Hello everyone who is just now reading this for the first time! This is my very first fanfiction, EVER. Feel free to leave any and all comments, corrections, and praise/critiques in the form of reviews! I loooooovvvvvvveeeee feedback, even the negative kind, so don't be shy! I'm not!
Percy pov:
Finally, a normal summer. Just training, relaxing, and a lot of Annabeth.
I was lying down in the sand dunes after lunch. I had been at camp for a week. It was great to be back. There were so many new kids this year. All I had to do was clean and help train the new kids this year, yeah, I loved it. All the new cabins were done. Even I was surprised at how many there were. The Hermes kids loved all the space they now had.
As I was thinking all this, I heard footsteps running toward me. I sat up when they reached me. It was Nico.
"Percy, you better hurry. She's going nuts! I thought you could help. She kept saying your name." He said panting obviously exhausted from the run down here.
I was on my feet even before I finished the thought.
"Where?" I asked.
"Half-Blood Hill." I started running, leaving him in the dust. My thoughts were swirling in a chaotic mess. What's wrong? Was it Annabeth he was talking about? Is there a new camper, someone I used to know? I knew none of these would be answered until I got to the hill.
When I did get there, it was even more confusing. There were about half a dozen half bloods and a satyr in a half circle loosely around one girl who looked like she had just seen the Oracle, though I knew very well that there was a less scary Oracle now. I noticed that none of them crossed the barrier and the girl was just across it. I stopped running.
The girl had long brown hair and was really short though she looked like she was fifteen. She was holding a duffel bag and muttering something. I noticed she was clutching a book to her chest. It was written in English. Strange, she should have a hard time reading it with dyslexia.
Then I saw Annabeth leaning against the pine tree a little ways away from everyone else. She looked fine. I relaxed finally and walked over to her.
"So what's with the girl?" I asked. "Nico looked like he ran the whole way to the beach." I stood next to her.
"She freaked him out pretty bad. She called him by name and started talking about ambrosia and blue cookies and Kronos. Then she said your name and started talking so fast we couldn't understand her. She refuses to cross the barrier, and we're worried more monsters will show up." She didn't look at me while she talked. She just stared at the girl. She finally looked up. "Do you know her? The satyr said her name is Lydia."
"No, I've never seen her. How does she know my name?" I said confused.
"I don't know. She's strange though, she'd never been attacked by any monsters until she turned fifteen."
"Really? That's weird. Was she claimed?"
"The satyr says that she was, but she refuses to tell anyone who claimed her. She won't even tell the satyr."
"So why did they think I could help? I mean why not get one of the Aphrodite girls her age. They'd be a lot better than me."
"I don't know but let's find out." She walked over and joined the cluster of kids talking to the girl. I sighed and joined her. Nico was back now.
"Finally. You've got to get her across the barrier before all the monsters in New York smell her." Conner Stoll said as he pushed me in front of the girl.
"Okay, okay, quit it." I said and walked up the girl. "Hey kid, your name is Lydia, right? Why don't you come over here so we can explain some things to you?" I saw her eyes widen and she looked like she thought I was the president of the United States or something.
"You-you-your P-Percy J-Jackson." She whispered and collapsed. Well wonderful.
"Hey guys, um, I think she fainted." I called back. I heard some muffled laughter behind me, but I ignored it. I picked her up (she didn't weigh much) and carried her across the barrier. "And you thought I could help?"
"Yeah, well, she kept saying your name and stuff so we figured you knew her or something. She sure seems to know you. "Conner said and laughed.
I rolled my eyes. "I'm taking her to Chiron." I said.
"I'll come too. She might need a familiar face when she wakes up." The satyr said. I shrugged.
"Alright. Why don't you explain why she's so freaked out?" I said. Annabeth came and walked on my other side.
"Well, I found her in this house near Vegas that had been abandoned sense World War II. She was sitting in a room that must have been a girl her age's. She looked really sad and scared. When she saw me she didn't freak out or anything, she just stared. Then she picked up that book she was holding back there and started flipping pages. After a few minutes, she looked up. She looked really scared. I felt really bad for the kid. Then she said 'You're a satyr. Why are you here? You are supposed to be in New York helping Grover.' Then she went back to flipping pages. Has that ever happened before? I mean, she acted like she knew everything there was to know already." The satyr said. He looked so confused. "Anyway, after a few minutes she got up and pulled that duffel bag out of the closet and loaded it with yet more books and clothes from the dresser. Then she said, 'When do we go to Camp Half-Blood?' I was all like you know about that stuff? She's all, 'You're a satyr, I'm a half-blood, and my dad is a Greek god. Did I miss anything?' Then she walked out of the room and came back with a real celestial bronze sword. Don't ask me where she got it, I don't know. She whistled and after a minute these two dogs come running in. Beware of the Yorkie, that thing has guard dog issues. The dogs' names are Big Boy and Tiny. Tiny is a bullmastiff and Big boy is a Yorkie. The instant we stepped out the front door of the house, we were attacked. It was crazy! She is a stinking amazing fighter. As far as I can tell, she's never been trained, but she's almost as good as you! But she fought them off. She has fought her way here. Its crazy how many monsters attacked her. She didn't fall apart until she saw the pine tree. She's so odd. She wouldn't tell me anything about herself except that she's been claimed. She won't tell me who her dad is, so don't ask." He finally stopped talking as we got closer to the big house.
I saw Rachel standing there with her hands on her hips.
"Who is that? I've been getting flashes of her all day!" Rachel said. "She's been giving me a headache." She said rubbing her temples.
"Hi, to you too" I mumbled. I walked up the porch and set Lydia on one of the deck chairs. The satyr went and sat next to her. Annabeth leaned against one of the pillars and laughed. I settled into one of the deck chairs close to them.
"She's giving us all a headache." Annabeth said then explained what happened and a shortened version of what the satyr had said. Rachel laughed too.
"Wow, this one is going to be trouble." She said when Annabeth was done.
"So where is Chiron?" I asked.
"He's working with some Ares kids on Archery." Rachel said.
"So, do you think she's an Aphrodite kid?" Rachel asked.
"No she said her dad was a Greek god. "Annabeth said.
"What about Ares? She's a good fighter." I said.
"Yeah, but she fainted remember?" Annabeth said. "She could be an Apollo kid." We spent the next five minutes debating who Lydia's dad could be.
"Hey, Percy, she's waking up!" the satyr said. I got up and crouched by where Lydia's head was. Rachel and Annabeth went and sat by her feet.
"Lydia, wake up. Come on, we're all waiting for you. Open your eyes." The satyr said soothingly. Slowly, she opened her eyes. She focused first on the satyr and went in a circle ending with me.
"It wasn't a dream." She said. Her eyes were wide as she continued to stare at me. It was uncomfortable how she was looking at me.
"Um, no it wasn't a dream." I said shifting. "How are you feeling? You fainted back there."
"I can't believe it's really you! I mean I knew you'd be here but I never considered meeting you! Y-you met Calypso, a-and you were in Mount St. Helens, and you saved us all last summer, a-and you got the fleece for Thalia's tree and then she wasn't a tree! Wow!" She babbled and finally stopped for a breath. My eyes were bugged out. What the heck!? I scooted back to the nearest chair and sat down. I looked at the other three staring at me. I looked back at Lydia.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Lydia Marissa Sydney. I'm your little sister."