~ Okay, I'm not sure on how, or what direction I'm taking this in, but here goes. My first WiR fanfic, tell me on how I can improve or any suggestions. All are welcome, and please R & R. But, I do know, this is mainly gonna circle around our favorite little President, as well as our favorite bad guy. Thanks MarcelineXMarshallLee582 ~

Vanellope Von Schweetz, was sitting in the middle of her much-to-big-for-her bed, with her pillows tossed about the room. As well as several belongings, Sour Bill knocked on her door. Even though there was a sign that was written, so clearly in her cursive hand writing that said. ' Do Not Bother, unless it's an emergency! And I mean it, especially if it's Stinkbrain! ' " President Von Schweetz, may I come in? " Bill asked, in his normal monotone voice. The young President hopped up, and made her way to the door. Yanking it open harshly, it was very noticable that she'd been previously crying. " What, do you want? Can't you read the sign? ... " Sour Bill cleared, his candy coated throat, as he quirked one eyebrow up at the girl. " Ms. Schweetz, I can read the sign, but everyone's worried about you. You haven't even shown up for the Roster in three days. " By everyone, he of course meant himself as well, but he wasn't keen on admitting that, to Vanellope. Vanellope turned on her heel, and walked back to her bed, placing a hand on the sheet. " I don't care... I don't have a reason to race, not anymore at least. " The twinkle that was always in her hazel eyes, had vanished, and now they were just dull pools. The happiness and playfullness in her voice, was no longer detectable. Sour Bill, narrowed his eyes once more, as he began to speak again. " Vanellope, you have to race. You want to race. And, as you're trusted adviser, I want to see you bright eyed. And bushy-tailed in the morning. " And with that being said, Bill left the room once more. Leaving Vanellope to counter on his words.

" Oh, what does he know? The'ol Sourpuss, I'm perfectly fine! And I'm sure as heck, gonna be at that race! " She exclaimed, the old spark in her voice, coming back. She glanced around her room, with a disoriented sigh. " Man, did I make a mess... And why? Over someone, who I can never even be with. " Vanellope kicked a pillow, across the room. As she eyed it's every movement, a photograph, slid out of the case. She hopped over to the picture, and grabbed it up. With one of her small hands, staring at the photo. " Ralph..." She said in a squeaky voice. " Why did you have to meet, someone? Now you don't even visit anymore... " With a small sigh, she tucked the picture back into the pillow case, and deposited it. Safely, on her bed along with the other pillows, and small stuffed animal people had given her. Though, she hated them, she couldn't help but think. ' Why? I'm nine years old, I shouldn't have these little stuffed animals, I'm not a kid! I'm a President! "

After about, another twenty-five minutes, she had her room spotless again, which had tuckered her out. So, she curled up, in the middle of her bed, sleeping with the photograph, enclosed in her tiny fist.


~ A few weeks, earlier.~

Ralph was walking back to his game, from a Bad-Anon meeting, today's was particularly better then usual, with a slight skip in his step. Ralph gazed up, from looking down at his feet, though not quite on time, because he'd barreled straight into somebody. That somebody squeaked, as whoever it was landed on their bottom. " Oh, my bad! " Ralph said, as he glanced down at the person, who happened to be a very attractive woman. He held out one of his gigantic hands to her, which she gladly accepted. " Oh, no. It's quite alright, I really should watch where I'm walking- " She dusted off her knees, as she looked at Ralph. " Oh, how rude of me! I'm Jessica Abadeer, I'm new here, to the Arcade, so I don't much know the way around. My games, Twisted Witchcraft. " Ralph scratched his chin, as he groped her what to say in return. " Ah, well welcome, it's a pleasure to meet you, Jessica. I'm Ralph, Wreck-It Ralph. " Jessica swirled her long brown, curly hair on her pointer finger, as she smiled at Ralph.

" Oh, you're from the game, Fix-It Felix Jr, aren't you? I've been hearing things like, how you almost destroyed Sugar Rush. Is that stuff true? " She pondered, Ralph shook his giant palms about, as he shook his head. " Oh, no,no,no. I didn't almost destroy it, well uhhh... Kinda, but- " Jessica's giggling, made Ralph stop talking, and his face grew bright red with embarrassment as he realized, he was making absolutely no sense. " Oh, Mr. Ralph, it's quite alright, if you don't know what to say. But, I hate to say it, but I should be on my way, got a lot of preparing to do. But, I must say, that I would love to meet up with you again... Say, seven-thirty on Friday at Tapper's? " Ralph rocked on his heels, as he puffed out his cheeks and nodded. " Yyyeaah, that sound's fine to me, see ya then. " And with that, Ralph was the one to hurry on his way. Leaving Jessica in the dust, with a confused face. " I... Thought, I was leaving? "

Just as Ralph was about to phase through, the entrance to 'Fix-It Felix Jr.' something dawned on his, he'd promised a certain President he'd pay her a visit.

~ Okay, this was just a small test on it, so if you'd like me to continue it, send me a private message, and I will. Oh, and I do not own Wreck-It Ralph. ~