Hey there, so here is chapter 35, thank you for being so patient with me.

Hope you enjoy

Ch.35 Moving Forward

Sleep did not come easily to Leonardo that night. For the longest time, he laid awake with his right arm wrapped under the sleeping woman, while his free hand lightly moved over her. His three fingers would drift from stroking her cheek, to running through her hair, or even skimming down her arms soothingly. His eyes, trained to see well in the dark, would move over her face as she continued to snooze.

Sometimes her eyes would flicker and move behind her eyelids as she dreamed, every now and then she'd give a little hum or sigh. But almost always her soft, pink lips were slightly parted as she breathed deeply. They'd twitch into an almost smile or her tongue would poke out to wet them.

And the eldest Hamato son was transfixed.

Evelyn had once asked what his type of woman was like, and at the time Leo had no idea. Sure, some of the women they had come into contact with had been somewhat attractive... April had a nice smile, Kari was strong willed and loyal...to a massive fault... Rennet had a nice body, Angel- now grown up- was sweet but fierce.

And yet not one of them held a candle to his Evie. His Evie... Her smile was so bright it was blinding when she was at her happiest. The young woman had shown amazing trustworthiness and honour, countless times towards himself and his family. She was undoubtedly assertive when it was required, as well as adorably bubbly and passionate. And as for her body...

Leonardo had to take a steadying breath as his heart gave a flutter and his body temperature momentarily rose. Where to begin. Her skin was so delicate and creamy, she had a lovely hour glass figure that was subtle yet refined, with shapely legs that were both soft and strong.

The young male thought back to their first face to face meeting, how the body suit and black form fitting dress had perfectly displayed her rounded hips, and revealed attractive breasts... Showcasing both without even showing any skin. And yet the image of her in the outfit was wonderfully, innocently erotic.

'God help me if she ever actually shows any skin.' The ninja in training mentally groaned, pushing away his own imagined images of a bikini clad brunet, denying the fantasy of having a wanting Evie under him right then and there in his bed.

No. Leo had too much love and respect for the British woman, he would not disgrace her in such an uncouth way. It was much to early in their relationship, surely...and yet Katlyn's words and demands on their future together made his mind wonder.

How could such a beautiful young woman such as the pale teen in his arms, ever find him physically attractive, to desire him in such a raw, intimate way...? And yet she would blush at his advances. She enjoyed their kisses, he knew that for a fact, her reactions to him were clear. Evie would initiate physical contact or even purposefully move herself into his personal space just so they could be closer.

'I guess it's not only the girls Evie needs to talk to. We have a lot to talk about as well, to clear the air, set boundaries if needs be, and communicate so we're both on the same page.' The forest green turtle mused, also making a mental note to talk to his genius brother in private at some point.

But eventually the young leader did indeed fall into slumber, though a restless one at the best of times. Once his own body clock told him to start his morning routine, the nineteen year old reluctantly forced himself out of bed. Without disturbing the sleeping female, the turtle made his way down stairs to begin his day, only to find the youngest Richards sat at the kitchen table with her head hung low. The shower was also running upstairs, and his immediate brother's lab lights were on.

'Have they only just arrived back?' Leo frowned, his gaze sweeping over the younger woman carefully for any signs of distress, relaxing when he found on.

Pondering for a moment as to the best course of action, the eldest Hamato son thought back to Kat's reaction when she and Fran had finally gotten a good look at the turtles. Wide eyes from shock, shrunken pupils because of fear, flinching away from any close contact... It was exactly the kind of reaction he had feared from Evie on their first meeting.

The two seemed to retreat into themselves, Fran watching observantly and cautiously, but Katie... The black haired girl had glared. Full on glared; at Mikey who was still carrying Mina, Leo who held Evie, and then at her own unconscious cousin as their story was revealed in pieces. And then she demanded to hold Mina, even got right in Mikey's face when he looked reluctant to hand over the still passed out Italian. And then they were silent. And still glaring.

'Yeah, it's probably best I just leave her be. I'll talk to Donny and see how things went last night after they left, and maybe she'll be ready to talk after she clears things up with Evie.' Leo mused, heading to the dojo.

"Um..." The blue wearing turtle froze, turning his head to the side, wide eyed. Katie was sat up, and looking right at him. "Leo...thank you."

"For what?" He asked, turning half way towards her.

Kat forced a tired smile. "For looking after Evie...for saving us...And I want you know that...I really am sorry for last night."

Shaking his head slowly, the eldest turtle frowned at the younger woman. "It's ok Katlyn. You went through a lot yesterday, and then finding out about us-"

"But I was in the wrong." The black haired teen cut off sternly, from her seat and looking down in shame. "I lashed out at you guys because I was scared and angry, I said some awful things when all you had done was protect and shield us." Looking up, bright eyes that looked yellow in the mixed light were open and saddened. "And for that I'm sorry...even though I know how much you mean to Eve, and how much she cares for all your family...I was disrespectful and totally outa line. I hope you can forgive me...and if you guys are serious, then I want to get to know you too."

Leonardo was taken aback momentarily, honestly grateful for Kate's apology but also surprised that she actually wanted to get to know him. "I am serous about Evie, she's one of the best things to happen in my life. I love her, I really do. And I'd be lying of I said that I haven't worried about our future before." The young mans smile turned bitter. "After all, I can't take her on the usual type of dates, being in public will be nearly impossible for us, we can't have our own house, a normal life with jobs and parties... But there is something that I can give her that no normal man can." Leo's smile turned soft and genuine. "Me. And yeah, we have a lot to talk about and figure out together...but honestly I don't fear or dread the future anymore. Because if she's there, I know it'll be ok."

Kat's eyes studied the male for a moment before a small smirk started to appear. "Pretty cheesy speech there pal... The fact Evie trusts you so much says to me that I can count on your word. But I believe actions speak louder than words, so while I'll be looking out for Eve's like I always do, I won't be getting in the way. Just know if you ever make her cry, then no amount of ninja skill is gonna save you from me. Got it?"

The forest green turtle chuckled heartily, holding out his hand in truce. "I'll even lend you my katana."

"Please, as if I need those little knives to end you." Katlyn joked, full on smirking as she firmly took the three fingered hand offered. The younger teen may or may not have also given the offered limb a harder grasp than necessary, then again neither of the two would ever admit to anything if asked.

After that, Leo actually decided against training that morning, deciding instead to make himself and the seventeen year old something hot to drink, before joining her at the kitchen table to talk softly over things. Donny soon joined them, yawning heavily and making an extra strong pot of coffee for himself. The elder of the men watched in fascination as the purple wearing turtle spoke easily with the younger woman, even encouraging topics of discussion. For some reason the relaxed kinship between the two seemed a little odd to him, after all the two seemed to have almost opposite personalities.

But the young leader was not able to ponder for much longer, before his father figure also joined them, and Katie began her apologies once again. As he expected, the old grey rat smiled softly, patted the girls head and gave her kind words of acceptance and wisdom.

Next to arrive was Fran and Mina, the two looking rather tired, but both offered a forced smile. Raph had to wake up Mikey on his way down to the kitchen to join them, and Fran woke up a still slumbering Evie after the group got tired of waiting.

Said brunet pouted all the way down the stairs, that is until Master Splinter handed her his usual mixed brew of tea. "Now that we are all together," The Sensei began teasingly, smiling at the blush that bloomed on the smallest beings cheeks when Raphael and Michelangelo began sniggering. "Our usual training will be postponed today my sons, as I wish for you to focus your efforts into resolving the matter at hand. While our home is- and will now always be- open to our new friends, the ladies will not be able to hide out here for long. We must respect that they have responsibilities, and people will become suspicious if they are missing for too long."

"I've already taken care of part of that Mr Splinter, at least for now." Katie smiled, pulling out three mobile phones and revealing four small back packs. "Don helped to sneak me back into our apartment last night after I calmed down. There's a few change of cloths for us all, and our toiletries. Donny also helped me send out emails and texts for everyone. The world thinks that you three weaklings, not been used to it been so cold, each caught the flu and infected me. So we're in the clear for at least a week. Evie your boss did ask that you do as much work as you can manage from your laptop and send it to your supervisor by email. Fran your totally off the hook with best wishes from Mr Donati. And Mina the college insists your totally germ free before returning to college, and asks that you continue with your study papers, sending them to your tutor via email for proof reads and check ups."

Mina smiled and clapped her hands together. "Good idea Kat!"

"A week should do it before those wannabe ninjas get bored and move on." Raph grumbled in his Brooklyn tone.

"And we'll be there to help them along." Mike grinned sarcastically, high giving the third oldest who chuckled deeply with him.

Fran rolled her eyes and signed. "I suppose a week isn't so bad, but how did those ninjas know where we were going to be?"

"We'll be looking into that as well." Don assured. "Perhaps it's best if we start by breaking into the Foots Headquarters, there's bound to be clues as to their plans and resources."

The leader crossed his arms. "We'll make a plan for the best course of action, and until we're sure of how much they know and how much of a threat they could be, we'll be starting patrol early."

Splinter nodded in agreement. "Yes, but for now, let us all relax. Michelangelo, I do believe we could all do with some breakfast my son."

"On it Master Splinter!" The youngest turtle cheered, showing off by flipping and somersaulting his way into the kitchen

"I'll help!" Evie cheered, standing from her seat.

Breakfast was rather quiet, even with the improved attitudes of members around the table, things were still a little awkward. But there where plenty of thank yous and complements for the food offered after, and Raphael and Donatello were given washing up duty.

The girls meanwhile, were offered the Dojo for their talk.

Evie sat cross legged on the floor, Mina resting side ways, Katie sat with her legs spread out and leaning back on her hands, and Frankie decided to remain standing. She thought better when she could move around.

At first, everyone was silent, looking around awkwardly.

"I really am sorry Eve..." Kat finally sighed. "I shouldn't have been so harsh towards you. I had no right to be so forward about your relationship with Leo, he is a nice person. I'm just worried about you."

Evie forced a smile. "It's ok Kat, me and Leo had a little talk last night, and while there's still a lot left unsaid, we have established that we would like a future together. If our relationship leads us to that, that is. Turns out my deadly-ninja-leader-who's-saved-the-world-more-times-than-I-care-to-count, is the type of guy who likes to go with the flow and see what happens when it comes to relationships."

"That does bring me to one worry," Fran spoke up, now leaning against the wall. "The life style this family lives, while very honourable, is a dangerous one. They have a lot of enemies Evie, you've already been kidnapped once and another attempt has now put us all at risk."

Blue and green mismatched eyes turned down at this, looking worriedly at the floor. "I know...I never wanted you guys to become involved like this. I guess I always told myself that I would introduce Leo and his family slowly, gradually so it would be less of a shock, so you could have time to get used to the idea. But I never wanted to put you all in danger."

Frankie sighed. "That's not what I meant Eve, your in danger just been associated with Leonardo and his family, but been in a relationship puts a giant red hit mark on your head. I hate to say this, but have you given this proper thought? I mean this is your life your risking, Evie."

"Fran," The shortest teen looked up at the tallest with a soft smile. "Leo and the guys put their lives on the line all the time. They risk been discovered just to visit me when I'm at the apartment, or endanger their lives for innocent civilians when they go on patrol to protect the city from bad guys. The very same city and civilians that would turn on them if it knew of their existence, and that's not even mentioning all the times they're saved the planet from some crazy weirdos with oversized egos." Evelyn's expression softened in wonder as she looked away. "They're selfless Fran, they've put a lot on the line for me already. If I'm going to be worthy of that kind of commitment, then the least I can do is live with the consequences."

The Irish teen was silent for a long moment, as were the other two young women as the words sunk in. "Well, I'm not going to lie, I'm still going to be worried for you," The eldest sighed, but her answering smile was warm. "But I can see that you have actually given this a lot of thought. Besides, it's clear how much they care for you, especially Leonardo."

Katie let out a huff. "No joke there. It doesn't take a lotta brains to figure that out. The problem I have, is that your futures gonna be a hard one couz. I mean, if you do end up together, where are ya gonna live? Wouldn't it be kinda awkward to live with your hubby and his family? And what about schooling? And wouldn't the kid be lonely?"

"First of all, I am way too young to actually be thinking about marriage Katie. BUT if it does happen," Evie stressed firmly when the black haired teen opened her mouth to interject. "Then me and Leo will talk about it and make a decision together. And AGAIN with the whole kids idea..." Evie groaned, shaking her head. "Look, Don's a genius, so I'm not worried about schooling. Donny can probably give a better education than any school anyway. And friends? Are you kidding me? Between you guys and the humongous amount of people that know and love the guys? My kids sorted. Besides, April's kid will be like a big cousin, and Mikey's always going to be a kid at heart."

Katie smirked. "Ok, all fair points. I do feel for the little rascal though, he or she is gonna have one hell of a 'shell' shock when it comes to family re-unions."

Evelyn fell backwards from laughter at the awful pun, secretly banking it away to use on Mike later. Kat sniggered to herself and winked at Fran who simply shook her head with a small smile. Looking to the Italian to see her thoughts on her bad joke, the youngest teen lost her smile smile.

"Yo Mina, you ok?"

"Hu?" The strawberry blonde looked up, startled.

Fran rested a hand on the tanned teen's shoulder. "You've been very quiet Carmina, everything ok?"

"I...yes, I'm just...processing."

Evie smiled softly. "Are you sure? You're not still upset with me are you about keeping you in the dark?"

"No Evie..."

"But you are down about something Mina, I can tell." The brunet frowned.

"I just..."

"Are you scared of the guys?" The brunet pressed.

Mina shook her head quickly with an upset frown. "No, Evelyn, really I'm ok."

"Hey, talk to us Italian Stallion..." Katie soothed, shifting closer to the smaller teen.

"I-I-I..." The tanned teen took a deep breath and let it go slowly before looking up. "Evie...isn't it bestiality...I mean...he's a turtle..."

The room fell into utter silence.

The English girl blinked several times before a dark blush bloomed on her cheeks. "Mina... I don't think those definitions really work here... I mean he's a mutant...not an actual turtle, the mutagen humanised him and the guys/ And just look at him! How he moves and the way his bodies built, its all human. Really the only thing turtle like about him is the green skin and shell."

"And the snout Eve." Kati snorted.

"Really its more like having a big nose." Evelyn mused thoughtfully with a pout.

Fran sighed. "Look, we can all understand Mina's point, he did begin his life an an animal. And who knows how human the guys actually are under those shells."

Again there was a pause. "I suppose if anyone knows, it'll be Donnie."

"I'll ask him." Kat spoke up, shrugging when the others looked at her confused. "I'll just say I'm curious cause I'm studying the human body in my classes."

Evie looked at her friends shyly, standing slowly. "So...are we good?"

Mina jumped to her feet, wrapping her small her friend in a tight hug. "Of course! It will take some time to get used to it, but I love you Evie! And will support you."

Frankie and Katie nodded, joining the hug happily. "We an talk more on this later, once we have all the facts and everyone's adjusted." The eldest encouraged.

"Cool, now let me go, I want a shower." Katie grumbled, quickly stepping away and sliding open the dojo door. Fran rolled her eyes and followed slowly, Mina keeping an arm around Evie's shoulders as they stepped out too.

Immediately the brunets eyes connected with Leo's covered gaze, and her happy expression seemed to relax him. The eldest Hamato was in the make shift gym spotting for the emerald turtle, Raph bench pressing weights that looks way to big, and yet the well built male was lifting them with almost no effort.

But by the time Evie and Mina were at the bottom of the steps, the forest green turtle was by his girlfriend and gently taking her hand as Raphael put the weights back on the bar and sat up. Don and Mikey were in the lab together, looking seriously at the computer screen.

"Hey," Leonardo smiled, giving the smaller hand a squeeze. "I was wondering if you wanted to have a little meditation session with me, I did promise to teach you after all."

Evie's green and blue eyes widened for a moment out of surprise, but the young woman nodded eagerly. "Sure, sounds fun."

"It's really not!" Mikey shouted from across the room, earning a slap around the head from Don.

Raph was now stood and making his way to the girls. "Any of you play video games?" He asked a little awkwardly.

"If you have Call of Duty, I'm callin' first game." Kat replied simply, walking pasted the tallest turtle to head to the TV. Mina rushed after her, while Fran crossed her arms and followed the younger male slowly.

Evelyn turned to Leo, only to be scooped up and carried to his room once more. "Aren't we meditating in the Dojo?" She asked, startled.

"I thought you'd be a little more relaxed in here."

The smallest teen watched her boyfriend for a moment before crossing her arms with a smirk. "This isn't about meditating, is it?"

Leonardo chuckled deeply as he rubbed the back of his head. "I will teach you, but our talk last night got me thinking more about us. If you want to, I thought we should talk a little more about it...in depth...if your comfortable...about us taking this relationship further...and if that's what we both want."


Yep I'm evil, its a cliff hanger

So as you can tell, I have more plans for this story, and I'm not quite done with it.

However, time is not currently on my side, work is my worst enemy and my desire for writing...lets just say sitting down to type up a story is still very hard and leaves me feeling sore. That being said I was expecting that and will not be giving up any time soon. I have big plans for this story, I just need to get back into it. It's hard as well because I haven't been keeping up with the fandom for a long time, so getting back into that level of passion and excitement is hard when you've kind of moved on. I think i need to go back and re-watch the series.

anyway i wanted to get this up as soon as possible as you guys, and I plan to start the next chapter as quickly as i am able.

So its bye for now but hopefully not for long