Yay! I'm back. I've been gone for a long time, right? I know and I'm sorry. That wasn't suppose to happen. Good news is that I'm gonna stay here! I checked the reviews. It wasn't a lot but I'm still happy that you guys actually reviewed. Don't worry, I'll give you the credits after the chapter but for now stay and enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: You and I both know I don't own it, right?

Last Chapter…

I backed away from the door and stood still. No one loved me? Why? What did I ever do wrong? Did people hate me being here? Was my existence on earth nothing to the people who know me? I never understood why…my father, Neru, Miku, and even her mom thinks the same thing…why? Why?! Everything I ever wanted was to be loved but I'm being hated. As hatred and pain started to build inside of me, I felt nothing in my heart. I went back into my room and laid down on the bed thinking.

I'm nothing but a heartless lost little girl.

~Rin's Pov

I woke up this morning and headed to bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and entered the shower. After taking a shower, I headed to my room and changed into my uniform. I finished changing my uniform so I took my school bag and walked out of the room. When I reached downstairs, I saw Miku and Mikuo eating breakfast. I walked past the dining room until Mikuo noticed me.

"Good morning Rin!" Mikuo said happily. I stood still but didn't turn around. I could feel Mikuo and Miku stare at me waiting for me to respond back. I sighed and responded back.

"Good morning." I said coldly. Mikuo looked at me but said nothing else. Miku still stared at me and asked me a question.

"Rin aren't you going to eat?" she asked confused. I didn't look back but I did answer.

"I'm not hungry." I replied back.

"Oh…okay." Miku carefully said in a quiet voice. I slightly turned my head back and caught the look of pain in her eye. I turned back around and walked towards the door.

"I'm going to school…I'll see you there later. Bye."I walked out the door and started to walk to school.

~Mikuo's Pov

I saw Rin walk out the door without even looking back which made me wonder why she became so cold. Miku stood up from the table without a single word. The silence in the dining room became unbearable for me so I decided to start a conversation while Miku was washing her plate.

"Miku, how are you?" I asked hoping that she would reply but she didn't. I was going to ask another question until my phone and also Miku's phone started to beep. I pulled mine out of my pocket while Miku walked to her bag and pulled hers out. I pressed the Imessage icon and slid it to open the app on my Iphone4s. I clicked on the new message that I received and it opened.

From: Luki

To: Mikuo

Go to the school's main page. NOW!

"The school's main page? What could possibly be there?" I thought while opening the Safari app for internet. I typed in the school's website and it opened. I start to scroll down the page when suddenly a picture popped up. I scanned the picture and I was shocked. There was an innocent picture of Rin and at the bottom of the picture were these big words in black saying "The New Slut of Crypton High: Kagamine Rin!" After looking at the picture, a video popped up. I clicked on the video and then the video started. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This video was taken on Valentine's Day which was yesterday or maybe before yesterday but that doesn't matter. What does matter is who took this video of me and Rin that day and why. I turned off the video and pressed the home button. I slammed my phone on the table and stood up. Miku looked at me in concern but I was too angry to even think about anything else. I ran upstairs and grabbed my bag and my shoes. I ran to the door until Miku stopped me.

"Mikuo, where are you going?" Miku said still concerned. I looked at Miku with furious eyes. Miku shut her mouth and grabbed her bag. She walked over to me and opened the door.

"Let's go." Miku and I walked out the door and closed it. I ran to school, which was 25 minutes away from us, and stood outside the classroom but when I opened the door, it seemed like trouble had already started.

~Rin's Pov

I stood in the center of the class while there was a crowd on each side of the room.

"Rin…I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to hurt you-"

"No Len, you obviously didn't because you think your ass is too polite to hurt anybody but I'll accept your apology because that's how nice of a slut I am, isn't it?! Stop dating Neru! Stop dating Neru and maybe I will forgive you!" I yelled.

"Look, you can't keep blaming Neru for your retarded problems! I sick and tired of you always thinking that you can lie your way out of your problems maybe that picture was right, you are a slut!" Len shouted. Silence had filled the classroom. Len stood in front of me with a shock expression. Although my face didn't show it, I was shocked myself. I just couldn't understand why would anyone try to go this far to do this? At first, I thought it was Neru but she got she wanted so what more did she want? I heard the door open and some people shuffling until Mikuo stepped out from the crowd. He looked pissed and I honestly didn't know why.

"Len! Who's responsible for this?" Mikuo said in a fierce tone. Len looked me and smirked.

"Isn't it obvious? Your girlfriend here's the one that's responsible!"I wasn't shocked that Len blamed me. In fact I knew it was going to happen but Mikuo, on the other hand, I really didn't know what to say. I glared at Len and yelled.

"So now it's my fault?!" I said back at him.

"Didn't I just say that?!" he answered.

"I, honestly, don't know what's wrong with you now but you need to face the truth. Neru-" I was interrupted when Neru came in with a loud, obnoxious, preppy, pitchy voice. I scowled at Neru as she walked in. She smirked in front of me and stood by Len. Len snaked his arm around her waist and gently pulled her face towards his and kissed right in front of me. After the kissing, Len pulled away from her and smirked again.

"Jealous?" Len said laughing. I made my hands into a fist and kept them by my side. I turned my face the other way and bit my lips to stop myself from crying.

"Ah, how cute, poor Rinny's gonna cry. Are you gonna cry? Do you need a hug? Ha-ha…you're nothing but a pathetic loser. Now that I see who you really are, there's no reason why I or anyone in this room should be your friend." Len said with a smirk. This wasn't the Len I knew but yet it was his voice saying it. Does that mean he hates me now? I could feel the tears slip away from my eyes. I could hear everyone around laugh at me and calling me a baby and saying that I need to grow up. I didn't want to hear anymore of the rude comments so I ran out the room.

~Mikuo's Pov

I watched Rin run out the room with tears in her eyes. I turned to Len as I watched him laugh yet what was so funny? Your best friend is hurt and your here laughing as if it was a joke? I couldn't control my emotions any longer so before I knew it, I made a swift move and punched Len. Len fell over and down on the floor. I wore a sadistic smile on my face as I picked Len off floor.

"Since you love to laugh at someone who's in pain so much then maybe I should do the same to you." I said laughing. I picked him off the floor and threw him on the table. The crowd in the class room gasped as I continued to laugh at Len. Miku pushed people out of her way so she could get to me before I got to Len. Miku grabbed me by my waist and I started to struggle from her grip.

"Miku, let go! LET GO! LET ME GO!" I screamed out.

"Mikuo, stop this. This is not you! Please, just stop!" Miku said.

"Why must I stop? What good would that do? That bastard hurt Rin! He deserves what he gets! He deserves the pain! He deserves to cry! I want to make him cry! I want to make him cry! I WANT TO MAKE HIM CRY!" I gave a sickening laugh as I pushed Miku off me. I heard Miku scream as she fell on the floor. I didn't care for anybody any more. All I cared for was Rin and I would hurt anyone who hurts her. I walked up to Len with my fist punching my hand.

"Hey Len, have you ever cried before?" I said in a vicious voice. Len looked up at me while covering his face with his arms.

"N-No…" He said scared. My smile grew wider and I leaned in and grabbed his collar with one hand and a fist aimed at his face.

"I will happily make this the first time you'll never forget…" Suddenly, I started to punch him. He started to scream and tell me to stop but I refused to stop. I will never stop until I see him cry! Kaito and Luki pushed people out of the way and ran up to me. They took both of my arms and pulled me away from Len. I started to scream and kick and then I finally calmed down. Kaito and Luki took me out in the hall. They slammed me too away and stood 1 meter away from me. I had my head down low and my eyes to the floor.

"Mikuo, can you please tell us why you want to hurt Len so badly? I mean, he is your best friend." Luki said. I stayed silent. I didn't know how to answer. I started to mumble until my voice started to get clear.

"Rin was best friends with Len but he made her cry so give me a reason why I shouldn't make him cry?" I said in a low voice. Luki and Kaito looked at each other and sat down beside me.

"Honestly, why would you want to get back at Len so badly? He never did anything to you and Len and Rin's problem doesn't concern you so why?" Luki asked. I put a hand on my heart and looked at both Luki and Kaito.

"Because I love her." Luki and Kaito had widened their eyes at the statement I made. I stood up and looked down at Luki.

"I'm going to find Rin. Tell Mr. Mashiro that I'm going to be late for class." I ran away from Luki and Kaito to go find Rin. From the corner of my shoulder, I saw both Luki and Kaito stand up, shrug their shoulders, and walk inside the classroom. I smiled and continued to search for Rin.

~Kaito's Pov

I walked back inside the classroom with Luki and we walked up to both Luka and Miku. Miku was being treated by Luka with the emergency first aid kit that was in the classroom. While Miku was with Luka, Luki and I went to help Len off the floor. He had a big gash at the side of his arm and a big blurplish bruise on the side of his head. He had cuts all over his face and some scratch marks on his arms. Luki and I set him on a chair to give him some air. 2 minutes later, or maybe 5, Len started to move his eyes. He looked at us before standing up. Luki stood in his way and sat him right back down. Len looked at Luki then Luka and then Miku and finally me.

"What's going on? What happened to Mikuo and Rin?" Len asked confused. Luka raised an eyebrow but quickly went back on fixing Miku. Luki crossed his arm and sat on the table in front of Len.

"Len…there's something I need to ask you… did you see the picture that was posted on the school website?" Luki asked suspiciously. Luka finished bandaging Miku up and looked up at Luki with her arms crossed. Miku kept looking at the front of the board while I was still staring at Len.

Len fumbled a bit but answered the question.

"Yes and I saw another picture when I came inside the classroom. It hand a picture of Rin kissing Kaito and then another picture of Rin kissing Mikuo. I, honestly, was shocked but I didn't believe until I saw a note in my desk. It said something about Rin hating me, Kaito loving Rin and also how Rin slept with Mikuo but that not true is it?" Luki, Luka and I looked at each other then sighed. I looked at Miku and frowned. Ever since Luka started fixing her up, she never said a word until she stood up and started to laugh. Luka, Luki, and Len stared at Miku weirdly. She turned around and flashed Len a glare so deadly that the Len's face drained out of color.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Miku said with anger seeping from her body. Len looked at Miku confused at her statement.

"If you don't get now then when will you get it?! All she's just saying is to stay away from Neru but you won't. She keeps cutting herself all day and everyday because she's scared to lose you to her. She doesn't want to hide secrets from you but how can she keep holding these secrets when you don't listen? Just stay away from Neru that's all and that's it!" Miku then sat down back in her seat and turned around. I looked at Len and started to talk.

"Both Rin and Miku are right. It's best for you to listen to them." I stated. Len smirked and looked at me with a hard glare.

"You agree with Rin? That girl's a traitor. I could care less about what she goes through and how many secrets she keeps from me. She's a slut and I can't believe you actually agree-"I cut Len off by picking him up by the collar of his shirt.

"Len, you need to shut up. You've been gone for 2 years before and you wouldn't even know what happened to her during that time. We've stuck with her since the day we met and up til this day we are still with her. It's no longer her being the traitor because it's already you." I dropped Len on the floor and walked away until he asked me a question.

"Mikuo protected Rin from getting hurt because he loved her, didn't he?" I stopped walking and slightly turned my head and looked over my shoulder. I could see Len's bangs covering his eyes and I smirked.

"What do you think?" I continued to walk away until I sat in my seat. Len got up also and sat in his seat without saying another word.

~Rin's Pov

I continued to cry as I left the classroom. I sat inside the janitor's closet cutting myself with the glass bottle I broke and smiling through my tears. If I could die then no one would care. No more pain to feel. No more sorrow to go through. And no more taunting and sneering for me to endure. I continued cutting myself until the janitor's closet door opened. I looked up and saw Mikuo with widened eyes. He knelt down slowly and took the glass away from my hand. I started to shake and tears streamed across my face. Mikuo pulled me into a hug and I cried on his shoulder. He ran his hands through my hair.

"Why are you always trying to kill yourself?" Mikuo asked. I looked up at him and put my head down.

"It's not that I want kill myself, I just trying to find a way to stop the pain." I replied. After that, it was quiet until Mikuo stood up and I stood up with him. He looked at me with guilt and sadness floating in his eyes. I tilted my head a little and tiptoed to kiss his cheek. He blushed and smiled. I smiled back.

"I'm sorry for making you worry about me but don't. It would be better if you weren't involved in any of my problems." I said. He looked confused but then replied with an 'okay'. He walked out of the closet and I followed him. I suddenly stopped at the nurse's office. Mikuo stopped walking a minute later and turned back. He had a worried expression written all over his face and I shook my head. He nodded and gave an unsure smile at me. I smiled back and entered the office. Instead of seeing a nurse I saw a student inside. She stood up with a wide smile on her face and ran towards me. I looked frightened when she hugged me.

"You're alive like she said you would be." She said. I looked confused and puzzled at the same time.


"Rin…do you remember me?" she asked. I shook my head and she continued.

"I'm Aria"

Aria? That means she's…


Before I forget, this chapter is the beginng of 'Season two' not an actual sequel. Did you see it? IA's in the story now just like you wanted IA-K1002 so you got your wish. Don't worry, she'll be another main character so she won't go away. Len got served 3 times...no, he got served 4 times! How he like them apples? Uh...corny? Mikuo turned sadistic now so watch out for that. This is only the beginning. Miku calmed down a bit so she's still friends with Rin, I think? Now time for the credits for people who reviewed while I was gone. They are Minaki M, MizuneMinaki, Angeline. 123, Alice(guest), forgivingheart24, MewMew FOREVER, and candyluver99. Check out my NEW story called Error...it's coming out very soon. Well that's all.

Hope you have a great evening!

See you in the next update!
