Yes we get it James I'm you and you're me

Summary: Lily wakes up one morning and everything seems normal until she realises... She's in James, Potters, body!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of the characters in this story they belong to the amazing queen JK Rowling :)

Chapter 1

"You are so infuriating!" Lily snapped her red curls bouncing as she stormed angrily into the Gryffindor common room, James hot on her tail.

"Oh Lily, it was only a joke," said James trying to smother his own mirth "We thought you might find it funny."

"Oh yeah, sure I found you turning my best friend into a sheep extremely funny." Lily spat her voice laced with sarcasm.

James chuckled; Lily shot him a dangerous look "I'm sorry Lily but you saying it just makes it..."

Lily reached the top of the girls' staircase and slammed the door loudly in James' face.

After slamming said door a distraught, peevish Lily Evans through herself onto the bed face down and groaned "Why for the love of Merlin do James Potter and his stupid friends seek to make my life a living hell?!" her question as she had guessed went unanswered. It was then that the door opened "Hi Lily" Alice said cheerily "Errrgghhh" Lily groaned

"Oh I'm fine Lily I've only been a sheep for two hours and you" Alice said sitting down tentatively on the corner of Lily's bed as if approaching a wild animal.

"So want to tell Auntie Alice what's wrong?" Alice asked pulling Lily up to sitting position much to her best friends protest, all Lily said in reply was "James. Potter!"

"Don't be so hard on James Lily everyone knows he desperately in love with you and has been since 1st year"

"Why me! Why me!" Lily called crawling back under her covers "James Potter is nothing but a nuisance, how does he think I could ever. Love. him." Lily said harshly earning a small gasp from Alice who got of the bed and headed out of the room with a call of "Give James and chance Lily." as the door closed Lily muttered "Give Potter a chance, huh when pigs fly. Oh wait he already does!" Lily let out a cruel laugh as she leant over to turn off the light and turn in early.