~~ Hello, people of this weird world! And Wreck-It Ralph lovers, from all over! I am happy, to be posting two chapters, in one day! And, I will be making this one longer. But, please let me know how you, like to read them, it helps a lot! :) Please R & R. ~~
A/N: I have been, writing Fanfiction a long time, but have never posted any of them, and I still feel like I need much improvement. So, any tips at all could help, if you wouldn't mind sending them, I would like to better myself, for the sake of my readers. ( PS: Sorry, if the chapter names suck. )
Disclaimer: I do not own, Wreck-It Ralph. And if I did, I would have a heart attack and die.
CHAPTER TWO- It's a big day.
The last Ralph, had seen Vanellope had been on Wednesday. The rest of his week had been busy, and he was glad it was Friday. Yuni Cross, had just called out and all clear, as Ralph released his breath. He pulled himself out of the mud, and swiped it off. As he walked to West Niceland, to his brick shack, to get cleaned up. For his d- No, he wasn't going to say date. It was just, a new friend thing, of course it wasn't a date.
Ralph, had gotten cleaned up and was standing in front of a wall mirror, one of which he had gotten from Vanellope. For, special dressing occasions. And, this was one so Ralph was good. After giving himself a pep-talk for fifteen minutes, he headed out his door. And straight out of Fix-It Felix Jr, he felt bad for ignoring Felix, but he'd explain later, he didn't want to be late and seem rude. Because, no matter how mean, and grouchy he looks. ( Or smells, at some points. ) He wasn't a bad guy, and he was glad that everyone was beginning to see that.
Ralph, was seen to Tapper's quickly, and was glad that he wasn't to late, judging by the giant wall clock. On the left hand side, of the 5"6 sized room. Walking over to the bar, he asked Tapper if he'd seen a woman. Going by the name Jessica Abadeer, he was quickly steered, to the of the room. In the corner, where himself and Vanellope usually sit. Waving awkwardly, and apologizing for being late, to the table. Ralph, glanced around before he took a seat. " Once again, I am sorry that I was late- Got a- Little lost, on where you would be sitting. " Ralph said, dryly. Jessica just, giggled and flipped her hair as she chewed on some bubblegum. " Oh no, that's quite alright. I would have been lost myself, if I hadn't have visited here earlier. You know, you're pretty handsome- For a wrecker. "
Ralph's face grew hot, and he craned his neck awkwardly as he struggled to, find a word... Or even a sentence to answer her. Finally, he said. " Why, thank you- I think, you're very hansom as well- Ga- I mean beautiful- " Ralph, thought he must have had the most, dumb founded face on. Because, Jessica was just giggling away, as well as some of the Patrons who were in an ears shot, distance. Or, it could have just been, that he just called her handsome. ' Oh, Ralphie boy! You- you better get it together, you're a wrecker for crying out loud, a single female shouldn't make you mix up you're words! ' " Uhhh, sorry on my absence of- Not sayin' anything else, I just felt pretty stupid... Sorry, I called you handsome- " Ralph wasn't going to lie, that was what was on his mind. And it needed to be out in the open, if there was a slight chance. Of a friendship, anywhere in there. Plus, being around Felix he'd learned a lot about speaking his mind, Felix was bad about it. Especially around his ' Dynamite Girl'.
" Oh no, don't be silly, Hun . I completely understand you there, I can't tell you how many times. I mixed things up today, I'm very lucky that the gamers didn't catch onto it. " Jessica said, as she smiled at Ralph warmly.
" Alright, sorry I took so long to be over, there was a lot of folks. Waitin' to be served, so what can I get for you guys, this evening? " Tapper said.
" Oh, do you have a lite draft, beer? By any chance? " Answered Jessica.
" Well, you're in luck. Because, we certainly do. And for you Ralph? The usual, I presume. "
Ralph, just nodded. Hoping, that getting a root beer, didn't seem girly or something. The idea, of her getting a beer surprised him, it wasn't that he didn't drink beer, or like it. It just, wasn't really for him, he'd be the kind who would get to wild, and dance on the table with underwear on his head... He wasn't proud of that, and it wasn't to pretty of a scene for others either... So that's why he stuck with root beer.
" So, Jessica. " Ralph began, after his moment of silence. " What'd you're game like? I mean being the Antagonist and all? " Jessica placed, her delicate hand on her cheek bone and answered thoughtfully. " Ohhhh, it's so very wonderful! I absolutely love being the Villain, I get to use magic. Change people into animals or other objects, and even if the characters in my game aren't that kind to me. I don't mind, I've got a friend now. Oh, but you have to come and check it out sometime, maybe I'll show you a few of my magic spells. "
Ralph, just smiled and nodded as she spoke, putting in a word here or there. She really seemed to be having a good time. " That would be lovely, don't you think? I mean I've always wanted to see, pigs fly. Perhaps I'll try that sometime, and don't worry Ralph. I won't turn you into an animal, I promise. "
Tapper, came up with the drinks and placed them on the table. " There you are, enjoy. " And he walked off, tending to others needs. Jessica, grabbed her mug and lifted it to her lips, taking a nice long sip, lip stick smudging on the rim. " Mmmm, that is good- Do, you drink Ralph? Please, don't find it odd me asking, I just like to ask a lot of questions. " Ralph, raised an eyebrow, as he shook his hand, saying so-so. " Yeah, I do sometimes, but it's not really for me. " Ralph, scratched his head nervously as he watched Jessica, reply to what he said, and take another sip of her beer. Ralph, then lowered his big hand and picked up the icy cold mug, taking a nice and long sip. Of his root beer.
Why was he being so distant? Ralph couldn't help but wonder, he never does this. And I mean never, especially not with his hardheadedness. " I haven't ever, really been out somewhere, with someone. Who wasn't a close friend- I'm sorry, if I'm a tiny bit quiet, I must seem so different from three days ago. " Jessica, disagreed. " Oh, it's perfectly alright! I understand, you're just as funny as you were, I like that. And I would like to keep, being friends with you... And call it odd, but I'm in total need of a date, would you maybe like to go on one, with me? "
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0~0~0~0- Five hours later- 0~0~0~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
" Jiminy jaminy- And what did you say? " Said, a very excited Felix.
" Ah, well- I said yes, I figured why not, she's really nice. And she didn't even go running away, when she first saw me. " Ralph, seemed just as excited as a puppy, on adoption day.
" Well, good for you Ralph! I'm happy for you brother! "
Ralph rubbed the back of his neck, slightly flustered. As he mumbled another thank you. " Thank you, again Felix.. "
~~ -Record scratch- Whooooaaaaa! I am so sorry guys, I lost my train of thought, and it's really late. I need to get some sleep before school, and I know, I know I promised a longer chapter. But, once I straighten my mind, I will definitently have a long chapter, to make up for it! Stay sweet! Oh, and just so you know Jessica isn't picture perfect, she's not skinny, skinny. But, she's not fat. Peace out, and stay sweet, peeps! ~~