"I think we should come to an agreement"

"I think we should not"

Two men sat in a room, both with a skeptical air about them. The man on the right knew where this was heading. Damn that bastard.

"I won't tell headquarters about your location, but only if you decide to listen to me. For once."

For once. The words added to the end of That sentence said itself that neither of them ever had a fond liking of eachother.

"You do know what will happen if you decide to run things yourself... you know?"

A picture of torture devices and life threatening experiments crowded the man's mind.

He thought for a moment.

"... what do you want me to do?"


With a bolt, Ender shot up in bed. He gasped, clinging to his heart for comfort. Just what in heavens name did he just see?

Peter, that was for sure.

The more Ender thought about it, the more he forgot. Just what happened in that dream anyways? The image was blurry, and the voices were nothing but a lost figment of imagination.

After deciding That going back to sleep would be useless, (sleep itself here was useless. You never got any even when you tried.) he thought he would entertain himself until morning.

"It will be here soon anyways"


Yet again, Ender found himself eating all by his lonesome self. It wasn't an uncommon occurence, especially since he was treated like a predator who was always stalking his prey. But nonetheless, he figured some human interaction would be nice, at least every once in a while.

Ender glanced at Petra, but her eyes screamed rejection. She looked down as quick as she glanced at him in the first place. It wasn't hard to see her expression of dissappointment.

He cringed at first, realizing that THIS is what it felt like to lose a friend. It was a foreign feeling, one that he would normally shield himself from ever noticing. Can't become too vulnerable.

'I don't care. They can't just ignore a problem and expect it to go away'

'Is that how you see yourself?'

Ender slowly turned his head, careful not to make a scene.

'She's here again... but where?'

'If you want me to be truthful, your a neutral solution. Meaning that your the problem and the answer'

Ender stood up and made his way to the trash, suddenly deciding to throw his untouched food away, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him in the process.

"You didn't eat" declared petra, in a tone sounding so suprised. Ender scoffed. Had she really not payed attention lately? He hadn't been hungry this whole week. Or month. If only battle school had calendars.

"No" it was so obvious. "I didnt"

He brushed past her shoulder. Screw what she thinks of him. For the moment, anyways.


"WHO are you?" Ender yelled into the empty hallway. He figured if the voice wanted to talk, it would come and find him. There was no need to go play hide and seek with it.

The voice sliced the air, with a strange sharpness sounding to it.

'I need you to listen. Someone really bad wants you. They want to use you.'

"And a good plethora of armies have declared war over me... your point?"

There was nothing like getting to the root of the problem.

Angel glared at him, although it was pointless. It wasn't like he could see her anyways. She was upset because he was not getting the point.

"The point is to watch your back"

"Well that's nothing new." (Especially after what happened to bonzo...)

Angel sighed, face palming her hands to her face. Was he just aggravated or sarcastic? His stubbornness made it hard to tell.

'Just don't trust anyone new'

Angel decided it was enough today. Persuading him was going to be impossible. Maybe he got the point. If he did, he had a hard way of showing it.

Then again, he had a hard way of showing anything.

- end of chapter 2-

Heyyyyyy! Long time no see! I used a tablet to write this time so I refrained from typing too much. IT WAS SO HARD TO TYPE ON! but I did my best. And I know it's not my best work of art but hey... I updated. And I WILL DEFINITELY update more. Expect some updates on the weekends and since I have this whole week offf... mwhahaaa MORE UPDATES! And wow can you believe I'm 14 now? Sheesh. Time flies fast. The last chapter you just read was written when I was 12. AMAZING!

I also know that the characters can be ooc sometimes... (*looks at angel*) but can u gas tell me whether Ender is in character or not? Is he too outspoken in this chapter? I can NEVER get his personality right. He's too complicated. But that's why we luv him right?

PLEAZE REVIEW? it gives me so much motivation and I definitkey will update more when you do. You have No iDea what it means to me for you to take time out of your day to read this and then take more time to tell me how you liked it.

Oh and BTW u know I was writing on my tablet so PLEAZE GRAMMAR NAZIS PLEASE SPARE ME? haha that tablet is the spawn of the devil I swear typing is impossible. You have no idea ^~^

And thank you for those guest readers out there that read this. Your reviews are really appreciated!