~ Heyo! This is the second chapter to, my Hero's Cuties AU fanfic. Please R & R and review as well. :) Hope I don't let anyone down, please enjoy. :) ~

Disclaimer: I don't own Wreck-It Ralph.

Author's note: This fic, has adult themes, blood and gore, and torturing. So, it is rated T.

Chapter two: Blood, sweat and tears.

It was three days later, and Tamora hadn't seen the slightest bit of Brad. Thankfully, though any bit of glee she had, was stomped out. Like a wild fire, in the Great Smokey Mountains. As she heard that door swing open, and the sound of heavy combat boots.

" So, Tamora. Are you finally ready, to cooperate? " He said, with a heavily serious tone.

Calhoun was reluctant to speak, but she didn't want to be punched on the jaw again, so she spoke. Quite softly. " N- Yes, I am... "

Brad, strained his ears to hear her, he stepped closer. Leaning forward, as he said. " What was that? Didn't hear ya, speak up. "

Calhoun sneered, with disgust. As she spoke the same words, louder. " I said, yes I am, are you hard of hearing? "

Brad had a cross, look on his face. As he moved his face right in front of hers. " No, you know damn well. That I'm not, and if you don't keep a good attitude. You'll pay, a well price for it later on tonight. "

Calhoun, swallowed the lump of nervousness, in her throat and chose to keep her choice of words, to a minimum and not listening to him. He never stayed for to long, or so she'd come to find out. In little to four minutes later, he growled from not getting anymore responses. Kicked Tamora hard in the gut, and walked away. Leaving her cringing in agony, as she mummers over and over to herself. " It's all just a dream... It's all just a dream... " Calhoun closed her eyes tight, and it wasn't long before sleep came to claim her... And even in her dreams she was in a hell she couldn't escape.

As her thoughts and dreams continued to bounce around in her mind. She was awoken in a cold sweat, as she opened her eyes and found that she was now in a different room. It was bigger then the other room, but now... Instead of the simple lighter weight chains, her wrists were decorated by heavy iron chains. In the room, was a small metal table. That of in a old mental hospital, covered by a thin, flimsy sheet. It soon came to Calhoun's realization, that her back was pressed up against the wall, and her arms were chained above her head. On two metal platforms. " Wh-what the... Where am I now? This is just like a scene, out of that one horror movie... What was it called... ? Oh yeah... Saw... " She said, as squinted her eyes, to try and see what was on the small table, beside the Doctor's table.

Tamora looked down, whenever the door pushed open, and a bright light shown through, heavy footsteps then heard. Walking in the direction, of where she was placed... Damn... It was Brad... And he'd brought company.

Felix, paced around nervously. It had been over twenty- four hours, and Ralph had insisted that they stopped looking for the night, and got some food and rest. " How... How can I rest, when the-the woman I love... Has been kidnapped! " Felix was quick, to lower his voice, as of they had stopped at a Hotel for the night, and the neighbors didn't like his sudden, outburst. " S-so sorry, Madame... " Felix said, apologetically as he took a seat at the small rounded, wooden table. Setting his hands on his face, and sighing deeply... What was he to do? Could he perhaps leave Ralph and Vanellope behind and go face Calhoun's captor, and save her. By himself? Why the small, handy man wasn't one for, abstract ideas... But this one, seemed like it would work.

Hopping to his feet, Felix runs to the small dresser, by the second bed. And pulls out the drawer, careful not to wake Ralph or Vanellope. Pulling out a pad of paper, and a pencil, returning to the table, and jotting down a letter, for Ralph. Leaving that there, Felix jumped back up, and gathered his things. Unlocking the door, and taking his leave... His love was in trouble, and he wasn't going to waste a single second, or even nanosecond, to continue the search. Closing the door behind him, he started out, to explore every nook, cranny and cavern and or building around.

A few hours later, Ralph awoke out of a very, deep sleep. To find, Fix-It missing and a note on the table, that read. ' Dear, Ralph and Vanellope. I thank you so, very much for accompanying me, as long as you have, but now. I must set out on my own, I can't stop the search. Not when, her entire life could be on the line, I'll return soon- With Calhoun.

Signed, Felix. '

Ralph was astonished, now why would Felix go and do that? He's much smaller then you're average man, well. Not to small, but you get the point. " Felix, you dummy! You're gonna get yourself killed, I promised Calhoun I'd keep a watch over you. " Ralph hurriedly woke up Vanellope, who groaned in protest but, sat up and got her things together. " Alright,m let's get goin' " She said, as she grabbed onto Ralph's hand, and pulled him out the door.

Tamora clentched her fist closed, tight. She couldn't scream... She couldn't squirm... She had to endure, the very torture, she was being put through. Sharp scalpels, pulled down the length of her thin legs, blood dripping down onto thr table. With a pitter-pat, a pair of pleading blue eyes, looking up at her captor... Blood runs down her cheek, as another scalpel is harshly dragged across her face, not enough to kill. But enough... To leave terrible scars, The man known as Dr.X is grinning widely, as he's the one doing all the damage. Brad, just grins, so evilly down at his Ex-girlfriend, mouthing the words ' I love you... ' Writhing, in silent agony, she pleads... Her eyes telling, the story of her pain... The pain she went through, throughout her entire life... All for it to come returning back to her. Brad, leans down and plants a kiss on her lips... Tears fall down her cheeks, mixing with the crimson red liquid... Making a tiny river.

As the flash backs, rush throughout her mind, she's unchained, and pulled to her shaky feet. Roughly, by Brad. Dr.X gathers his scalpels, and all of his 'tools'... Pushing out the cart, he closes the door behind him... With a rough slam, Calhoun's knee's buckle under her weight, and she falls to the ground, on her side. The air being knocked out of her, the choker removed from her mouth, as she coughs and sputters. " Why... W-why are you doing this to me... D-dammit Brad! J-just let me go! " Brad was happy to hear her cries... Her pleading to let go... It was satisfaction, to see her... In the state she was in now... Vulnerable, weak.. Unable to do anything at all... Brad took this, as his chance. He began to strip down, from his old battle clothing, until he was in nothing, but his blue boxers. Calhoun stared, wide-eyed and shaky at the man... She was never a cowered, dammit! Why... Why couldn't she stand up for herself? " Don't... " Was the last thing she spoke, so softly. Before Brad, had stripped her of her bra and panties, and was forcefully... Pushed into things, she didn't want to do.

~~ Well, sorry about the cliffhanger there. But, my mind suddenly went blank, please tell me, If this is to OOC, cos I totally don't want it to be, I'm just finally getting' my writing groove back, hope you like this chapter... No matter how, pain staking it is. Now please, stay sweet!~~