Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Negima, Star Wars, or anything else mentioned.
Thanks to Jostanos and WhiteElfElder for your reviews.
Harry appeared in a dark graveyard and dropped the cup. He looked around and saw a bubbling cauldron over a fire and a shambling figure carrying a bundle coming towards him. He went to kill them only for the Force to show what would happen if he did not. So, he allowed them to capture him.
He was tied to one of the gravestones and watched as the bundle was dropped into the cauldron. The figure then started chanting.
"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, will revive your son"
Bones flew out of the ground beneath Harry and into the cauldron. The Force telling him to allow this to happen.
"Flesh of the servant, willingly given, you will revive your master"
The figure chopped off its hand causing it to fall into the cauldron.
"How dramatic" thought Harry
"I don't think it required that much" he thought
"Blood of the enemy, forcibility taken, you will revive your foe"
Harry tricked the figure into using its own blood. Once the blood was in the cauldron, white steam shot out of it. Once it cleared it revealed a figure stepping out of the cauldron. It was Lord Voldemort.
"Robe me" commanded Voldemort
The figure quickly came up to him and draped a robe onto his body.
"My wand" ordered Voldemort
The figure quickly gave Voldemort his wand. He then tapped his wand onto the Dark Mark on the figure's arm.
"I wonder how many on them will show up" asked Voldemort
He then turned his attention to Harry.
"Hello Harry Potter" said Voldemort
"You are sitting on the grave of my muggle father" he said
"But behold as my true family appears" he proclaimed
There were multiple pops as the Death Eaters appeared wearing black cloaks and masks. They all started groveling at Voldemort's feet. He ripped off their masks announced who each one of them were.
He then started monologuing about what happened that night, how he survived, what he has been doing the last 14 years, and what he has done leading up to this moment.
"We can't leave Britain yet" gasped Nodoka
"I will explain once this is over" she said
"The time for waiting is over" thought Harry
"I have forgotten about our guest of honor" said Voldemort
"Everyone thinks he is the Chosen one" he said
"Allow me to prove them wrong" he said
"Crucio" he shouted
Harry easily broke his bonds and dodged the spell. His eyes started glowing yellow as lightning exploded from his body killing all the Death Eaters.
"How did you get this power" shouted Voldemort
"This is the true power of the Dark Side" said Harry
He grabbed Voldemort with the Force and lifted him up. Before he could do anything else, he sensed something attacking him from behind. He grabbed it and turned around seeing it was a snake.
"I will deal with you later" said Harry
He then turned his attention back to Voldemort.
"Now where were we" asked Harry
"Ah, yes" he said smirking
"Goodbye Tom" said Harry
He snapped Voldemort's neck killing him. His eyebrows rose as he sensed Voldemort's soul try to flee instead of dissipating. He reached out and crushed it. He then turned his attention back to the snake.
"Now what to do with you" asked Harry
He took a closer look at the snake and noticed something interesting.
"How interesting" said Harry
"You are a girl cursed into the body of a snake" he said
The snake's eyes widen at that.
"You know, I could have helped you break the curse and regain your human form" said Harry
"But since you tried to kill me…" he began
He crushed the snake's head killing it.
"It's over" said Harry
"Get ready" he said
"We're ready" said Kaede
Harry grabbed the Triwizard Cup and was whisked back to Hogwarts. He appeared outside the maze as all the judges ran up to him.
"Are you alright my boy" asked Dumbledore
"Just because I was an unknown fourth champion doesn't mean there had to be an unknown fourth task" shouted Harry
"What are you talking about" asked Bagman
"There wasn't a fourth task" he said
"Then who were those cloaked figures the cup took me to that I was attacked by" asked Harry
"I'm just glad that even more cloaked figures showed up and started attacking them or I would have never gotten out of there" he said
"Let's get you to Pomfrey Potter" said Moody walking up to him
"That won't be necessary" said Evangeline pointing an ice sword at him
"Now that this farce is over, we are leaving" she said
Kaede threw down a smoke bomb and they all disappeared. They all appeared outside of Hogwarts wearing their armor. Harry changed into a phoenix and they all grabbed on before disappearing in a burst of fire.
They appeared in a different location as Harry changed back.
"What did you find out Nodoka" asked Evangeline
Nodoka took her diary out of her pouch and opened it before giving it to Evangeline. She took it and looked at it as her eyes widen.
"That idiotic fool" shouted Evangeline
"He made Horcruxes" she said
"He made more than one" exclaimed Mana
"Yes" said Evangeline
"How does he have any power left or even exist" asked Mana
"I don't know" said Evangeline
"They sound bad but what are they" asked Haruna
"They are soul containers" said Yue reading from her book
"Yes, and your soul and power are cut in half when you make one" explained Evangeline
"How many did he make" asked Mana
"Six" said Evangeline
"He shouldn't have any power left and be very unstable" said Harry
"That is correct" said Evangeline
Harry looked at the list and said "I already got rid of the diary and the snake"
"I will go take care of the diadem" he said
He changed into a phoenix and flamed away.
"Where is the diadem" asked Chao
"At Hogwarts" said Evangeline
"Why didn't we sense it" asked Konoka
"It was in a special part of the Room of Requirement" said Evangeline
"I'm guessing the way the room was made blocked us from sensing it" she explained
A phoenix appeared in front of a troll tapestry and changed back into Harry. He walked in front of it three times thinking he needed to hide something. A door appeared and he went inside. He went to where the diadem was stored and destroyed it with his lightsaber. He then left the room and was about to leave when he felt something dark enter the castle.
He hid himself in the Force and flamed to the location. He arrived at the location and saw a Dementor kiss the imposter, Barty Crouch Jr. He then noticed that Snape was in the room near the Dementor. He changed back and influenced the Dementor to attack Snape. The Dementor kissed Snape before anyone could stop it.
"How could you allow this to happen Cornelius" shouted Dumbledore
"I only told it to kiss those with Dark Marks" said Fudge
"We just lost our spy" shouted Dumbledore
"That will not be needed since He is not coming back" said Fudge
Harry changed into a phoenix and flamed away. He appeared where his friends were and changed back.
"All taken care of" said Harry
"What took you so long" asked Setsuna
"Just tying up some lose ends" said Harry
"Where to next" asked Harry
"There are three left" said Nodoka looking at her diary
"They are in an old shack, a cave, and a Gringotts vault" she said
"Let's leave Gringotts to last" said Evangeline
"Let's head to the shack" said Harry
Nodoka gave her diary to Harry who looked at the location before giving it back. He then turned into a phoenix and they all grabbed onto him before flaming away. There was a burst of fire near a run-down shack as they all appeared.
"I will deal with this one myself" said Harry
"One of the defenses is a powerful compulsion charm" he explained
"Ok" said Konoka
Harry went into the run-down shack and summoned the ring to him. A ring box shot out from under the floor and started floating in front of him. He took out his lightsaber and went to slash it when the Force yelled at him not to. He took the ring out of the box and saw the horcrux was in the band of the ring. He carefully destroyed the band with his lightsaber before pocketing the stone and leaving.
Outside, Konoka stumbled a little feeling a large disturbance in the Force.
"What's the matter Konoka" asked Setsuna
"I just felt a large disturbance in the Force" said Konoka
"It did not like the way Harry was going to destroy the horcrux" she explained
Soon, Harry came out of the shack and joined them.
"What happened" asked Konoka
"Say hello to the Resurrection Stone" proclaimed Harry taking it out
"The horcrux and its protective spells were cast on the band of the ring it was set into" he explained
"He must have not known what it really was" said Evangeline
"It was supposed to be his family ring" said Harry
"Where is the next one" asked Mana
"In a cave" said Nodoka
"Why didn't he hide them all in places like that" asked Chao
Nodoka just shrugged her shoulders at that. She gave her diary to Harry who read the location and defenses before giving it back. Harry changed into a phoenix and they all grabbed onto him before they disappeared in a burst of fire.
They appeared on a cliff overlooking the sea.
"It's below us isn't it" said Haruna
"It is" said Harry
"We will come with you" said Mana
"Ok" said Harry
Harry and Konoka jumped down while Mana and Nodoka flew down with their jetpacks. Harry summoned a fish from the sea and threw it against the cliff wall. That caused the cave to open. But when they entered it, Harry and Konoka froze.
"It is not here" said Harry
"Someone found out about it and stole it" said Konoka
"Let's go back up top" said Harry
They all left the cave and went back up top.
"Did you destroy it" asked Haruna
"No" said Konoka shaking her head
"Someone found out about them and took it" she said
"Set you weapons to stun and get ready" said Harry
"We are about to go to possible hostile territory" he said
He changed into a phoenix and they all grabbed onto him before flaming away. They appeared in Grimmauld Place where Mana and Nodoka stunned Sirius and Remus. Harry changed back and headed towards where he sensed the locket was.
"Erase their memoires of us being here Konoka" said Harry
"Yes Master" said Konoka
Harry went into the drawing room and opened the desk draw seeing the locket in it. He took out his lightsaber and activated it. Only to spin around cutting a house elf in half that tried to attack him. He then swiped down destroying the locket. He turned off his lightsaber and left the drawing room.
He went into the living room and asked, "All done?"
"Yes" said Konoka bowing her head
"Let's go to Gringotts then" he said