"Say that again..." said Rory. After the slow invasion with the cubes, he and Amy decided to stay with the Doctor. Obviously they'd pop back home a few times to do the laundry and see their friends and family, so they wouldn't get suspicious, but they became permanent companions now. All the planets and starts they've seen, he was loving every second of it. And so was Amy. Looks like life with the Doctor wasn't bad at all.
"Well, like I said, this is Clara. She's travelling with us now." Said the Doctor.
"Hello. Nice to meet you! He talks a lot about you too, you know." Said Clara.
"Okay, I got that but what we don't understand is that we are gone for two months and everything changed! Even your clothes…" said Amy. If she was worried? Yes. The last time she and Rory left him travelling alone, he almost killed someone on Mercy. He's still the same, but something's not right. Everything changed! The TARDIS, his clothes. They look darker, and his dark side is something she doesn't want to deal with since their little adventure with the Dream Lord.
"I know that, but do you remember Oswin? From the Asylum?" whispered the Doctor, so Clara couldn't hear.
"You mean, Oswin Oswald? The one who called me Nina?" asked Rory.
"Yes. That's her. Living in person." The Doctor said.
"But how can that be her?" asked Amy, confused. "I mean, she died.
She was turned into a Dalek and died when the whole planet exploded."
"Yes, and I met her when I went to Victoria London a bit after you left. I was bored so I set the TARDIS to sent me to a random destination and we landed there." Explained the Doctor. "I found her again there, but she didn't remember me and I didn't know it was her until I saw on her gravestone-"
"Her gravestone?" asked Rory.
"- that her full name was 'Clara Oswin Oswald' and on both times she said the same phrase 'run you clever boy, and remember'. I already found and lost her twice and I don't wanna lose her again, before I can find out what happened or who she is."
"But she didn't remember you?" asked Amy.
"She doesn't have the faintest idea of who I am. I already met her twice, on two different times and places, but she doesn't remember any of them."
"Oh, that explains it, but you still haven't answered my question." Said Amy.
"What question?" asked the Doctor. He knew exactly what was the question. Why did you change your clothes? And what happened to the TARDIS' interior? It's been months since he has seen his Ponds. Not two, but nine. At least for him. After what happened in Manhattan, he thought he had lost his two best friends forever. When he saw them jumping off that building, his hearts dared to stop. After everything, he couldn't lose them now. Not them. He promised Brian and himself that he would protect them 'till his last breath. If River hasn't seen that angel on the graveyard, he would have lost them. Forever. He was afraid of losing them, but what feared him the most, was being alone. When they left on that day, he thought they had left forever. Why risk their lives travelling with him, if they had their beautiful human lives at home? But when the TARDIS accidentally landed on Leadworth and a very angry Amy knocked on the door, he got all the hope back. This time, he wouldn't leave them anymore.
"Why did everything change? The TARDIS, your clothes…" she asked him.
"Well, you see-" he tried to explain but was interrupted by Amy.
"It wasn't two moths, was it?" she said.
"W-what?" the Doctor said nervously.
"How long?" she asked seriously.
"I don't know what you-"
"How. Long." She said again, this time more seriously.
"Nine months." He admitted.
"Amy, what's wrong?" asked Rory, confused.
"What's wrong is that he waited nine months to come back." She shouted.
"What do you mean?" he said again. What? It have been two months for them. He was oretty sure- Wait. Two months for them… What about the Doctor?
"Why did you wait nine months to come back?" she asked angrily.
"Amy, I-" the Doctor tried to explain but was interrupted once more.
"You weren't even supposed to be here, were you? You came here by accident! Again! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" she screamed at him.
"Amy, please! Let me explain!" said the Doctor.
"You were gonna leave with her and never come back!" she said disappointed, with tears in her eyes. "Why?"
"WHY?" she demanded.
"I-I thought you were gonna leave, okay?" he shouted at her. "After what happened with the angels, and you almost dying, I thought it would be better for you to stay home. Where is safer… I almost lost you too forever. I've already lost enough people, okay? I've seen my friends die and do nothing to stop it. I couldn't bear lose you too. Why travel with me and risk your lives when you can live your normal lives without being afraid of getting eaten by some alien we find on our way?" he admitted. Tears threatening to fall. "I thought you would be better without me…"
The Doctor was surprised as Amy hugged him and whispered on his ear, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Don't you ever, EVER think of doing that again, okay? I lost Rory lots of times , I lost Melody, I almost lost you twice. Don't make it a third okay?" she said calmly.
"Okay." I said as I hugged her back. My Amelia Pond.
AN: hey guys! Don't worry, I didn't forget about my other story, but I was RP with my friends we came up with a great idea, so I dedicate this fanfic to them: Clara and Maddie. I'll upload both of them soon. See ya xxx and reviews are welcome!