
I've been racking my brain for a story that hasn't totally been done before yet on this site, mostly concerning with a Tamers Renamon story. So I think I might have something, this is to be a Digimon, assassins creed, with a slight zelda cross over. So tell me what you all think alright. I do not own Digimon, Assassins creed, or Zelda they belong to their respected owners not me sadly. This is an alternate Assassin universe.

I would also like to give a big thank you to True Glint for being my beta for this story so if any of you love Renamon, or Naruto check some of his stories out!

Now with out further ado let us begin…

*Here I come*-thinking

"Here I come"-Speaking

Music- In the end (Rap Remix) Linkin Park

Chapter 1 His unknown

Intro log

It has been many years since the spark of the war between the Assassins and the Templars, by the looks of things the end may be in sight but just not in the way we all hoped…

So many lives over the years have been lost. Some of my own kind, others of innocence who never deserved such an ungodly fate in this so called quest for the many pieces of Eden. The select few of us that remain must find a way to turn the war in our favor, for it truly is becoming a maddening an a unending cycle times. I myself grow weary of this unyielding conflict, even with my brothers and sisters who stand by my side for even so we were easily outnumbered ten to one.

Intro end

Oh my apologies! Where are my manners? You may call me Adam Marotta, age twenty three. As for rank, I suppose assassin veteran would be about the closest (but now it seems little more than just a insignificant title). And as for where I'm from, to tell you the truth, I don't really know myself. All I can tell you is that New York city is were my earliest memories lay.

It was also where they found me, a few years back, after the foster home I was staying at caught on fire. Some electrical surge I was told a few years later on, from some lightning storm out west started the power surge and overloaded the buildings more than outdated wiring. But as far as I know I was one of only a hand full that survived that horrifying blaze. The others… were even lucky if they even woke from the event.

But for now… That's more then enough for you to know about my boring life before I joined their fight. This is after all supposed to be a fresh start. Because funny enough as it may be I never knew how right I truly was, and to all you that care this now is my story to tell…

December 31st, new years eve 2000

*Alright where are they? They should have been here at least an hour ago. This was supposed to be the meeting point!* The man moved the miniature head set closer to his drying and now freshly chapping lips. "Eerie do you read me, copy." Static was all that made it to his ear. *Damn it they shouldn't have been that easy to spot.* Much of his people like himself wore a traditional hooded garb consisting of the grey or white hooded sweatshirt along with a inner red lining, but the user had the choice of leg wear and foot wear. His only consisted out of the standard blue jeans and a ragtag pair of sneakers.

The sudden setback had the man quickly assessing over all his own supplies, seeing what was his currently to work with, (which wasn't much) but included the lost assassination tools known as the duel hidden blade – which was more of a old art among the more modern day recruits for choice of the newer and easier assassination methods that came with the times. (They were fools)

Moving to his long shirt sleeve he then checked a very small solar powered watch on his wrist which to one's naked eye looked more like the everyday ones carried around, yet it held a slightly deceiving concept to it because it contained a microscopic built in GPS tracking unit standard for the novice in this type of work. And to follow up his small arsenal was a forty-five strapped around his chest followed by four extra clips of hollow point projectiles.

*Can only expect the worst now on and presume my position has been compromised as well. Best to try and keep moving for now.* Jumping from his high vantage point up in a white oak tree he flutters to the ground without startling the yet freshly fallen leaves, landing in a crouch.

*New Morgan can't be more than a day's walk from here so only a few more hours or so if I can keep up this type of pace, or the bastards don't get to me first.* He then begins to move just as his first instinct is to keep to the more shaded areas that the nightfall had to offer, along with the dense woodland and thick undergrowth among the ground, with only the brief chirping of crickets to accompany his being.

His only downside to it all was that this strange uneasy silence left time for his fluctuating mind to wander about their very real future ahead if he for some reason failed in this task.

(What would happen?)

The world domination if the other succeeded, what would happen to his group? Would they be pushed from this existence never to even known what they had always fought for? What of the humanity as everyone has always known, and come to love? The pieces were just such significance even at such small size. Someone even with a single piece could take on a small army alone. And if the information they collected rang true the pieces were truly created from the very first civilization untold years ago, but the rest of their great origin was history to his knowlege. But their advancement in technology must have been unworldly.

With only a few pieces left known to his group at the moment that were in terms fairly simple in reach ability, while the others well not so much having been located were the great sea had once swallowed them whole by the ever growing threat of this earths global warming.


In the end it had only taken the man a short amount of time that afternoon, much better then originally intended as the outskirts of the city slowly came to view. The man had just landed on a particularly large popular tree branch, breathing quite heavily as he began to watch the towns people trek about their daily lives, oblivious to the great power that could very well be under their feet.

"So this is it? I expected more." The only real noticeable icon in the city was what appeared to be a rather large burned out clock tower looking about ready to collapse at the given moment, followed by four smaller towers around the edges of the city's limits.

The man in his close observation failed to feel the sudden light breeze that gently started coming in from the southwest as it swept his hood up over his head exposing his light green eyes and tanned white skin underneath while lightly ruffling his shaggy dark brown hair causing him to instinctively pull his hooded sweat shirt tighter around his body. *The temperature's starting to drop, there's a storm brewing out there and a bad one at that.* The far off presents of thunder made itself known if only to prove his assumption right.

Pulling his hood back up and shaking himself of such thoughts he activated the sixth sense known as the eagle vision which allowed him to take his first real solid look around the city, but to his surprise the town's folk only came as the natural blue color of those of ease of mind. "Hmm… looks like I'll have to take a closer look into this, something just doesn't seem right." Quickly he tried to make a second attempt contacting the secondary group he was in charge of known as Eerie yet it only seemed to add to his growing dismay as nothing but static still made its way to his ear. Cursing under his breath, "It seems I'll be going solo on this, I shall beg for your forgiveness if I make it out alive my friends." There was just no time for him to begin grieving now.

One of the few things that was surprisingly working in his favor was that this place was more of a tourist attraction to the later newcomers, with a consistent movement of people moving in and around the city at all times. All he had to do was just wait for the right opportunity to present itself. And to his relief it was short lived as he watched an unsuspecting group of people walk off to an incoming greyhound bus a few hundred feet from the town entrance.

Getting himself out of the thick underbrush only a few yards back, brushing some of the pieces of leaves that had become stuck on his sweater, he continued a steady forward march and easily became one with the group moving directly into the city. The others turn to just gave him a quick glance thinking him to only be trying to join their soon to be tour of the historic area ahead.

As soon as the group entered the city the man had quickly departed, slipping away into a passing back alley with little notice from the local populace. Just as soon as he pulled away he began checking his GPS tracking signal from back at HQ. "Looks like Jenny has it on the ball as always." Finding three new updates in the last hour alone.

Quickly skimming over the updates, "looks like it's located under the clock tower by the looks of the energy being put out down there, I'm surprised that's pretty smart on their own behalf. Place it in an area underneath the obvious." Besides this seeming rather cliche, the only problem with it all was this constant feeling of dread that had never once left his gut, where the heck was everyone? Wasn't this place supposed to be important…

Walking out of the ally in a slow stride while keeping his eyes to the ground and his hands in the hoods pocket, nothing really noticeable to anyone or so he could imagine anyway. Most probably thought he was only some ignorant young kid roaming the streets.


After a while of walking he had taken notice that this place was almost continuously constricted with the amount of people moving out and about almost to the point where the roads were almost undivided by anyone. He knew it was bad by first glance but he couldn't even begin to fathom how many times he almost watched someone getting their ass run over by simply trying to cross the road. Even the sidewalks were clogged with the congestion of people moving in and out of the many stores along the road way.

"The things people do right before the new year." This was enough to have me chuckle lightly despite the situation, if I really admitted to it I was very much the same way when it came to this type of stuff. "God I hated shopping."

"My friend I couldn't possibly agree more with you." Looking back over his shoulder, he had taken notice of a tall lean man with light brown hair looking over in his direction with this strange and cheerful, smile plastered upon his face as he was eagerly motioning for him to come over. * Probably just someone trying to make a last minute buck before the end of the holidays.* Putting on a rather convincing smile himself he figured he'd at least try and humor the man and see what he wanted.

"Nice to meet you my young friend, you don't look like you're from around this area." Doing a quick once over the hooded man which instantly had his body on edge almost automatically out of pure instinct.

"I guess you can say that, just made it in to this area recently." The hooded man began while shrugging his shoulders for the added effect, "Figured I'd do a little last year shopping." * Smooth now he's going to expect you to buy something from him.*

"Ahh… just like so many young people these days, always in such a hurry, it's a shame really sometimes you just have to sit back and relax and enjoy the life you have been given. But… I just may be able to give you a bit of a hand." Clasping his hands in front of him, "You see my friend I run this shop." Motioning with his hand to the building behind him, "It's called the Morgan mask shop." The hooded man looked towards the building the other was motioning to, it looked rather run down or maybe ransacked a few times, maybe even a first grader wanted to take his first chance at graffiti as well. "I know what you're thinking and I honestly agree it doesn't look like much right now but between you and I I'm fairly new to this area myself, only arrived here about a month ago. But this building has been my dream for a long time since I was a traveling vendor previous to this."

Hearing this almost brought a light blush of embarrassment to the hooded mans face at his earlier mind set of the place in view and how easily the other man had saw through him. But he wasn't left time to dwell on the subject before the other man was reaching for his arm.

"Come, a young traveler like yourself would enjoy something hot after your far travels." The hooded man wanted to just push the strange man away from him as soon as he came within reach but for some strange reason he felt almost at ease around him and he seemed nice enough. Yet still he felt somewhat reluctant, maybe it was more on a mental preparation on his part then anything but after being raised to not being able to trust much of anything outside his group it was definitely not high on his list of wants at the moment.

"Come I insist." the other man said after a moment, "And you may call me Vernon or Vern for short if you want." As the man called Vern had all but dragged him into the little shop of his, leaving him with little choice but to follow.

Once inside the small shop it had reminded him of one of them old psyche wagons you would see on the television on sci-fi, as odd trinkets hung everywhere and strange masks littered the walls left to right as he lead him back to what looked to be his back storage room.

The thought of a possible trap came back full force as he entered the rather small enclosed area, only to his relief seeing a couch besides a burning fire place, along with all the basic living essentials of one's home. *So the man lives here as well, judging by some of the still unpacked boxes. He was telling the truth, he is just a newcomer a here.*

"Sit my young friend I'll be right back." His happy go lucky smile never once leaving his aged face as he turned and began walking towards a small stove at the very corner of the room, he then began rummaging through one of the many cupboards hanging above.

Seeing as he hadn't moved far eased the hooded man's troubled mind a bit, he had seemed to only be an honest hard working man just trying to make a living like everyone else. But this also had given him a good chance to eye around the room a bit as well.

Masks were scattered all around the area, some of them still unwrapped laying on his kitchen table, others were as if they were staring at something. Looking to his left the hooded man almost jumped seeing a demonic looking thing with a creepy smile, and one ungodly big eye taking up the good upper half of the dirty white mask. It felt as if it was looking right through his very soul for some reason and he just couldn't seem bring himself to break his gaze away from it.

"That my friend is a mask called truth."

The hooded mans widen eyes just a fraction.*I didn't even hear the man move, I'm getting to careless.* schooling his features quickly before facing the man. "I just couldn't help but notice your... unique…. collection."

Vern had taken a thoughtful look for a second before he spoke. "It is I know but it's what makes me happy and if I can, I like to see others feel the same. It's hard to explain, you see not all these masks are what you would call normal I suppose, some of these are easily hundreds of years old or more. Some were even considered to have strange magical charms placed upon them, but only rumors I guess but one can only be left in wonder at times," the man then handed over the hot drink.

"I suppose vern but one can never be too sure," taking a quick whiff of the steaming cup not smelling any added additives.

"May I ask your name young man?"

*He seems trustful enough and he's been nothing but honest so I suppose.* "Adam is fine." Reaching his hand out. "Pleasure to meet you." As Vern did the same.

"Such a well mannered young man it's a rare quality to find these days."

Adam started chuckling at his phrase, "Don't flatter me I don't think I could ever get used to it." This then caused the old man to chuckle a bit himself.

"Point taken but what may I ask are you looking for really, you don't seem to be the type to just be wandering aimlessly around."

The young man called Adam eyed the old man suspiciously. "I'm looking for something different, something only a few select cities might have." The smile the man had never once faltered as he sipped his own steaming drink.

"I see, well I have a feeling you can find it here in this town for it has always been known for its goods and more valuable items." Adam put cup down on an end table next to the sofa wile crossing his hands under his stubbled chin.

"Do tell my new friend for I have yet to be truly impressed."

"Oh I don't know, this town has so many places, shops like mine or the casual nomad venders littering the street walkways. Even hear of one possibly around the old clock tower in town center."

Adams gaze never broke from the old man's once. "May I ask where at, for I have yet to fully explore the area and time is of the essence at this moment before year end."

Vern Nodded his head at Adams words, "Yes I agree you do not have long, if my aged mind can remember correctly I believe they started letting people out back seeing how they always seemed so overwhelmed with customers. But I'll remain positive you can make it in time if you hurry."

The hooded man quickly jumped up off the couch, stretching himself while hearing a satisfying pop from his back in protest, "Then my new friend my dearest apologies I'm running out of time."

The elder man sighed before speaking again. "Wait just a moment I want to give you something for giving such a lonely old man his company for the evening." Getting up himself while taking his now empty cups to the sink as Adam in turn did the same following him.

"You don't have to give me anything it's just nice to sit in the presence of good company for a change. But I really do have to be on my way."

Vern turned his head as he looked at Adam for the first time smile not present. "Like I said before, you young people sometimes need to just take your time and listen before you begin to rush like a chicken with its head cut off." With that Adams mouth snapped shut with a audible click. "I'll only be a few minutes." The old man then quickly hobbled off to another connecting room without another word. Leaving Adam by himself to ponder his words of wisdom.

*So there's an entrance at the back of the building and the way it sounds it's rarely used these days. Hmm, I wonder why the Templars have been this patient in getting to this piece of the apple? But I also have to admit that, that old man was something else. How would he know?* Though he had a few good suspicions already forming on his mind.

Hearing some things being moved around out back, along with a few audible curses the old man emerged holding to what appeared to be something yellow.

Looking back at the old man who had that stupid smile placed back on his face again for reasons yet unknown to himself. He looked at the hooded man and if possible his smile got even wider, bringing up the yellow cloth which had something obviously placed inside.

"What is this may I ask?" Adam asked in his curiosity.

"A gift, my new friend, for your journey ahead." He then proceeded in placing the item in Adams hand then wrapping Adam's fingers around it with his own.

The object almost itself resembled one of the many masks hanging upon his wall. Adam figured there was no point in arguing with the stubborn old geezer seeing as though he'd be the one leaving with the damn thing anyway.

"Thank you Vernon for this... Gift. I will take great care of it."

Vern then put his hand on Adams shoulder as he looked him straight in the eyes. "This gift I have given you is supposed to have contained an ancient fox spirit but for what reason I do not know why. It just gave me a feeling that it rightfully belonged to you almost as soon as you entered my humble store."

*Now I half think this man is off his half collapsed rocker! A mask?!. They can't choose who they want to belong to. But I don't want to insult the man for the more than gracious host he's been, even more so to a stranger.* Putting up a humble smile back upon his face he then proceed in shaking Verns hand, before heading to the exit of the little store. "Adam wait, one last word of advice for your friends." The hooded man stopped himself right before the entrance to the store.

"What is it Vern?"

The old man then proceeded in walking up to Adam slowly, moving to his ear and whispered. "That shop that you wanted to visit." he nodded in response. "The owner is rather hard to get a hold of so keep your eyes sharp when you get there for he may not be there on occasion. But I know his best stuff is located at the bottom of the shop behind his counter." The old man winked at him before shaking his hand for the last time. "Good luck my friend I hope you find what you came for."

*Me too old man*

At that he left Vernon, the store owner, behind to check out this so infamous store.


Mask shop

The old man can be seen just walking back from his friend's departure. "I know you've been there, show yourself to me."

"He! He! You're quite the observant old man now, aren't you..."

"Only to those I do not see fit." Watching as four men in black suits come out of the shadows. The one in the middle seemed to be the leader of the three.

"You are going to be telling me were the piece of the apple is, NOW!


"I wonder why the old man kept insisting that I take this old thing?" Looking to the yellow clothed object in his hands, "Might as well see what it is." Slowly he began unwrapping the parcel, only to see a yellow fox like mask with black ear tips, black nose and a strange red triangle between its eyes outlined with a dark ink like black around the edges, and a note attached underneath.

To my new friend this mask you have unwrapped is called the Keaton mask. I hope this gift can bring true happiness to your future. Adam then Looked further down only to see the A like symbol.

This had him stop straight in his tracks right there. *He knew the whole time, why that sly old man.* He then began shaking his head at the old man's antics while strapping the strange mask to his shoulder.*It was nice to see a kind face though*

Adam then looked up towards the sky seeing where the sun had fallen to before he quickly looked around and spotted a nearby passing alleyway located off the main street. Moving quickly he ran into it and jumped to the nearest window, gripping it tightly as he started scaling the wall and reaching the roof within seconds.

Instantly he began scanning his new surroundings finding the area totally vacant. *Much better, all that traffic was starting to work on my nerves.* He then started to take a couple of steps back to get himself some momentum for a running start.

Taking a deep breath which he holds for a few seconds before…

He exhaled gently, then suddenly he starts to sprint straight towards the edge hoping on the roofs side ledge then jumps the six foot gap with ease only seen as a shadowy flicker to the pedestrians below.

This had then continued for some time till he could see the old burnt out tower come to full view. And to full view it had because it turned out to be a lot bigger than he originally thought, seeing it up close for the first time in person. It had to be thirteen stories high by his judgment. He could also easily see what the old man had meant, seeing the front door being all boarded up.

Adam then proceeded in jumping off the roof he was on, only to land silently in the vacant alley below.

*So this is the place, huh?* Activating his eagle vision again and seeing no one of the current areas around the building, which looked to have not been used for some time.

Deactivating the sixth sense he made his way across a now empty road which he was most glad for seeing how the wind had started to pick up greatly from earlier and the roar of thunder off in the distance could be heard once more but this time much closer.

He began making his way around the abandoned clock tower, which was proving far more difficult than he anticipated (which seemed to be happening a lot) seeing how this area seemed to have become all the locals dumping spot but to be more precise most of it seemed to be buried in a specific corner of the area which also looked to possibly have been moved at some point and time judging by how neatly stacked it was.

Deciding on taking a chance he began moving some of the unwanted garbage out of the way only to find himself at a second entrance behind the abandoned building. (He had gotten lucky)

Moving up to the door he tried to see if it would budge, no luck, with a brief twitch of his wrist he ejected his left hidden blade and insert it in to the old fashioned lock taking only a few moments or maybe he only just ended up breaking the lock's internal sliders, either way he could only start clenching his teeth as the door opened with a loud groaning noise.

Walking inside being cautious not to touch any of it out of possibly being trapped, he pulled a small flash light from his pocket and shined it around the small area, It looked like someone could have lived here at one point from the left over remains of a table and a few chairs and even a old gas fridge located in a corner.

"The old man mentioned about a hidden door located somewhere in the back of this place but I wished he could have been just a bit more specific about it. This is taking way too long." He had probably had spent the fair part of an hour there already just by scouting the first floor with no real luck. "Damn I'm having an off day." He complained before stopping himself mid thought, taking a deep breath. "Calm down this isn't helping anyone. Now think the old man said about it being hidden behind a counter. Now this isn't a store so..." Eyes widening, "the area under the stairs!" Walking over to the other side of the building he could see the panel leading to the crook under the stairs to the second floor.

Running over sliding on his knees he quickly opens it and shines his light in as it lands on the hidden trap door he had been looking for the whole time. Looking it over he noticed the handle had rotted off completely from the years. "This shouldn't be too bad." Ejecting his left hidden blade again he jammed it between the old door and the wall, lifting the rotten wood up enough to slide his other leather gloved hand under to raise it the rest of the way.

As soon as he had it fully open he had to duck immediately to miss the incoming bats trying to flee from his rather unwelcomed presence. But yet without a second thought he still jumped down into the dark pit hoping for the best yet still expecting the worse.

The jump turned out only about ten feet, only to find himself landing in water but worse…. worse! Was a huge understatement! He had ended up in one of the towns stinking sewers with the water up to his waist and It smelled horrid. "How do I get myself into these things?" was his only thought as he started to trudge through the forgotten sewer under the city above..

Following his (very) brief moment of insanity he concentrated on activating his eagle vision and just as he opened his eyes. He was left speechless at the site before him, beautiful markings of all types scattered the walls around him almost looking like an arrow pointing the way. Figuring he had nothing to loose, taking a deep breath through his mouth he continued towards his destination ahead..


This had continued for some time with only the dim lights above to follow as his guide and only the gentle splashing sounds of his body moving through the water made it to his ears. Till out of nowhere the tunnel started to gently increase in brightness as the fluorescent lights started to turn from only a few to many as yet a bigger room started to come to view.

Making his way into the huge room were the sewer continued, but a set of steps could be seen coming out of the water up to the new larger lit area of the room. Slowly he began walking his way up the stairs up out of the disgusting sewer water, while trying to ring as much sewer water as possible from his clothes, (which only left the smell mind you and some stains he would rather not comment on.)

Taking in the elicit beauty of strange room, the ceiling looked like that of the starry night under his eagle vision. "Beautiful I had no idea a place such as this could exist." Looking about the beautiful room just that little bit longer, he saw a strange door in the far corner with a picture of the apple on it and a bunch of strange symbols unknown to himself upon its ancient carving.

Inhaling a deep breath, bracing himself for whatever could be behind, he push it open as it creaked loudly.

Inside what he saw instantly took his breath away. It looked like some sort of ancient chapel, benches scattered and to end with candles all lining the walls. But even more to his shocking surprise, the remains of the once people who gathered here had remained sitting upon the benches almost like they all passed about the same time, some even in their clothes still intact frozen in time. Altogether there had to be a good three dozen of them or so. Their lifeless holes for eyes staring towards the front of the room were a pedestal could yet be seen. The sight left him shocked to his very core. *This is a cult.*

Looking around, finding a pathway leading between the many rows of human remains which he had slowly began to walk towards as it lead him to the front of the room were the pedestal was at. Upon closer inspection the pedestal looked like someone had taken their nails and carved the beginnings of an arrow as if they were pointing to...

Looking just behind it, the carved arrow was pointing to where there was a wooden casket.

Moving over to the faded stained wood casket, you could still see the dried remains of the bouquet of flower that once laid upon top in decoration, as a gift to the dearly departed. Adam gently picked up the remains of the flowers, only to see the ancient insignia underneath. "These deaths aren't normal this means all these people in here are Templars."

It had been a surprise yes, but he still had to put the flowers in a safe place. "Templar or not, even that of the dead need the respect they deserve. But maybe this explains the reason why this place was avoided so much?"

Stealing himself as he walked over to the coffin and opened it, only to be blinded by a bright white light, holding an arm in front of his face as the bright light had started to dim a little. Looking in he saw the skeletal remains of a man by the look of it, dressed to what looked was to be a red silk gown with the golden Templar marking on his upper left side. He had been holding a large sword with a silver hilt which had a slightly black tint to it.

But located on top of that on a red piece of cloth was his true goal, the piece of the apple he had been searching so long for, within hands reach, the shear light it produced was enough to light up the room itself!

Bending over further, as he grasped the apple piece, he could just feel it, the power that flowed through this one little item. He could only begin to imagine a completed apple's power. "How did master Altair wield such tremendous power without falling to the depths of insanity?" He was just getting ready pocket the small item when he heard rustling behind him, and the click of guns be aimed.

"Don't move assassin!" He briefly looked around the casket to see four men wearing black suits armed with AK-47 assault riffles with 9 mms holstered at their sides. Very carefully he stood, but he never left his one arm leave the casket as he had taken hold of the sword within. Leaving the apple piece to show no ill intent from its moving glow.

"We have been following you for sometime my friend." Adam only blankly stared from under his hood at the middle man who seemed to be the leader of the group.

"Were you's the ones responsible for the loss of my fellow brothers?" Spoke Adam for the first time. Though he already had a very good guess.

The man sneered. "Of course it was us, they didn't even have a clue we were following them till it was too late, it made it almost too easy." His sneer only intensified that much more at his self proclaimed accomplishment.

Adam growled silently, something of which he had never done in his life before, but was just too angry and saddened at the loss of the people who tried to fight for the cause they all believed in, even if they haven't always seen eye to eye . The middle man just laughed. "Oh is someone upset well let me just tell you a little secret friend, that's not all. Our own little group has eliminated over half your kind around the eastern hemisphere in the last few hours alone thanks to a few tips we received from our own spies. Your order will fall by the Templar's hands in the coming times as will you." He began to move closer to Adam, his gun pointed point blank at his face."Your time here ends now in this world assassin." The hooded assassin can hear as he put a fresh round into the chamber. After that time just seemed to slow, Adam can hear his heart beat: thump, thump, thump, his green eyes dilate to slits and can be seen floating in a sea of black unknown to himself at the time.

The black suited man must have noticed because his eyes widen in shock, being caught off guard like that but It was all the chance Adam needed, quickly ejecting his hidden blade and pushing it inside the man's gun barrel as he pulled the trigger. Everything that had happened started to speed back up as the coming round out hit the inserted stainless steel blade backing it up against the next incoming projectile, leaving no room for the gas to expand making the AK-47 back up, making it blow in reverse with a small explosion coming out the chamber towards the man's face, causing him to cry out in pain as he dropped his gun, his hands now covering his blackened and burnt, festering flesh.

Adam did not hesitate as he slipped his arm around the man's waist while spinning him around back now facing himself, using him as a human shield for the incoming hail of bullets as his once comrades tore the poor man apart. Adam waited till after the hail ceased for a reload and pushed the man forward with his foot, surprising the three men left in front, pushing them backwards as he then quickly pulled the old sword from the coffin with a free hand. Adam knew he only had a split second before the firing would start back up. Lunging forward as quick as he could he run the old sword through the second man's chest, while pulling out his forty-five from its holster, rapidly firing at the third man were he stood.

By the sound of the man's yell, along with the small stream of blood that started running from his mouth, he knew one of his shots must of found its mark, quickly he continued while spinning on his heel pulling the bloody blade from the last man only to quickly take the sword in a upward swing slashing the third man's chest cavity wide open, making a few noticeable ripples of red flesh bulge outward from the open wound.

He just caught the sound of another gun clicking as another round made its way to the chamber of a gun, pulling out the now bloody blade, jumping back he rolls next to the aged pedestal for cover as the fourth man started firing again, blowing pieces from ancient wood, one of his shots even managing to clip the upper part of Adam's left ear.

"Shit, this is getting me nowhere." Hearing another clip run through the altar. More to his horror more men started to pour their way into the area as Adam now counted six in total. "Not good I'm down to my last clip as it is. It's only a matter of time now till they have me surrounded and I didn't even complete my mission damn it!" Adam sighed to himself. "If I'm going to die I'm going to take them with me."

"You need help yes?" Adams eyes widen slightly hearing a female voice now in his head.

"Now I think I'm going insane." More gun shots rip at the altar as the top half breaks off landing in his lap.

"Do you need help?" The strange voice repeats in his mind.

"Why not? I'm already a dead man, why not add crazy to that expanding list. Yes I need help!"."

"Put it on!"

Looking around himself he couldn't even see were the voice ascended from. "Where are you?" Silence besides more rounds continuing to fly past the battle torn cloth altar.

"The mask, use it!"

This time the female voice spoke with more urgency tinting it words. " How is this possible? You're a freaking inanimate object!" he shouted, nothing this time responded to his words.

Adam growled to himself at the annoying voice. "This is just obserd." Reaching around his shoulder to where the mask still laid strapped to his side but for some unknown reason it felt rather warm to the touch. Pulling it off the string it was tied to he placed it over his face. "How's this stupid thing even supposed to stay on without a strap?" Removing his hand for emphasis expecting it to fall to the ground, it didn't...

It stayed as though glued there as he felt the beginnings of a painful pressure starting to build behind his eyes while he grabbed his head in pure agony. *What's happening to me?* The pain now started to spread to the rest of his body, it was almost enough to make him pass out, as the nerves were overloaded, even the air itself seemed to be filled with an almost electrical current. Adam then doubled over as it all felt to be sucking into his body like a hunger, or even a need.

POV Change: First Person

The sound of the bullets flying overhead never left, as the altar started to slowly break the rest of the way, but the shots sounded so far away now. Grunting with effort trying to stand to defend myself I only managed to fall back to my hands and knees. "Damn it! I'm going to die and I can't do anything about it." Or that's what I thought anyway.

Suddenly feeling a heat over me along with a bright white light that began to surround my body. Looking up I could see the light turn to a bunch of ones and zeros moving in all directions around me. Grunting, pushing myself I manage to stand on my two feet as the gun shots faded till they were heard no longer. "I refuse to die like this!" My eyes began to float in a sea of blackness with dilated golden pupils. Fur sprouts around my body as I bend over slightly from the pain from my legs changing shape.

I raised my head in a yell of pain, the mouth of the mask opens as well to my surprise, copying my every movement, I feel a fifth appendage sprout from my backside as the transformation completes as a menacing growl escapes my mouth turned muzzle towards the men.

Standing up, looking at all the shocked faces around the room. "Who's first?" I stated with a feral grin. I didn't wait for a reply (too bad for them) as I threw the sword I had in my hand piercing the man closest to me, watching as he fell with a noticeable blood pool forming around him. Without second thought I eject my two hidden blades while dashing at speeds almost impossible by human standards, tackling the next two and shoving my blades through their wind pipes, such easy kills made my muzzle water in anticipation to lick the sticky red substance from my blades.

Looking from the corner of my eye I see the last three men raising their weapons almost as if they were in slow motion to my new improved sight. "This almost makes it too easy." Jumping up to where I almost reached the ceiling only to pull a back flip planting both feet upon the ceiling, feeling the strong muscles coil in my legs as the first shot rang out, pushing myself forward easily spinning around the incoming projectiles as I plant my hidden blade in the next man's windpipe, all the while dropping the now dead man to the ground. Only to pull it free while moving in a spinning motion using my tail to push the next man's gun away as he fired, hitting his partner in the process, following up by bringing my blade up through his lower jaw into his mouth while I take the other and push it into his temple watching as the thick blood stains my yellow fur crimson.

The dead men all lay at my feet all laying in pools of their own blood. The smell was overwhelming to my nose making me breath through my mouth, while I continue to breath heavily from my work. Moving over next to the dead men I close all their eyes, while I kneel as I start giving them a moment of prayer. "Now you may rest for in death may you all find peace." Putting my right hidden blade next to my mouth licking the tip tasting the sticky, coppery liquid on my tongue. The taste was almost addicting and I actually had to hold myself back from repeating the process again.

Slowly getting to my feet, brushing myself off. *No matter how many people I have to kill good or bad they may be, I always felt the same sorrow of loss. But I guess that's what makes us human.* Looking down at the new body, *sort of.* I looked just like a humanoid fox of sorts but I really needed a mirror to see what I completely looked like.

*Questions can wait, the apple is all that matters at the moment.* Slowly walking over to the now bloody casket, tail swaying lightly between the split in the lower half of the cloak as I did so.

Making my way next to it, paw stretching for the small piece.*The least I can do for my fallen comrades is hopefully find one of the other guilds and hope they can do something to save this world and all its people. I just hope there's one left to find yet.*

Grasping the small piece as it shines briefly, blinding me in the possess. "What the hell is going on?" Feeling the wind shift as a swirling vortex begins to warp around me, hearing a strange voice as it does so.

"Your time is far from done Adam."

My eyes widened. "Who are you?" Only silence in return.

Feeling the wind pick up even more I spot an anomaly standing only a few feet in front of me. " Damn it talk!" My body begins to rise as the apple piece begins to heat up in my hands.

"Do you think this world is the only one for the pieces you seek... others do so as well."

I feel my body starts breaking apart, starting at my legs almost like it was fragmenting. Only one person would do something such as this.

"Juno! After what you have done I refuse to help your selfish cause!" She got what she wanted so why now?

"A great evil is about to enter our world through another young assassin that only you can hold at bay, for a great gift has been placed upon your hands."

Looking up from my half deleted state. "What do you mean? For what reason should I trust you?"

"You shall not have to trust for you shall see soon enough. There will be many hardships, your allies will be few but strong."

With that she was gone as I was left to my fate.

*Shit so this is how it ends, unable to help my guild, liking them or not I had to stop their destruction.* Hearing my watch start beeping signaling the start of the new year. By this time the fragmenting had made it to my chest area now as memories of my past started to flow through my mind for the final time.

I could feel a slight wetness begin around my eyes, "So this is how it ends? I always figured I'd die in battle not stuck as some animal freak. I'm sorry everyone I failed, and you all have to pay for my mistakes."

*Forgive me….*

These were my final thoughts while closing my eyes for the final time as all went black.