I am this girl with straight brown hair and bangs, brown eyes; I'm petite, oh and single. Yeah, guys have shown interest but no thanks. You are sleezy guys that I'd rather not deal with. So yeah, that isn't me.
Well yeah, anyways, here I am sitting outlooking the city lights on my balcony wrapped in a blanket just looking at the stars. I love looking at the stars, it makes my feel closer to my grandparents and my younger brother. You see I lost my brother a couple years back due to some stupid drunkard who couldn't just stay off the road that night. I was there with him. I witnessed the entire thing. I don't think I've ever been the same after that. I drive, I am just really apprehensive about it. I prefer walking over anything. But the thing is that, even doing that I am scared because that is how he got killed. We were walking back from a late night movie one night and we were laughing enjoying the night and talking about how awesome it was and then out of nowhere this driver comes and wraps his car around the pole but it came back after the impact and hit my younger brother. I miss him so much. It was probably the worst day of my life.
But yeah, I am looking at the stars hoping he is watching me. Little brother, I am sorry about everything. I shouldn't have brought you out with me. I was just so desperate to see it at the midnight premier of the movie. You could be sitting here with me right now instead of there. I miss you so much Darren. Mom and Dad don't deserve to live without you either. This sucks. Look, I am scared to move. I don't know what to expect. Please give me a sign or something. Help me. I felt a tear touch my cheek but I didn't wipe it away. I let them fall freely. This is tough for me. The wind blew slightly past me and I swear I heard his voice whisper you can do it sis. More tears came but I just let them because I knew they weren't going to be stopping anytime soon. "Thanks little brother" I whisper into the sky looking at the sky.
I look at the time, 11:10. I really should go to bed soon because of the flight and I know my parents are going to be waking me early. I hate getting up early. The jet lag is going to kill me for sure. Oh by the way, any people out there believe in the 11:11 hoax thing where if you make a wish it actually comes true? Well I don't. I seriously think it is all a joke. Sierra doesn't though. So on Sierra I will do it for laughs, for my last time in Boston. Ironically a shooting star is passing too. Better not let them pass me. This must be Darren's sign. I stood up and leaned on the railing my back to it and bent my back backwards and closed my eyes. I wish for something magical to happen, for something unexpected. I leant up and turned leaning again on it but looking out correctly. I blew a kiss to the stars and smiled slightly. "Thank you little brother." Then I walked back into my room closing the curtain but leaving my door open. A slight breeze picked up and blew through my hair, I smiled and then made it to my bed. I fell to a peaceful sleep.
A/N- well there is chapter one. I really hope that you all like it. One night I was just lying unable to sleep when this idea came to me. There are some characteristics of me that exist within her but not really. Setting of Boston is based of reality for me. I am one city girl. I'll be back hopefully soon with chapter 2 of Eleven-Eleven, Wishes Can Happen in Reality. I hope to see you here enjoying it with me. Love you all and have a great rest of your day.