Chapter 4

"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable." - Christopher Reeve

"Anthony!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. I was scared but I was more afraid for Anthony. Where am I ?

I looked around and just saw white with white smoke hovering everywhere. Where's Anthony? Why did I fall asleep?

Tears were falling to the ground, dripping down my face. I was scared for myself, and I was more for Anthony. He was the first if not the only person I ever spoken to.

"Anthony, please! I'm scared...,please!" I half wailed and whispered. He wasn't here and probably never will. I sunk to my knees and repeated incoherent words to myself.

"Rhema!" I looked from my fetal position. "Anthony?" My swollen eyes adjust to the scenery of Anthony running towards me.

"I must be going mad." I was starting to hyperventilate. Anthony came right on time to see me breathing harshly.

"Rhema, breathe. In and out. That's it. Come on one more time. Feeling better?" I nodded when he helped me stand up.

"Thanks. I guess it was all getting to me." My breathing slowed down and I wiped my last tears away. I looked up at Anthony and smiled at him and what surprised me next was I flew into him and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back, as I cried onto his arms.

"I was so scared. I couldn't find you and you were in a clearing asleep and then I came close towards you and all of a sudden I was falling asleep. And...and... I was so scared, Anthony." I cried and spoke as he held me in his arms, trying to calm me down saying soothing words.

"I know...I know." He untangled himself from me, when I calmed down.

"Thank you, for everything." He smiled and nodded. I looked around and instead of the white mist we were in the clearing again. The trees looked the same and the ground but it was still mysterious. As I took a step out towards the edge of the clearing images started to appear before me.

"Daddy, Anthony will not let me play!" I said looking into my daddy's eyes. His dark green eyes looked to the direction of Anthony who was still playing the piano. It was my turn.

"Anthony. You know the rules, we have to take turns when playing." He picked me up and walked towards Anthony and the piano. He set me down next to my brother.

"But Pa, I just want a few more minutes on the piano." He said looking at Daddy.

"I can't do anything. You have to take it up all with your sister. Its her time and turn." Daddy said as he sat in a nearby chair. Anthony turned to look at me and I stared up at him with my maddest expression.

"Nessie can I please have a little more time to play with the piano? Please?" He said smoothly with the puppy dog face. My face crumbled and I gave him a small smile.

"Okay but after ten minutes the piano is mine to use. Okay?" I said lifting an eyebrow. He smiled, my identical smile and nodded. I smiled and sat up from the bench.

"I'm going to go check up on Mommy." I said leaving my tall, bronze haired Daddy, with his identical twin. They both look alike than my own twin brother is with me. I rushed away from the room and went towards the library where I knew she'd be.

"Mommy?" I called out her name in the room looking around for her. I then spotted her in front of the fireplace reading a book.

"Mommy?" I called out again. She looked up and her heart shaped face, with her brown delicate eyes glowed with love and adoration looked towards me. Her brown hair swayed as she stood up and walked towards me holding out her hands. I ran to them and she picked me up.

"How is my Renesmee doing?" I smiled brightly as her silk voice spoke.

"Wonderful. But I wanted to play the piano, but Anthony asked for more time and I said okay as long as it is only ten minutes." I answered holding up all ten of my fingers.

"Well that sounds, okay as long as you both take your turns and ask permission for extra time. What did Daddy say about all of it?" She asked as she still held me in her arms and walked to the music room where Anthony was playing Scott Joplin Entertainer.

When we got closer mommy set me down and held one hand out towards me which I took, to have her hold my hand. We went into the room seeing Anthony play but Daddy play as well playing at his side.

We stood behind them and listened to them play.

"Edward that was beautiful as always." Mommy said as Daddy stood up. He rushed to her side and hugged her.

"Hello, love. How has your day been?" Daddy said kissing Mommy on her lips. I smiled as she blushed.

"Nothing much dear, I have been keeping myself busy with cleaning and cooking." Mommy said moving to my brother's side and kissed his cheek.

"You did wonderful my beautiful boy, just like your father." I smiled at my brother, as he smiled in return.

The memory faded as my vision came back to the present. Shocked was to put it lightly, astonished, surprised were my words. I can't-no it couldn't be but everything from the years of both mine and my brother's birthday to Christmas with my parents, all the memories I thought weren't things I technically did but remember doing. Although everything seemed from all the things in my books, from Wuthering Heights time to the year of World War ll . It couldn't be, I wasn't from that time, was I?

I felt myself going hysterical and I kept hearing Anthony asking what was wrong but I couldn't form words to explain anything. Everything was confusing and bewildering. I had parents. I didn't know them, yet I remember having and knowing them.

Suddenly I felt myself falling backwards but someone caught me, Anthony. I looked up at his worried eyes that looked so alike my brother and father. He couldn't be, but yet the small similarities were there. My eyes were becoming watery and transforming into tears dripping down my face.

"It's not possible, but...Anthony I...," It was too late before I could utter any other words to him. My body became stiff as visions of my-our house came into view and a young but elderly women stood there, Grandma Elizabeth. I didn't know how I knew her name I just knew.

"Renesmee, I am so very glad to see you dear. Now tell me, how is your brother?" She said sitting in front of the large cottage house, porch.

"Grandma Elizabeth, where am I?" I asked walking to the steps of the house and sat myself next to her.

"Oh, dear. I will explain everything. Tea?" She said holding a teapot, and china tea cups were placed in front of us. This will probably take a lot of explaining to do, I just hope Anthony is okay.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will review, follow, or favorite. I was sorrowfully disappointed I had not gotten a review for the third chapter but then again some don't need to if they don't wish and I dismayed the problem of mine.

- Janet

Sponsor: Hi to my fellow readers, I am making a sponsor for servicemen and women in the United States that are reaching out to people who WANT to help support them overseas. (Go to MY PROFILE to checkout the site ) to support a unit whether Marine, Army, Navy, or Air force they're all their and would be thankful for anything you can send them whether a letter, care package, or prayer anything would suffice for them. Thank you and God Bless you.

- Janet