Chapter 17
The next morning Lily was woken up by a loud crash, she was used to the marauders shenanigans by now. Lily sighed, yawned, put on her now mandatory glasses and turned on her bedside lamp. She looked around and found all of the Marauders were as groggy and annoyed at being awoken as she was. So, Lily thought, who or what the hell made that sound. Grumpy and achy Lily walked down into the common room to get a cup of hot milk in the hope to aid her sleep. A few minutes later Lily was curled up by the fire reading her battered and dog eared copy of little women she was interrupted by a shout of "Little women?! Little women?! What the hell Prongs!? Unless this is a book about teenage lesbians this is not a guy book!" Sirius looked mortified before smirking and asking "It isn't about lesbians is it?"
"No it is not a book about lesbians, sorry to disappoint you Padfoot" Remus replied with a chuckle "It's a muggle classic about young girls growing up in Victorian London."
"Boring!" barked Sirius "Why are you reading a muggle book for girls?"
"Yeah why would you want to read such a sappy, girl book James?" Peter asked laughing slightly.
" I.I.I It's a good book." Lily said blushing slightly James was gonna kill her for this.
"Anyway before James turns totally girl on us and starts crying I suggest we go find out what that noise was."
Meanwhile in the girls dormitory Alice, Molly, Mary and James we sitting around having a secret sleepover which consisted mainly of eating chocolate, talking about boys and playing games. James was surprised at how much fun he was having with the girls. If only Sirius could see him now.
"Guys I'm bored of exploding snap how do you feel about playing another game?" Alice asked running to her trunk and pulling out a bag labelled 'Truth or Dare' "What do you say?"
"Sure sounds fun, how do you play?" asked Molly her face intrigued.
"Yeah what is it Alice?" James asked
"What do you mean what is it Lily? You taught me how to play it silly. Don't you remember?" Alice said her face contorted in a confused frown.
It must be a muggle game, James thought, how was he gonna get out of this.
"Oh yes of course I did. Silly me." James said with a nervous titter
"I think the butter beers gone to your head Lily" Mary said pushing James lightly
"That must be it." said James glad to have an excuse, he dropped an empty butter beer bottle to the floor faking a fall, in turn making a loud bang.
Lily didn't seem to buy it but she seemed to let Lily's strange behaviour slide.
"Why don't we go down to the common room to play Alice? And maybe we can get some more chocolate from the kitchens?" Molly suggested holding up the empty chocolate packet.
"OK also it will be easier to use the truth chalk with a wooden floor." Alice said slyly jogging down the stairs.
"Wait Alice? What chalk?" James asked his face bright with mischief.
The common room was pitch black. Peter had already fallen down the stairs and crushed Remus and Sirius had stubbed his toe on a large pile of books. Lily laughed thinking that if there had have been an intruder they would have been scared away.
The girls had been smart and used the hand rail on the stairs it took a few minutes for Alice to do the smart thing and light up her wand.
"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Lily shrieked girlishly Alice's face was mere few centimetres from hers.
Sirius, Peter, Remus, Molly, Mary and Alice all laughed at 'James'' femininity however 'Lily' looked murderous.
After several minutes of awkward laughter Alice broke the tension by lighting the fire and asking "True or dare anyone? "