Chapter 5

"It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to the blind."-T.S. Eliot

I stared down at my cup of tea, not sure that everything I have seen and will be hearing is true.

"Are you alright, dear?" Grandma Elizabeth, asked as she kneeled in front of me. Tears formed and I started to cry.

"Please, tell me the truth. All of it. Is Anthony my brother? Why was I born during this time and why was Anthony brought from the 1900s and not me? Where are my parents? Please, I need to know." I said with a croaking voice. Her eyes were filled with love, and remorse?

"I was hoping it would never have to come like this..." She said saying it more to herself than to me.

"But yes, Anthony is your brother, and you are his sister. You weren't born originally in these years just manifested at this time. Anthony was brought through a portal in his own mind which transported him where he wanted to be. With his sister, of course time travel does not work that way to transport a person at the exact place they would want to go, so Anthony wasn't as near as he wanted, but you were there just a few blocks away. And your parents...they did not go through time the way you both were. They were born during this time, well at least your mother. Edward, he changed and forgot all his memories for all the years that he had spent living with Isabella, you, and your brother. The only memories he was able to hold on was of me and his father." Her voice became quiet as every word she said sank into me. Anthony is my brother, and I'm his sister. My parents are alive but I wonder what Grandma Elizabeth meant by changed for Daddy. I didn't even notice that new tears were flowing down my face, until Grandma Elizabeth was brushing them away.

"You okay?" She said picking me up and making me sit in her lap. I cried but I nodded my head. I smiled crookedly.

"So much like your father but you have more specific details of your mother?" She said brushing away all the tears I had and playing with a strand of my now bronze hair. I looked at my hair now fully bronze hair. If my hair changed then I am really who I am. I'm Renesmee Carlie Masen.

"Can you tell me what you meant when you said Daddy 'changed' ?" I didn't really get the meaning.

Her eyes didn't reveal anything but the same as before. "Edward, he was changed after the incident. He changed into a different way, by Dr. Carlisle Cullen. He made him who he is today. A...vampire." I stared wide eyed at her. A vampire. Vampires are the creatures of the dark who are controlled by their instinct and that is to drink blood.

"It's hard to believe my father is that sort of creature." I said quietly.

"I know. But he is what he is. Vampires are ruthless but in one way one person made a different way of life. And do you know who that vampire is?" She said as she kept playing with the strands of my bronze hair.

"No who?" I was curious to know who and how did that person, a vampire, changed its way of life.

"Dr. Cullen. You see the time we were in he had mastered his control of bloodlust, only surviving from the blood of animal. His eyes were the color of amber but after time drinking animal blood his eyes diluted to a different change in color, topaz. But when having not hunted for a long while they turn black. " I took in the information more calmly than most people might have had. I wasn't so happy to hear that he was changed, but I dismissed the thought. Daddy is who is and he may still be there.

"Can you tell me more about my father and Dr. Cullen?" And the rest of afternoon went on with Grandma Elizabeth explaining that Daddy has a new family with siblings and parental figures which are Dr. Cullen and his mate Esmeralda.

"What happened to my mother, Isabella?" I saw her eyes shift and she looked beyond towards the sunset.

"The time is almost over. You're almost to go with your brother. Your mother was born in 1987 and since the year is 2004 she is 17 and lives with Charlie Swan since her mother, Renee Dwyer re-married and is traveling with her husband, Phil Dwyer in the baseball industry." She looked again to the almost set sun.

"You almost have to go, but I have one more thing to need to go to our old house. Find Maggie's great-granddaughter. She will help you. She must be back from her deployment. Tell her everything, she'll believe you and show her the pictures too. You must travel to Forks, Washington. There you will find your parents but you must hurry there are some people who will work at nothing to not let your parents meet and fall in love. Maggie owned the house of your parents for a long time and has been passed down from generation to generation. Maggie's great-granddaughter, Bethany will teach you on certain things that I can't say. Tell Anthony I love him and when you find your parents be careful for they will not know to believe you the way Bethany will. Goodbye, my Nessie. I love you and the rest."

"Goodbye Grandma. " I felt my eyes open wide and was met with my brothers worried eyes.

A/N: I am so so so sorry, for the delay in the story! I swear I never forgot I just didn't have time for the whole two weeks with my family wanting to do this and that...but anyways I hope you liked this chapter. It was hard to put this together but then again it's never easy to make a story but hope you liked, or loved it! Review, follow, or favorite. I'll will be posting Saturday! =)