Monika had always expected she would see war during the course of her life. She always saw it as a common aspect of humanity, considering the bigger governments tended to not get along with one another. Plus, the increase of stronger weapons would provoke other nations to test them out on the weaker ones. During this warfare, however, Monika never expected she'd meet a man who liked her for who she was, and not because her brothers asked him to. Feliciano smiled sweetly at her as he attempted to slip Monika's hand in his for what might have been the hundredth time all day. She didn't understand what exactly she did to cause this attraction, and at first it annoyed her to the point where she just wanted to walk away from the soldier. The more he talked, and attempted conversations with her that ranged in topic, the more she became interested in this man. This was the first time she didn't break out of the light grip he had on her hand.

Monika saw how Feliciano's smile widened when she didn't pull away. She wondered if he could tell if she was warming up to him. Monika was lost in thought the entire way home. She was holding hands with an Italian soldier, who acted like he would die just by the sight of a gun pointing at him. She figured he'd lose a wrestling match with her. Plus, he seemed to be oblivious to certain actions. The rose in her other hand was proof enough. However, Feliciano was also the nicest person she had met in her short life. He was so willing to get to know her, and even went the extra mile to make sure the date they had the previous night was perfect, as if he never was in the military.

The problem was that Feliciano was a part of the military, and he would be leaving the next day. Chances are she may never see him again. If he did survive combat, he would return to his home after he was done serving the military. He had told Monika he was tight on money, so he would have to get a job, which would eat up his time. Monika let out a sigh. She was sure she'd never see Feliciano again. She wouldn't experience the same kindness he had showed to her these past days, and she detested that. It made Monika wonder if that was why she recently enjoyed Feliciano's company. From these dark times when the nations were at war, and her twin missing after a prison break, someone with a bright outlook on life appeared to show her that the world really isn't a bad place. There's always something good.

"Monika?" Feliciano had stopped walking, and was looking at her in concern. Monika snapped out of her trance and looked back at him slightly. "Monika, are you okay? You look sad."

Monika didn't realize she was expressing her thoughts in front of Feliciano. She felt embarrassed to say the reason behind was him leaving. "I just have things on my mind." She wasn't lying, but she scowled over the fact that she opened herself for him asking what those "things" could be.

"Monika, if you're going to have things on your mind, they should be happy things," he stated. Monika shot a glance at him in surprise. "That way you'll smile more often."

"You're not going to ask what's on my mind?" Monika asked him in confusion.

Feliciano shook his head. "Whatever is on your mind must be sad. If you told me, then I might become sad. Instead of being sad, we should be happy." Monika just stared at him as she tried to figure out what in the world she could say after that. "So smile, Monika."

Monika realized that maybe she didn't have to say anything. It was alright for her to be speechless. It wasn't as if Feliciano was making her say anything. No, the only thing Feliciano requested for her was that she would smile for him. She didn't have a reason not to. Feliciano was different, and she had finally figured out that he really did care for him. Monika started to think that maybe she cared for him as well.

The smile that curved on her face without her realizing it might have been proof enough.

Feliciano's own smile softened at the sight of Monika actually smiling at him. "See? That's not so difficult," he said calmly. He moved his hand slightly so his fingers interlocked with hers.

"Feliciano," she mumbled as she looked away from him. Her smile faded as she did so. "I should go home."

"Oh," Feliciano sighed. "Then I guess that means I should go back to camp." He didn't want to go back. He saw the evening as young, and he still wanted to spend more time with Monika. With the smile she wore for only a few seconds, it gave him hope that she did like him back. He slipped his hand out of hers.

"Wait," Monika said quickly as she reached for Feliciano's hand, much to his surprise. Monika didn't even know what she was doing herself. "I suppose you could come with me. Gilbert won't be home tonight."

Monika didn't know what made her invite Feliciano over. She had assumptions that it might have been because she may not see him again and that her feelings for him had increased in such a short period, but whatever the case was, Feliciano was in her house, sitting comfortably on the sofa and trying to comprehend what was being said on the television.

"Monika," he called out, "you should come watch this with me."

Monika was busy putting away her winter coat neatly when she heard Feliciano's request. "Do you even know what you're watching?" she asked him.

"I don't know," he admitted. "But I think it's some sort of comedy. The characters are exaggerating their movements and sometimes they talk with emphasis when it looks like something went wrong."

Monika smiled a little when she had her face hidden behind her own jacket. She started to think to herself that maybe Feliciano's cluelessness in the German language was cute. Perhaps it was because he would try to figure out what was being said when all of it was just gibberish to him. "Alright, I'm coming," she muttered as the smile was wiped off her face. Once Monika sat down next to him, Feliciano's attention shifted from the television to her. He scooted closer to her, and rested his head on her shoulder.

"What are you doing?" she asked him as she blushed slightly. Monika was relieved that he at least had the decency to show this affection privately.

"I'm tired," he mumbled, "and your shoulder looked comfy."

"You looked wide away no more than two minutes ago," she stated, referencing the fact that his eyes were wide open before she sat down.

"Come on," he whined, "I just want to take a little nap."

"It's too late to be taking naps," she told him. "At this time, people go to bed and sleep, remember?"

"But I can't do that. You wouldn't let me."

"And why wouldn't I?"

Feliciano nuzzled her shoulder. "If I were to fall asleep, I'd want you to sleep next to me. Plus, I haven't formally asked you if we could be a couple."

Monika looked away from Feliciano. He was right in saying they actually weren't a couple. "Yet you act like we are. You held my hand and now your head's on my shoulder."

Feliciano paused for a moment. He sat up and placed a hand on Monika's cheek. "Then," he said as he moved her head so she looked right at him, "will you officially be my girl?"

Monika just looked at him as if he was crazy. Had he forgotten the issues that would cause for the two? "Feliciano," she said sternly, "not only are you a soldier who is leaving tomorrow, but you're also from Italy. Don't you think that can cause problems in this relationship?"

Feliciano averted his eyes from her for only a couple seconds. "Yes, but I already told you, we can write letters to one another." Once his eyes were back on Monika's, he looked right in them, and Monika swore his gaze pierced through her, and left her paralyzed. "Monika, there's something about you that made me want to have you as mine since our first meeting. I thought it was because you might have been playing hard-to-get with me, but now everything about you fascinates me. If you were mine, I'd work my hardest to make sure I come out of this war unharmed, and I'd be on the next train to Stuttgart to see you."

Monika couldn't find how she could avert his eyes, but she was stuck staring right into them. She could never figure out what was going on in that mind of his most of the time, but at that moment in time, she could tell he was serious. He wanted to be with her, even when they'd be apart for an undetermined amount of time. "I just don't know," she said shakily.

"What do I have to do to convince you?" Feliciano whined. "I'm being honest with you, and I'm giving every example I can to assure you we will see each other again." He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. Not long, he figured out an idea. It would be risky, and she may object to it, but Feliciano tended to act first and never question it. "Unless I show you how much I like and care for you." Feliciano pressed his lips together and leaned closer to Monika, so he could whisper in her ear, "How does that sound?"

A chill ran down Monika's spine. Was he intending on kissing her? Her heart pounded at the idea. She wouldn't want to admit to Feliciano that nobody had ever kissed her before. She just kept silent, unsure of what she should even say.

"Though," he mumbled, "I won't take action unless you say we can be together."

At this point, Monika just wanted her heart to rip out of her body due to its excessive beating. Monika didn't like the idea of her being the deciding factor of whether or not Feliciano would make the next move on her. She just wanted him to go through with it. She wanted him to kiss her. Monika couldn't believe the thoughts that went in her mind. She was unable to believe them ever since she met the soldier.

"So what will it be? Please don't break my heart, Monika."

She couldn't take it anymore. Because of Feliciano, Monika had been smiling, looking forward to going to run errands just so she could meet him for coffee, enjoyed the date they had (despite her awkwardness), especially that kiss he planted on her hand, she enjoyed the warmth of her hand in his, she found his cluelessness of the German language to actually be cute, when he wore formal clothing, he was handsome, and lastly, she wanted him to hurry up and connect their lips. That made Monika's final decision easy.

"I won't break It, Feliciano. I never thought I'd admit this but the truth is, I like you too. If you think you can promise me you'll keep in contact, then perhaps we can make something work."

Feliciano moved away from her and just looked in her eyes. He felt like crying because of how happy she had made him. "Monika," was all he could mutter. He placed both hands on her face, caressing her cheeks softly. Finally, Feliciano had a reason to fight in the war. He may have joined to have a place to live, and a job which would supply him, but now he had someone who would wait for him. That gave the boy hope to continue on.

With that in mind, Feliciano pulled Monika close to him. He took in the sensation of their bodies pressed up against one another before he closed his eyes and leaned in for the kiss he would never forget.