I'm back! Thanks a bunch for reviewing and following and favoriting and reading and...well, thanks for everything! I really, truly appreciate it. Believe it or not, it makes a difference to me.
Ever since Prussia had finally manned-up and gotten the balls to ask Hungary out on a date, she had been hanging around the house much more often, especially after the two had started going steady shortly after Lotte's birth.
Germany didn't really mind Hungary staying the night or coming to visit. She was a great help with Lotte and Italy, and the chores on her to-do-list seemed to evaporate when she was around. The only thing that bugged her about Hungary's visits were the infuriating games of "Match Maker".
Hungary and Prussia seemed determined to make Germany and Italy fall in love with each other. Whether it be sending Italy into Germany's room while she was changing to planting fake love letters in their pockets, they had somehow decided that it was their job to coax the two into marriage.
The situation wasn't any different tonight than it usually was.
Germany was currently giving Lotte her bath for the night, and Hungary was sipping tea from a mug at the kitchen table, watching intently.
"Lotte!" Germany cried, as her daughter splashed her violently. "You...you little troublemaker!" Lotte screeched and crowed with delight, glad to get her revenge any way she could.
If she was going to get wet and get scrubbed, she was taking her mother down with her.
"She is a cutie, isn't she?" Hungary smiled brightly at the little girl in the sink, who flashed a toothless grin back. "Gilbert tells me she's just like you when you were that age. Always fussing and chirping."
"Uh huh." Germany felt bad for sounding so distant, but she really hadn't been listening. She had more pressing matters at hand; what was this mysterious stuff in her daughter's hair? "Did you get...peanut butter in your hair!?"
"How did she get peanut butter in her hair?"
"I don't know! For heaven's sake, she doesn't even know what peanut butter is! How could she have it in her hair?!" Hungary chuckled as Germany scrubbed as gently as she could. It was a very delicate task, considering the fact that Lotte hated getting clean and would squirm whenever Germany tried to come near her with soap.
"Speaking of hair, yours is very pretty. Most women would be jealous of it. So why do you always tuck it up in a hat?" she inquired. Germany played with a lock of her blonde hair, suddenly self-conscious.
"Um...I don't know. I just...well, it's not very practical to spend hours on it every day when I know it's just going to get dirty during training. If I could, I would chop it all off."
"What's left to chop off?" halfway through her pregnancy, at about the six month mark, Germany, in the throes of hormones and other various unpleasant things that came along with being pregnant, had decided to very brashly and very suddenly take a pair of scissors from the kitchen and hack off her waist length hair. It now fell just to her chin, and it was much shaggier than it had been before.
"Nothing. But I would have just buzz it off if Italy and Prussia would let me. They nearly had a conniption when they came home from the grocery store and saw what I had done."
"Italy had a conniption about your hair?" Hungary asked, a plan already formulating in her head. Germany groaned inwardly, knowing exactly where she was going with this. "No wonder. I mean, it's obvious he likes you. Have you seen the way he stares at you?"
"Hungary, he's Italy. He stares at everyone like that."
"No! No! I mean, like, not to be rude, but at your ass and your breasts and stuff."
"Again, he's Italy. He stares at—"
"You're not getting the point!" Hungary huffed and crossed her arms. She was frustrated that her game wasn't going the way she had wanted it to. Germany was supposed to have blushed and asked if he really did stare at her and admit that she stared at him too. "The point it Italy stares at you because he's in love with you!"
Germany hefted her daughter out of the sink and pulled the plug from the drain. She rolled her eyes as she swaddled Lotte in a little, pink towel.
"Oh yeah, sure."
"It's true! He told Prussia that he still has feelings for you!" Hungary took Lotte from Germany's arms and pulled a chair out for her to sit in. The younger woman collapsed, looking utterly exhausted. "Look, maybe you don't believe me, and that's fine if you don't. But don't shoot him down and reject him just because you heard it from me and thought it was some ploy to marry you two."
"Just like all the other times weren't?"
"Why don't you just go out to a nice, relaxing dinner with him this weekend? Just give him a try, and even if all your feelings for him are completely gone, at least you'll have gotten a nice dinner from it and a night away from the baby."
"I don't know...who would watch Lotte?" Germany asked, looking at her child anxiously. She loved Lotte to death, but also knew she could be a handful at times. Well, at all times. And she didn't think she herself was ready to go somewhere without her.
"I'll watch her, and so will Gilbert! It'll be good practice for when we get married and have kids!" Hungary seemed to have agreed to this too quickly. Had she been planning this whole thing all along? Because if so...
Damn, she was good.
"Alright, I will play your game." Germany yawned and stretched, taking her daughter back and heading towards the nursery. "But only this once. And don't think you've won any great victories or anything."
"Of course dear." Hungary said, smugly. She waited until Germany's footsteps had faded until she began to clean the kitchen and the mess that Lotte had made during bath time.
"Hey you." a pair of hands snaked around her waist, and she whirled around to face her boyfriend, Prussia. He grinned at her before raising his shoulders and staring at her expectantly. "So...how did it go?"
"The bird is in the nest."
Somehow I see Hungary and Prussia trying to get Germany and Italy together, even when both Germany and Italy are males. They just seem like the type of people to constantly play the Match Maker game.
And yes, I support PruHun. My crazy friend MikuLover got me into it.
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Hasta la Pasta,