This is my first time writing a Vocaloid story and i'm so excited.
(The ages from the begining:
Len& Rin:6
Kaito, Miku and Mikuo:8
Luka and Luki: 9
Meiko and Meito:12
Middleof the story:
Len & Rin:14
Kaito, Miku, and Mikuo:16
Luka and Luki:17)
Warning: Len and Rin are just friends ok?
Disclaimer: I never did and never will own Vocaloid
~*8 years ago*~
We sat in my mother's garden playing with flowers. My mother was planting lilies for the spring time. As my mother was gardening, my friends and I had nothing to do until my best friend Len came up with something.
"We should have a wedding." Len said proudly.
Kaito stopped eating his ice cream and looked at Len.
"Um Len did you notice that YOU'RE TO YOUNG TO GET MARRIED!?"
"Not a real wedding Kaito, a pretend wedding."
We all looked at each other then back at Len.
"So who's your bride, Lenny?" I asked.
Len searched through his pocket and pulled out a ring. Len walked up to me, with his hand behind his back, gently took my hand and kneeled on one knee. He smiled at me with two front teeth missing.
"Will you marry me, Rinny?"
My other friends and I gasped at Len's proposal to me. My mother turned around and walked towards us.
"Kids what are you doing?"
We looked at each other then back at her. Miku stood up and went to her. She whispered into my mother's ear then smiled. My mother gasped as she put her hand over her mouth. She turned to Len and me.
"Len, aren't you young to get married?" My mother asked Len.
"That's what I said." Kaito muttered.
Len took my hand and I stood up.
"Yeah but who cares, no one can stop us."
"Alright Len, if you say so."
My mother sighed and looked at one of my friends.
"So who's going to be the wedding pastor?"
They looked at each other then pointed at Kaito.
"What? Why am I the wedding pastor?"
"With your remarks to Rin and Len getting married, we figured you won't have a problem telling them their choices in marriage…well fake marriage actually." Meiko said.
"But Meiko I don't want to do it." Kaito whined.
"You're fault then."
Kaito pouted.
"I call doing the veil for Rin." Miku said.
"I'll go get the flowers." Luka stated.
"We'll go find Len." Luki, Mikuo and Meito suggested.
They went in different directions. 5 minutes passes and everyone was settled. The wedding was nearing to the end for the bridal kiss.
"Do you Len take Rin as your lovely best friend wife?"
"Sure I do" Len said happily.
"Do you Rin take Len as your lovely best friend husband?"
"Yep." I shouted.
"Good, Len you can kiss your bride."
Len went to me and kissed me on the cheek while everyone clapped. We went inside for the reception which was a sandwich and an apple juice box.
~*2 years later*~
Len and I sat in my room playing with orange and banana toys. We finished our homework and had nothing else to do. While playing with the toys, Len told me awful news.
"Rin…I'm moving."
I dropped the orange toy and looked at Len.
"What do you mean you're moving?!"
"My dad got a new job somewhere so we have to move there."
I felt tears at the edge of my eyes about to fall.
"You're going to leave me all alone?"
"I'm sorry."
The tears that were growing in my eyes began to fall like a water fall. He went up to me and hugged me. I held onto his shirt crying.
"Please don't leave…please don't leave me…I don't want to be alone."
He grabbed my hands and brought them close to his face. He gently kissed my hand. I blushed awkwardly looking at him.
"Rin, I won't leave you all alone."
"But aren't you leaving?"
"Yes I'm leaving but I will never leave your heart."
He pulled out and orange necklace heart and gave it to me.
"Len, what is this?"
"Open it."
I opened the necklace and saw a picture of me on the right of the heart and Len on the left of the heart. I looked at the heart again then went to hug Len.
"Thank you Len."
"You're welcome Rin."
I kissed his cheek then walked up to my mirror. I tried it putting on the necklace but it was no use.
"Let me help you."
I nodded. I passed Len the necklace and lifted my hair. Len attached the necklace chain together and let the necklace fall on my chest. I turned to Len and smiled.
"Thank you Len. Now I'll never feel alone if you leave."
"I'm glad you feel that way."
We both laughed and went to eat for dinner.
It's been two years since Len moved. It felt kind of lonely without him but I still feel like he's here. I looked outside the window not paying attention in class. I looked at Miku, who was busy doodling in her journal, smiling. Luka and Luki seemed to be paying attention in class but Kaito and Mikuo were playing around throwing paper balls at each other. The bell rang and it was break time. Everyone except Miku, who went to the vending machine, came to my desk.
"Why are you all at my desk?"
I looked at everyone in the eye suspiciously.
"Well we had nothing better to do than talk to you." Luki said.
"Fine, so what do you want to talk abo-"
Miku busted in through the class room and walked to us. We turned to Miku to what she had to say.
"What is it Miku?"
"You never believe who I just saw?"
"Who did you see?"
We all stared at what Miku said
"Len? No way he couldn't be here." Mikuo said.
"Oh really then keep quiet for 5 seconds and then we'll prove he's not her."
"But why?"
"Just do it."
We sat still and quiet.
We could hear girl squeal and scream in the hallway. We rushed out of the classroom and saw Len. Len looked a lot taller than he was 2 years ago. Tears started to build in my eyes as I made my way to him.
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