*Slow raises a riot shield to hide herself* Hi... so... sup? *Squeaks as rotten food is thrown at her* I'M SORRY! DON'T KILL ME! *Gets on knees and begs* Please don't kill me! I have so much to live for! I'm so freaking sorry, everybody! *Winces as more food is raised at her* Ok! Ok, I was a idiot and should have updated a very long time ago, I'm so sorry! I've been on a Batman streak recently and have been playing the Arkham games and waiting for my brother to get Arkham Origans so I can play it, because god damn, those games are good. Then there was school work and House Music (A school thing) and my holiday... I'm so sorry, I hope I made up for it!
Carnage watched, silently staring at the male in front of him, his mouth opened producing an odd, strained series of hissing noises, backing away slightly from the other, older simbiote. His strained hissing almost sounding horrified.
"F-Father. I hope you are well." Carnage stuttered, going completely off character, his body seemingly melting into a shapeless blob.
"Do not call me father," Venom hissed, sounding outraged, but his grin on his face betrayed all his feelings. "Give me the spider, give him to me."
'No! Our Spider! Mine! Yours! Ours!'
"Mine." Carnage's body started to form into a more solid shape. "Mine." His hissed, not a scared hiss, a hiss that portrayed anger.
Venom narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth. "Listen to your father, child."
"You are my father, not my father." Carnage seethed back, before launching himself at the black form.
'Yo, Pete?'
'Shut up, idiot. He can't hear you.'
Peter moaned and gripped his head, curling up. "Shut up…"
'See? He's awake! I told you, D.'
'Never call me 'D' again.'
"Be quiet…"
'Oh, sorry, Pete.'
'Why should we be sorry? The lazy git needs to get up.'
"Who you calling a git?" Peter moaned, lifting his head and looking around the black landscape in front of him. "I hate headaches. It feels like my spidersense has a nuclear bomb going off."
'You were thrown at a tree.'
'It'll get better, Petey. 'Kay, listen, you need to wake up. Venom and Carnage aren't very happy and your spidersense doesn't know what to make of it – two things that mean your senses thinks won't harm are fighting, something that could hurt you. Wake up, Pete.'
Peter frowned and looked around again. "Um… how?"
'Just wake up.'
Peter's eyes flew open, looking at the tree above him.
Venom pushed his hands above to cover his face as Carnage launched at him, hands forming spikes as they impaled themselves into the fake flesh. Venom screeched, causing his own body to react and cover his body in millions of tiny spikes, forcing Carnage from his arms.
"You will not take my prize." Carnage hissed. "The spider has ruined this city – h-he should pay! I must make him pay!" He screeched the last word, Venom lifted his hand and fired black webbing at his 'son', causing him to screech louder and fire back, red combining with the black.
"Not your prize, he is our prize!" Venom screamed, hissing, gargling, split dripping in gleaming canals down his face, his long tongue poked through the teeth, flicking it and releasing spit flying into the air.
Carnage melted into a puddle and sunk into a grate, causing Venom to yell and stomp towards to sewer entrance before a sword sunk into the side of his head. Venom turned his head as much as he could, looking almost surprised at the sudden attack. But the swing was not hard enough, sinking only an inch into the black, living, goo.
"You put up a good fight, child."
"I-I'm not a child!" Carnage screamed, releasing millions of tiny tentacles from his skin, each forming into a small spike.
Venom leaped upwards and glanced towards his pray was lying; or should have been lying.
Instead of a teenager, clad in a red and blue outfit, there was a splash of blood, going brown on the side of the tree.
"No! You foolish, stupid, child!" Venom screamed, landing in front of the large tree and proceeded to rip it from the ground, tossing the tree towards the younger simbiote.
Carnage looked like a deer in headlights as the tree flew towards him, the only thought that was going through his mind was simply. 'S-Spider?'
He flew backwards into a wall, where he slowly sunk down a drain, watching as Venom started to tear the park apart, searching for the missing Spiderman.
Peter was covered in blood, his head bled, it ached, it felt as if somebody had hit him with a steamroller; all his instincts were saying was: 'Run – run, just run.'
He had learned to trust those instincts, they were normally right. It was at these times his human side and spider side would both completely agree on everything. Get out – now.
He landed on the roof of a building, god knew where he was, he couldn't careless and all he knew was that he was laying on his back on a gravel covered rooftop. He didn't care about anything else – he was away from the fighting, his head wasn't throbbing with a migraine anymore, instead a fraction less.
His hand shook, grabbing the phone from his pocket and pushing a small button on the side, signalling the emergency beacon.
'W-Want to sleep. T-Tierd…'
'Don't sleep, Pete. Stay awake.'
'I hate to agree with anything that the princess says, but I'll die if you die and I don't wanna die.'
Peter snickered quietly, blood loss impairing the judgement to judge bad jokes.
But Peter simply couldn't keep his eyes open, he needed to sleep, surly a few minutes sleep wouldn't do anything. Yeah, he'd just rest his eyes for a bit… just a second…
A second…
Something screamed, Peter didn't care.
Harry liked to think he was sensible. Sure, he might have gassed himself and became the green goblin, but he was consumed with anger and grief, okay? At least, that's what he told himself. Peter had told him to keep his existence on the down low for a little while – not too long, just long enough to explain to the girls and introduce him to the public gently.
By gently, Peter meant with a big explosion caused by some villain then punching said villain in the face.
Peter didn't tell the girls about Harry at school, choosing to talk to Harry about everything first, making sure he knew what he was getting into. Harry had quickly said that, yes, he wanted to help.
So Peter had told him that tonight he was to be flying around the city and getting a nice good feel for the place and all its little alleys and streets, then tomorrow they would tell the girls about his choice and wait for their wrath. Peter had hugged him and told him how refreshing it would be to have another boy on the team.
What Harry wasn't expecting was for the emergency beacon to off on his new 'phone', for lack of better word. Quickly snapping it out and looking at the blipping screen, he almost screamed when he saw it was Peter's beacon that was ringing to high heaven and that the girls were all on the other side of town.
What kept him from doing so was that he was but a hop, skip and jump away from his location.
Quickly flying to the building which Peter was apparently on top of, he landed on the roof, eyes skimming over the surface before resting on the limp figure that was lying on the floor, a fallen phone only inches from the hand that had dropped it, blood pooling around his head.
Harry did something he never thought he would do – he screamed.
So... yeah... um... 'kay. T-That was the chapter. I felt so bad when I was scrolling through the stories and saw Enigmas... so I started to write this yesterday. Um... OK...
koryandrs: Um, thank you! I hope I didn't cause you much pain.
Cherrycloud456: *Laughs* I can see that!
weekj2001: Awww! Thank you! Writers block is exactly that, when you write but your brain can't think of anything and is blocked up. So, yeah. It's like your brain punching you in the imagine.
Best Answer: Cherrycloud456's answer, that was awesome. But it was so very lonely... AMAZING ALL THE SAME!
"My name is Nick Fury... and you are?"
"I am a crazy, fun, forgetful, superhero. You can call me Solar Flare."
Shakes hands with Nick Fury then flies away at top speed.
Extra Snazzy BONUS Question: What superhero from Marvel can you see being best bros with a Superhero from DC? (ie, I think Spiderman and Robin would be, like, best friends.)
Best Answer is put in the Authors Note like above!
Review and/or PM me,
- Cat =^.^=