RussiaxReader - Rooftop Madness Pt. 2
You opened your eyes to see the most magnificent array of flowers ever imaginable. You face brighten up at the variety of flowers.
"Wow, Ivan!" You exclaimed, looking up at him, "This is amazing, did you plant all of them?" You looked at him, and boy was he pleased!
"Yes (i/n) I did," He looked down at you and asked, "Do you want a flower da?"
You turned bright pink, "W-well do you have any (i/c) (i/f)?" You whispered.
He started and motioned you to follow him. You followed and saw a small patch of (i/f). He picked one and put it in your hair. You looked at you watch and let out a yelp. "I need to go!" You yelled as you made your way to the door.
"Wait!" You turned around to see Ivan holding your wrist.
"Yes?" You asked raising an eyebrow.
"I have an idea," he said slowly. You nodded
"Go on"
"Well, I know another way to get downstairs."
"Follow me." He said guiding you to the edge of the roof
"Watch me carefully." He walked up the edge of the building and slid down the roof. Once he got down he told you to follow him. You smiled nervously at him. You were afraid of heights! You started down, but lost your footing and screamed.
"(i/n)." Ivan yelled as you swung around and latched onto the gutter.
.: Back to da begging :.
"Grab on!" He yelled, stretching his hand out to you. You grabbed his hand and were pulled up. You both landed on your backs and stared at the sky.
"I'm sor—"You started, but were cut off by a sweet kiss.
"No I'm sorry," Ivan said holding you, "I should of asked if you were ok with this." You two sat there for a while and you realized something.
You have your very first boyfriend.