I do not own digimon or the Assassins creed franchise I only am a fan of their works and nothing more. I do not gain any type of profit by writing this story based on their work though sometimes I wish they could conbine the two series, but I know that will never happen. Alas I'm stuck with nothing but my thoughts and imagination.
I'm back baby, and stronger than ever before!
Music-Disturbed Stupify
Chapter 9
Symbiotic Unknowns
The sun was just setting over the large city of Shinjuku giving the city an almost mesmorizing glow to all that bothered to take the time to notice. The scene was even more prominent out among the open area that marked the city boundaries
Everything was truly bliss of serine silents for the most part.
Except for a particularly drawn out sigh of pleasure, "damn I needed that." A male voice spoke rather dramatically.
"Must you really degrade yourself to such obnoxious gestures while I'm trying to enjoy the view and think for a moment?" Another voice, a female's voice this time sounded with a slight hint of annoyance tainting her slightly higher tone.
"Hey! We agreed that you wouldn't drink, but I never did for a "reason."
"Obviously pup."
"Then if you don't mind…"
Both vulpine digimon once again found themselves sitting together, each one enjoying their free time in "very" different ways despite the others obvious annoyances.
The female of the two was currently sitting herself on an upper tree branch with one leg crossed over the other much like she had so many times before. But the traces of the day's humidity had still managed to take its toll on her; much of the snow white fur over her stomach and chest had already began to moisten causing most of the individual strands to become visible, much to her counterparts notice, none being more so then her lower stomach which now shown the more prominent curved shape of her muscular abdominal area and thighs, which of Corse Adam forced his eyes to avoid at all possible instances….
Adam for the most part now had the upper half of his cloak removed from his body and tied tightly around his waist. The smaller ruff of fur that moved itself around his neck area was soaked much like his female companion but the much less thicker fur now laid itself almost completely flat showing much off much of his upper chest area and slightly more pronounced upper torso muscles.
He currently had a rather small bottle of sake in his brown gauntleted paw, or rather, his one good fully usable one. The other though had a sickly looking brown scar that took the place of his once middle finger. He had refused getting any sort of treatment stating that what had already been damaged would most likely remain more unchanged and cause more worry then good.
Renamon had grudgingly accepted his motive but had none the less kept a steady eye on him when she knew he wasn't paying any attention.
Letting out a small sigh of her own she knew if she didn't start asking questions soon she just might not get the chance if her male counterpart got himself caught in a drunken stupor.
"Now…" Renamon started rather gruffly as she looked back down at Adam. "I'm going to need some questions answered pup, and before you make any hasty decisions, choose wisely, and most of all…don't make me repeat myself."
Adam simply blinked a few times in response; he had since begun to grow used to Renamon's rather blunt nature.
Setting down the sake bottle that had still been in his paw Adam spoke. "Fine, what do you wish to know most?"
Renamon was silent at first seemingly contemplating her first line of questioning before finally answering. "Which of the 4 vulpine classes do you call yourself from?"
This time it was Adam's turn to remain silent for a moment to gather his thoughts, "I...I don't know what you're talking about…what classes are you talking about?"
Renamon had to halt herself from growling out in frustration or that would have been the case had she now noted the actual look of confusion crossing Adam's muzzle.
"You truly have no idea do you?"
Again silence….
It was then that she remembered what Jenrya had stated when he had first scanned Adam with his D-Ark and how old he just might possibly be.
'He couldn't be…could he? It seems almost prosperous even to begin thinking about it.'
She knew of only one way to find out and then it was still a long shot in doing so. It might have been an obsolete tradition before her time period of birth, but the stories of her species from olden times she could still remember being told about as a baby level still lay very fresh on her mind.
"Pup remove one of your gauntlets."She stated bluntly.
She then watched as Adam hesitated a moment but complied after a quick glare from her. What she saw next managed to take her breath away. As he pulled away his right gauntlet and a small marking made its way into her view. The tattoo of sort looked similar to that of the markings under her eyes, but the clearly marked feathered wings spoke much differently.
'The shaded phoenix, never would I have thought I would have lived to see the day of this marking once again making its return into history.''
The thin white marks that outlined the blackness of the tattoo itself only managed draw her attention in more so, though when she looked back towards Adam's green eyes she could only see…confusion again.
'Strange…you'd think he would be more knowledgeable of his stature judging how his markings appear. Ether way, I never thought I'd find myself in the presence of a royal digimon. Maybe that can explain how he fights so differently? No, it couldn't be that, all digimon are intergraded with the ability to fight a distinctive way from birth innless trained differently. But again if I can recall correctly, Jenrya had said that Adam's kind never had such weapons or even wore cloths at all. With all of his fur why would he need them?'
"So I see that Terriermon's tamer spoke the truth when he scanned you," she spoke as she continued to scan ever so closely over Adams strange marking.
"Umm..I..I suppose so but for what reason should it matter? It just seems kind of irrelevant if you ask me."
Hearing another sigh from above Adam's ears twitched in annoyance but he kept his opinion to himself, another part of him was in general, curious to what Renamon was getting at.
"Those markings on your arms represent a digital clan known as the 'The shaded phoenix' Adam. Not much is or was ever known about its group and what I know of them was passed down to me from my Dam and Sire a very long time ago." Renamon closed her eyes and tilted her head back into what Adam could only describe as a thinking posture before she spoke her next words…
"Though the saying in its original verse isn't meant for the human's native language, I'll interoperate to the best of my knowledge….All who pass through the years of ageing, thou shall know the truth of time, but known none but to all that thou must permit for then one must never trust the truth."
'That sounded way to vagly fimilure for Adam's tastes…' Adam pondered briefly as he watched Renamon open her eyes only to regard him closely.
"I understand you may not kn…"
Renamon was abruptly cut off as Adam stepped in finding his tongue unable to hold off any farther, "nothing is true, but everything is permitted."
Adam then turned to look at Renamon who had only managed to give him a confused gaze of her own, a small frown managing to taint her muzzle causing one of her canines to begin patruding slightly from her upper lip.
The sight caused the assassin to crack a slight smirk at the sight, 'if she didn't have the tomboyish attitude and strength to back it up he'd almost consider how…umm…god…forbid, enticing she looks.
Throwing the unwanted thoughts about Renamon to the side for now he took a quick swig of the sake in his paw, she wouldn't ever care for a for his words or as far as she would care 'lies' to begin with, so why bother in having false hope. Removing the now half empty bottle from his lips he decided to enlighten her a bit.
"It isn't meant to be taken in literal terms as to what you may think Renamon."
Shaking her head lightly Renamon then tilted it to one side, "how so?"
Skipping strait to the point at hand Adam closed his own eyes and allowed himself to visualize everything he had been taught growing up, everything that had any real meaning at one point or another, his mentor, even a few of his fellow assassins, if they could even be called that. When the words he seeked came to mind, Adam could almost say they sounded like an old friend…
"Nothing is true. It in itself means, 'where other men blindly follow the truth, remember...' then there is that 'Everything is permitted. That simply stands for' We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins."
"I know it may seem a bit odd to you Renamon but…" Adam couldn't help but let out a sigh of his own this time, "the human foundations of society are fragile and even the slightest bit of change can easily through it off balance. I also suspect the digital world is in its similar aspect no matter how different it may be since all living creatures are not perfect and that there is always one who wishes to dominate for any matter of selfish reasons."
Keeping his eyes closed as he felt his body float in the formality of his own words Adam thought he could hear Renamon mumble something under her breath, but alas, as soon as he opened his eyes to look up at her the neutral expression on her muzzle had re-appeared as if it had never left.
'Interesting, but I suppose some things will just never change.'
"So…" Adam muttered. "What else is there that you wish to know about me ma'am?"
The pure boredom that was easily traceable in his voice Adam did little to hide, not to say this wasn't fascinating and all but simply sitting here for the last 3 hours was less then acceptable. He was beginning to feel like he was a captured criminal…a currently interrogated one at that.
'Though I must admit that notion isn't far off.'
He took another large gulp of the alcoholic liquid in his paw at that last thought. Why couldn't anything be easy…in this odd ass world, or even his last?
The only thing that ever seemed to remain the same was the violence, fighting that could never be controlled. It was aggravating, and yet relieving in some ways knowing something else was there he was yet familiar with.
Though almost as if the universe was hearing his sudden thoughts a rustling from up above him signaled that Renamon was stirring again forcing him to grudgingly look up again, he was caught off guard though when he noticed that his female counterparts fur was starting to bristle, her eyes turning into narrow pin pricks, and even the slightest baring of her fangs being shown.
"Renamon…what's wrong?"
The female vulpine remained silent for a moment as she turned her head out towards the east sector of the city.
Adam turned himself in that general direction as well.
'Don't tell me…'
"Something's emerging pup, Ruki's already on her way there along with both Guilmon's and Terriermon's tamers."
"This discussion will have to wait for the time being as of now; we have a new digimon for us to play with."
'Am I supposed to be laughing? I somehow feel as though I should be crying instead.'
He never got a chance to finish as Renamon began to disappear while leaves started to surround her body.
"…..fuck it."
All Adam got for his efforts were a few falling leaves, one of which ended up landing on his muzzle causing his nose to twitch in agitation. Flicking the stray leaf away with a simple flick of his large fingers Adam could only grumble a few words in agitation at his female counterpart's abruptness.
'Keaton do you have any idea why Rena…' He never even got the chance to contact the masks spirit as a large explosion out not to far in the distance caused him to shield his eyes with an arm. As the wind slowly began to die down a large plume of smoke could be seen along with the briefest glances of flickering orange.
'What was that?'
'I don't know Adam but I seem to be picking up a strong digital signature from it.'
'Right,' Adam nodded mentally. 'While the others are busy dealing with that rogue digimon we'll check out this one. I don't think those kids could use any more on their plates at the moment anyway.'
With smoke gleaming out in the distance Adam dug his good paw into the old trees bark next to him before using his grip as leverage and pulling himself up onto a low hanging branch. Without a second though he used his powerful legs to propel himself to the next coming tree easily catching himself with an inhuman grace on the next large limb.
As the minuets passed away in quick secession Adam had already found himself passing over to what appeared to be the higher class district of the city. He was currently in mid process of jumping when another loud explosion went off out in the distance, this time though a large plum of orange flam and ash stood out in the distance from one of the city's larger towers.
'That looks like the area were Renamon teleported off too, I truly hope their ok out there.'
Remembering Keaton's earlier warnings Adam knew he would have to hurry if he wanted to be of any help to the tam…
That last thought died as he came across the site of the first explosion.
The light of the fire that flickered right in front of him reflected off the back of his darkly shaded eyes, the sight of Ruki's house in front of him was nothing but a shell of its former self.
The back yard was war torn as holes covered almost every square inch. The small wooden bridge that once covered the beautiful coy-pond now lay destroyed, each half charred and broken to almost unrecoizable repair. The pond itself now barren and the fish within fleshless, any sign of life long gone.
Much of the house was currently burning, windows and doors missing of simply looking as if they had been torn off their hinges. But the worst thing of all…any sighin of Seiko was nil, and if Ruki's mother had been home for…well, Adam just hoped she wasn't.
'Keaton…do you sense any type of biological or digital life forces in there?!'
'Already on it pup, and there seems to be a signature inside, a human one at that.'
'Thank god. I have to hurry and help Seiko, she could be hurt.'
Hearing the sirens out in the distance Adam knew he wouldn't have much time to act so with the brief memory of his cloaks seemingly fire retardant nature he made sure his hood was pulled tightly over his head and covered as much of his body as he could with his cloak.
He could care less of any onlookers that might see him as he brashly jumped down to the torn ground, his cloak fluttering behind him from both his fall and that of the intense heat being generated by the fire.
Covering his eyes as he sprinted towards the front door Adam felt an intense wave of warmth wash over him followed by a light popping of his eardrums. The sound of crackling fire and splitting wood making it to his ears…his time to look for the elder woman was already being cut short, this building would not last much longer.
Moving his arm away from his eyes Adam managed to get his first gaze of his new surroundings. Everything within sight seemed as if it had been torn apart, almost as if someone or something had been looking for something, and quite intensely at that, but still no Seiko.
'No time to figure any of this out, Seiko must be upstairs.'
Taking a few more cautious steps into the burning building Adam finally managed to reach the stairs…or what was left of them anyway. All that remained of the once cherry wood made stairs were embers and small flames leaving the assassin with only one option to come to mind.
Taking a few steps back from the wood remains the assassin took to a fast sprint before jumping over the dyeing flames, as his rear paw touched the adjacent wall of the stairwell Adam grimaced as some of the buildings plasterer gave way under his weight before he managed to rebound and angle himself to land on the second floor in a roll.
Coughing a few times as to expel some of the invading smoke from his lungs Adam forced himself down into a crouching position, which oddly enough didn't feel all that uncomfiterble to him. Deciding it best to attune himself with his new body Adam then moved to all fours clumsily moving under the vile of smoke and ash.
'Keaton, any luck?'
'Follow the hallway in front of you and I believe it's the last room on the right.' The voice murmured halfheartedly for some reason, almost…sadly.
Not paying much attention for the moment Adam did as his partner said reaching the last room in seconds.
"Help…someone…please." A weak and feminine voice called out.
His ears perking up at the fimilure sound Adam bounded up next the bed to which remained strangely intact but was stopped at the last second by Keaton.
'Adam look out!'
Confused looked around expecting one of the rafters to be fall down upon him but was surprised to feel something slamming HARD ageanst his muzzle instead followed behind by something loudly shrieking.
The next thing Adam knew he was lying on his back with a weight placed over his chest, the smell of burning fur making it to his muzzle as he batted the combatant of him. Yelling out loudly the assassin moved his already damaged paw and arm that had somehow landed in an area of open flame ageanst his cloak in an effort to put it out.
"Eek…too hot for you."
Looking up from his now charred and smoldering paw Adam's eyes lay upon a most shocking site.
A small being different from which Adam had never seen before, it was shorter then he was maybe reaching just past his waist while it wore close similar to that of the western hemisphere, a small odd shaped hat upon its head.
The small creature resembled a monkey in both shape and form, but the grin that crossed itself over its face told oh…so much more.
'That's a digimon called Makuramon pup, he's one of the twelve perfect levels Deva digimon and mostly serves under Baihumon. He may be small but don't underestimate him in the slightest, watch out for his attack called primal orb.'
'Thanks…I think Keaton, but couldn't have just made that a little bit…less dramatic.'
'Sorry pup not my style. But if I were you I'd sujest…getting out of here!'
Blocking out Keaton's yelling Adam already knew he was not going to get out of this easy, this had all been a set up from the start.
Growl vibrating from his muzzle Adam looked over to what he thought originally to be Seiko laying atop of her bed only for said object to slowly melt away as if it were made of nothing but wax in the current heat.
Looking back over at the almost human looking digimon Adam felt as he instinctively bared his teeth and shackles rose of their own accord.
"What have you done with the real Seiko? Or as a matter of fact, her daughter should be here as well."
The monkey digimon just looked at him, an emotionless mask covering its features. Or rather that would have been the case if it hadn't stuck its tong out while pulling down one of its eye lids mockingly. The odd move caught Adam slightly off guard as one of his eyes twitched in agitation. He then watched as the new digimon pulled its tong back in before speaking it oddly deranged and slightly broken English.
"Nothing you will not know soon enough human."
Again Adam was caught off guard with the new digimon's knowledge of who he as a being truly was.
"H..how do you know who and…what I am? How long have you been watching?"
"Answer me Damn It!"
"Eek. Scree. I not have been watching, only the lord of the south has."
Adam couldn't help but have a brief flashback of his fight with IceDevemon, 'so that ice cube was telling me the truth…surprising indeed.'
"Digi-human too slow to take any difference, my lord already has three of the four he already wants."
It didn't take long for Adam who the first two were, "you mean Seiko and her daughter don't you?"
"See…See you smarter then you appear which is not too smart for a human."
"Fuck off already and tell me, or would you ready I beat it out of you!"
"Me no care though I would like to see you try you human freak."
Not feeling as though he was accomplishing anything Adam lunged for the smaller digimon only to have the breath knocked out of him as he landed on his stomach. Grunting as he started to get back to his feet Adam heard the sound of feet pounding against the floor. Looking up he was only just able to roll out of the way as the perfect level digimon jumped and landed on the spot where he had just been a moment before. Catching himself Adam was forced to roll another time as the small digimon repeated the process a half dozen more times.
Finally using his upper paws Adam was able to catch his weight on an angle before propelling himself up and away from the next incoming attack, he then growled as the monkey digimon left a small crater where it had landed.
'Damn, this thing is playing for keeps…to close.' Adam thought as backpedaled just managing to dodge a quick roundhouse kick.
As the smaller digimon spun itself around from the attack Adam acted grabbing hold of the perfect level in a sleeper hold. With the smaller digimon in his hold for the time being Adam wasted no time in applying pressure causing the smaller digimon to struggle, more so as its feet where lifted off the ground.
"Gah! Let go! Let go!" In its surprise filled furry the monkey managed to free up one of its elbows, and moving the now semi free appendage forwards just enough it then slammed its elbow back into Adams gut causing the vulpine digimon to spit up a few loose strands of saliva. The monkey then repeated the process three more times, each forcing Adam's hind paws to dig into the slowly charring and splintering wood. As the last one made contact the vulpine digimon found itself being forced through the air before a loud crash could be heard, the impact of Adam's body being sent through a nearby wall causing the already unstable house to shutter.
"Ha Ha now I take you to meet your master human." The perfect level gloated as a smile managing to somehow seem as if it was splitting his face to appear.
The monkey hadn't even managed to take a single step as a few pieces of wood started to move in front of it. A loud grunt and a hushed growl came next before the pile of border exploded in a rush of sudden air. Sidestepping or brushing away most of the incoming shrapnel, the monkey shaped digimon then watched helplessly as a sudden patch of dirt was thrown into its eyes causing it to screech out.
"What did you do Ack!"
Its yell was cut short as a large three fingered fist made contact with its gut; it then felt something akin to an elbow then smash the unprotected backside of its skull. Feeling its body being sent reeling forwards it then felt as something grasp hold of its tail and before it knew anything else it grunted at being sent through a wall of its own, causing the house to grown again and the sound of multiple pitcher frames hitting the floor to become apparent.
Moving forward to finish his pray with a quick slash of its throat Adam ejected his one good remaining hidden blade. Steadily moving closer Adam was about to be on top of the new digimon, not taking any chances Adam grasped hold of a large piece of loose smoldering timber with his one less than perfect paw.
The vulpine assassin waited no time as a solid piece of building foundation was smashed upside the smaller digimon's head causing it to yell out a loud "Meeka!" while sounding in pain. Adam's victory was short lived though because as soon as the now destroyed piece of timber grasped in his paw began to crumble away from the impact the smug looking face of the monkey digimon was looking right back causing Adam to flinch in surprise.
"Primal Orb!"
Jumping backwards Adam was just able to dodge a small orb of light, or so he thought as another slammed into his back pushing him frontwards, a second later he felt the first one make its own contact with his skull causing him to flip onto his back...unmoving and unfeeling.
Adam felt as if his mind was in a sudden daze, nothing but small white and yellow spots flashing right in front of his eyes, his body ached and his head now throbbed from that last attack. Why did his body feel weak all of a sudden?
He didn't have time to think about it very long…especially as he felt himself being picked up and being thrown into one Seiko's daughter's table sets. The following burning sensation did little to help his situation, his breathing was starting to come out in short pants, small bits of saliva and blood where mixing and leaking from his mouth now.
Things where not looking good all of a sudden.
'Get up damn it. You were ordered to protect both Ruki an Renamon by Seiko herself.'
'Adam! Adam you have to get up, get away from that thing please!'
'Trying here Keaton' Adam muttered as his body struggled to now support its own weight. 'And if you haven't noticed…urgh…not working to well here.'
'I warned you!'
'You know as well as I we couldn't have escaped.' The voice said nothing as Adam felt himself being kicked in the jaw. A moment later Adam felt a strong burning sensation taking over his fifth appendage, yelling out he then rolled himself over hoping for any type of relief…there was none.
The feeling only intensified and seemed to spread.
A small whimper only made its way to Adam's bloody mouth.
"You lucky my lord only wants you alive for the time being, the other smaller humans will soon follow you once their digimon are defeated as well. "
Adam for his part could hardly think straight anymore. 'How can I call myself a protector if I can't even protect myself? But dose that answer as to why I want to help Ruki and Renamon so badly? There is nothing but simple and easily breakable words holding us all together. I would almost say there was a three way hate streak between us three…so why?
Is it because Seiko reminds me of my mentor? Loss of such great things in one's life can provide great motivation for one to search for another…if only to help ease the pain.
'I…I'm so confused with it all anymore. Why does everything have to be complicated?'
"Primal Orb"
Adam felt as another orb smashed into his back driving his muzzle and chest into the burning wood he painfully found himself on. The floor gave way not a moment later as Adam finally lost consciousness; he was never even able to hear the surprise yelp of the flailing monkeys yells and curses in his direction.
Wood from further up in the house began to fall as the last of the complaints of the perfect level digimon disappeared as it leapt up to a nearby window; it only glanced back at Adam's general direction for a brief moment. "Zhuqiaomon won't be happy that I failed to capture him for the time being," with that said Makuramon made his escape.
The sirens that had been off in the distance now made themselves clearer…they now seemed to be right outside, multiple shouts for water and for bystanders to stay back filling the air.
(End Chapter)
I know the quality of this chapter isn't the greatest but I'm having the story as a whole looked at.