Harry's Unbirthday gift – Chapter 2
By Aealket
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any HP world, and I'm not going to make any money on this drabble.
Based on an idea by Alex on the Caer Azkaban Yahoo Group (message 144124, 'Lunatic Plot Bunny, Free for Use', Nov 15, 2010)
Just to clear up some confusion, I'm using an image of the Yule ball I remember from the move, not the true canon of the book where the Patil sisters acted nearly as badly as Harry and Ron. It has been too long since I read canon, and I have read a lot more fan fiction since then.
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When a knock sounded at the door to his office, Addison looked up from the mounds of paperwork he had inherited when he had agreed to become Headmaster.
"Enter," Addison said, and then sat back, somewhat surprised at the appearance of two of the instructors in his office.
"Good morning, Sir," Rolanda Hooch said as she took the farthest chair from the door.
"Good morning, Headmaster," Charity Burbage also said as she took the next chair.
Addison started to raise his eyebrows at the presumption the ladies were showing at just seating themselves, but checked himself; these were tenured instructors in his school after all and he needed to be available to his instructors.
"Ladies," Addison greeted them. "Is there something I can do for you?"
"Actually, Headmaster, there are a couple of things we can do for you," Charity said, with only a slight tremor in her voice showing she was a bit nervous.
Addison did raise his eyebrows at that and glanced over towards Rolanda, who nodded, much more confident in herself.
"Well, I do admit that I, and Hogwarts, could use some help in several areas," Addison allowed. "Who wants to go first?"
"I would like to be considered as a replacement for the Transfiguration instructor, Headmaster," Charity said, much more calmly than Addison had expected her to be from the nervousness she had displayed just moments earlier.
That did surprise Addison, and forgot himself so much as to stare at the woman.
"I know I'm not nearly as good as a Muggle Studies instructor as I could be since I grew up totally isolated from the Muggle world, Headmaster, and, to be honest, when I applied to teach here, it was to ease some of the load on Professor McGonagall. But shortly after I applied to teach at Hogwarts, the Muggle Studies position needed to be filled and Dumbledore strongly suggested that I devote my time towards that class. Since then, Dumbledore has always refused to let me help in Transfiguration for some reason, even though Muggle Studies does not take a full time instructor."
"Would you willing to sit an exam given by the International observers?" Addison asked. "I fully admit, filling the Transfiguration position would be very helpful, but they are not going to just allow anyone to take the position."
Charity nodded, becoming more and more confident now that her request had not been rejected out of hand.
"Madam?" Addison turned to Rolanda. "Do you also have a set of hidden talents?"
"Several I should think, Headmaster," Rolanda said calmly. "But I'm more than willing to take on the Muggle Studies class in addition to the flying classes I've been teaching. Neither class requires a full time instructor, and my duties as the official during the Quidditch matches don't interfere with classes. I still meet the stupid requirement about not being a Muggle-born that the Wizengamot has imposed upon the school, yet I'm also much more familiar with the Muggle world than Charity here, and I can promise that I won't want to use the out-dated materials that have been in place for far too long."
"Well, I admit I was hoping you were about to say you could take over Potions, since I'm having no luck at finding someone qualified for that class," Addison responded with a wry expression. "I find I really don't like the idea of begging someone that has left a position to come back."
"To be honest, nearly anyone could teach that class as well as Snape did," Charity said, offering her opinion. "However, I do know someone that you could contact; she wouldn't come near this place while Dumbledore was Headmaster, and I'm sure Dumbledore wouldn't have even considered her for such a position."
"Oh?" Addison asked while Rolanda looked curiously at Charity.
"Yes, Andromeda Tonks. She has the required knowledge and although she's not a full master, she is acknowledged as one of the best brewers in Great Britain, and if you're willing to let her bring her family to the castle, you could gain a History of Magic instructor as well, as her husband, Ted, is well able to teach that class."
Charity paused to see how her thoughts were being received, and encouraged by Addison's carefully schooled face, she continued.
"Dromeda has a daughter who she's very worried about since the daughter is a low level Auror and seemed to be caught in Dumbledore's web, so I'm sure Dromeda would jump at a chance to pull her daughter out of Dumbledore's sphere of influence."
"And what do you envision the daughter doing?" Addison asked as he wrote Andromeda's name on a piece of parchment.
"Teacher's aide, in either Transfiguration or Charms, or both, Sir. I'm pretty sure she takes after her mother in her ability at potions, but I also feel that that combination wouldn't work in a classroom."
"Auror, you said?" Addison asked, as he continued to make notes.
"Yes, only a couple of years on the force though."
"DADA needs the most help, and an ex-Auror will be able to at least drill some of the students while the full instructor deals with the slower ones." Addison mused aloud.
"Headmaster?" Rolanda's voice pulled Addison from his musings. He was pleased to see she was waiting for a response before continuing.
"May I ask what are you going to do about the Heads of House for Slytherin and Gryffindor?"
Addison looked severely at the two instructors in his office. Charity was looking nervous again and Rolanda was looking more tentative as well. After his silence continued for several more seconds, Rolanda took a deep breath and visibly calmed herself.
"I think you'll do very well against some of our bigger discipline problems," Rolanda said with a grimace. "But we instructors are not students. Rather, we are employees, and in time I hope we will become trusted employees. Charity and I have been outside of Dumbledore's inner circle, and as such have another view into workings of this school."
Addison pondered that for a moment, and then nodded. "I'm more worried about the Heads of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw to be honest," Addison finally admitted. "I have spoken with both Mrs. Sprout and Mr. Flitwick about my opinion that using a teacher also as a Head of House is an experiment that seems to have failed. I would like to bring in four alumni from each house to be the Heads, but I'm still worried about the reaction from the two that were mostly managing to balance their loads."
Rolanda nodded as she added her concern. "I know Pomona was very upset about something, but I didn't know what it was that upset her. She's very proud that she's managed to deal with both responsibilities. Filius, on the other hand, is aware of how his hands were tied by Dumbledore, and I think he'll be willing to step aside."
Addison nodded again, this time in thanks. Rolanda's comments matched his first observations as well, but it was nice to have his feelings confirmed, and so he relaxed his expression slightly. "I do not want to lose Mrs. Sprout as well..." Addison started to say before Rolanda made a sharp movement in negation. "Yes, Mrs. Hooch?"
"I'm Madam Hooch, Headmaster, and with respect, Pomona Sprout is a certified professor and master of Herbology. She is not Mrs. Sprout. Likewise, Filius worked very hard to become a master of Charms, and should never be called simply Mr. Flitwick."
Rolanda paused while looking at Addison. When Addison did not cut across her statements, she continued. "I have needed to deal with the upper levels of Pure-blood society from time to time, and I know you meant no disrespect, but if you want to keep your Herbology professor you will need to stop calling her Mrs. Sprout."
"Ah," Addison said as his expression cleared in understanding. "While working with some other instructors in South America I was told that many in the academic world are sensitive about their titles."
"Very." Charity entered the discussion. "Pomona has worked very hard to balance her time between being a head of house and instructor of one of the core classes. Failing to acknowledge her academic achievements can be seen as adding insult to injury."
"I will still be replacing her as the head of Hufflepuff, but I will also try to talk to her about her achievements," Addison mused aloud before returning to the two seated in front of him. "Thank you for your time ladies; I will consider your suggestions for the vacant staff positions, and I will remember your comments about academic protocol. Mrs. Burbage, please be prepared to meet with the International observers. Now, unless you have a suggestion about an instructor for Defense Against the Dark Arts, I need to get back to this paperwork."
"Nearly all of the staff felt that Remus Lupin did a more than creditable job as DADA instructor, Sir," Charity said as she and Rolanda rose to leave.
"And if you have Miss Tonks to act as an assistant, his monthly illness would not impact the rest of us as badly," Rolanda added as she and Charity left the office.
Addison looked perplexed and tried to figure out exactly when those two women had managed to take control of the conversation.
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Padma shook the blanket out and then laid it on the ground before sitting herself on said blanket and starting to spread out the 'picnic' lunch Harry had provided. That task accomplished, Padma looked back towards Harry and Hermione.
The three of them and Lassie had just finished a rather intensive training session, and Padma was more than ready to rest, but Hermione was trying to pick a fight with Harry about something. Trying, because the madder Hermione became, the bigger Harry's smile became.
A warm body pressed against Padma's right leg and she smiled down at Luna as the dog shaped girl settled against her.
"How long until Hermione totally loses it, Lassie?" Padma asked.
"Wurf," Luna replied as she wiggled, applying pressure against Padma's leg.
"All right, you greedy thing," Padma laughed as she started to stroke Luna's coat. "I'm thinking that Harry's going to need to brush you out tonight, but based on how much you like that, I think you ran through that last bush on purpose."
"Wurf," Luna agreed contentedly.
Turning their attention back to Harry and Hermione, Padma and Luna watched as Hermione began to turn an interesting shade of red. That was when Harry surprised his friend by wrapping her in a short hug.
"Welcome back, Hermione," Harry said, while releasing his flabbergasted friend. "I've missed you so much."
Harry led the shocked girl over to where Padma and Luna were sitting.
"I know I have some more work to do to be ready to take Runes, but I think this will be the last nice Saturday this year and we're going to enjoy it," Harry explained as he sat himself on the blanket, on Padma's left side, surprising the girl as that was not the side Luna had commandeered.
"Please sit and join us, Hermione," Padma entreated. "I know I'm very tired, and I can still feel Lassie hasn't recovered all of her breath. We will all do better at our studies if we relax and just enjoy ourselves for a few moments."
Luna stood, stretched, leaving Padma's leg suddenly much cooler, and crossed over to where Hermione continued to stand. She then sat on her haunches while looking up at the brunette, laying her ears flat and letting out a soft whine.
Hermione scowled slightly at her three friends and then threw her hands up in surrender. "I swear you are even better than Crookshanks at looking pitiful, Lassie."
Luna's tail wagged a couple of times in reply and her ears perked up.
"I'm fairly certain Lassie is saying thank you for the complement, Hermione," Padma quipped while Harry just smiled at his pet's antics.
Luna gave Hermione just enough time to settle on the blanket before trying to climb on to Hermione's lap in spite of how she was way too big to be considered a 'lap dog'. Hermione seemed unsurprised and hugged the collie for several moments before releasing her and pushing Luna off of her lap, while saying, "That's enough, Lassie."
Luna stood and returned to Padma's right leg, sighing in contentment when Padma's hand began stroking her flank again.
"I think Lassie likes you, Padma," Harry remarked as he handed out some of the snacks Dobby had prepared for them. "She'd normally be glued to my leg instead."
"What can I say, Harry, your pet has excellent taste," Padma joked and then blushed slightly when Harry agreed by saying, "Lassie does have very excellent taste, I agree." Harry then turned his attention to Luna as he continued, "But she also has dog breath from time to time, so I'm thinking I'll need to start brushing her teeth."
Luna's head snapped up and she looked at Harry with a mixture of shock and disbelief.
"Or maybe she just needs to spend a bit more time as a human and she could brush her own teeth," Harry finished.
"Humph!" Luna said as she resumed her human shape while still sitting very close to Padma. "I enjoy the time I get to spend as a dog, Harry."
Padma scooted a bit away from the now too close Luna, and thus a bit closer to Harry, and then backed Harry's statement up. "And we enjoy your time as a human every bit as much, Lassie."
"Thanks, Padma," Harry smiled at Padma. "I keep telling Lassie that, but she doesn't believe me for some reason."
"And what are you smiling at, now, Hermione?" Padma asked before she melted under Harry's approval.
"Harry, you are such a boy," Hermione responded.
"Huh?" Harry asked. "What did I do?"
"Harry, I think..." Luna started to answer before she stiffened and became a dog again, jumping over the blanket to stand facing the gates, her hackles rising and a growl growing in her throat.
Alerted and alarmed by Luna's actions, all three teens stood while drawing their wands and unconsciously assumed the formation they had just been practicing: Harry in front, with Padma just behind him on his left and Hermione standing a bit behind Padma but off to Harry's right.
"Dumbledore!" Harry stated the obvious as their previous Headmaster came to a stop, surprised by the less than cordial greeting.
"Lassie, run find a professor and let them know we have an unescorted visitor on the school grounds," Padma said.
Luna's head shook in a definite no and her growls grew slightly louder.
"There's no need for that, Miss Patil," Albus said his eyes starting to twinkle. "Your Mr. Greengrass knows I'm coming for an appointment this afternoon."
"Are you a bit early for your appointment with Headmaster Greengrass, Sir?" Hermione asked.
"Perhaps, Miss Granger, but not by more than a quarter hour," Albus replied, his twinkle dimming a bit by the title Hermione used when talking about someone other than himself.
"It is normal for a guest to wait at the gates to be escorted in, Albus," Filius said as he came up to the small group. "The Headmaster indicated you were to be allowed to meet with him, only if you agreed to not try and meet with any of the students."
"Ah, my apologies, Filius," Albus sighed and turned away from the teens; he had hoped to talk to Harry if only for a moment. "Lead on, my good sir."
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Upon hearing a knock at the door and looking up from the rather interesting letter he had just received from Daphne, Addison saw Filius standing there, with Dumbledore behind him.
"Headmaster, Chief Warlock Dumbledore is here a bit early for his visit. So you know, the school wards did not hold him at the gate; I found him on the grounds, about to approach a small group of students," Filius announced.
Thank you, Professor Flitwick," Addison said. "Please remind me to contact a warder about adjusting the school wards."
Albus made his entrance into the conversation and his old office at the same time, his eyes twinkling in humor. "Actually, there's an exception in the ward scheme for the current Chief Warlock or Minister, Mr. Greengrass."
Addison stared hard at the aged man in front of him hard enough to dim the twinkle a bit.
"Filius, have I lost my memory? Did I actually invite Chief Warlock Dumbledore into my office?"
"No, Headmaster, you haven't lost your memory, I'm afraid the Chief Warlock simply assumed you were ready for him. The House Elves haven't quite finished the waiting area at the foot the stairs, so I couldn't leave him there," Filius said, while smiling at the matching affronted expressions that were being displayed on both of the faces in the Headmaster's office.
"I…see…" Addison drawled in a tone that could freeze boiling water faster than any charm. "I realize you are somewhat familiar with this office, Sir, but it is normal and accepted behavior to wait to be invited into an office, especially if you are early for your appointment! Hogwarts is not under your general authority as Chief Warlock, and as such I expect you to follow the normal and accepted rules of courtesy and deportment in business."
Addison looked over towards Filius and noticed how much his Charms professor seemed to be enjoying the set down that had been just delivered to his old boss and made a mental note to talk to his Charms professor in more detail later. "Thank you, Professor Flitwick, please still remind me to speak to some warders. I will see the Chief Warlock off the grounds…"
Recognizing the dismissal for what it was, Filius nodded and left, closing the door behind him.
"Now, Chief Warlock, what was so important that you felt the need to discuss this face-to-face?" Addison asked, taking the initiative from Albus by preventing him from speaking first. "I am still dealing with the rather large mess you left here at Hogwarts and I don't have time for a lot of interruptions."
"The floo in this office…" Albus started to say before Addison interrupted him.
"Has been used too many times in my opinion. I don't want to have to ask again, Chief Warlock."
Albus frowned for a moment before pulling some parchment from out of nowhere and placing it on his old desk.
"My office received this notification that you have assumed the guardianship of Harry Potter as the Headmaster, and I wish it returned to me as Chief Warlock. I'm sure you know the Chief Warlock holds all guardian rights for any magical orphans."
"The Chief Warlock does hold such rights… until the orphan starts attending a magical school. Those rights then transfer to the Headmaster or Headmistress of that school as the Head is already acting 'in loco parentis' during the school year, and it provides a more stable environment for the orphan if guardianship is not transferred a couple times a year."
"There is provision that allows for the Chief Warlock to maintain such guardianship over an orphan year round."
Dumbledore's rebuttal showed he had done his research.
"That provision requires that the Chief Warlock or Minster provide a reason, and does not supersede the in loco parentis of the school's Head during the school year. Before I consider your request, I will need your reasons. Also, as Mr. Potter is now fifteen, I will be consulting his wishes as well."
"I'm sure you don't need to consult with Mr. Potter, he is…"
"He is a fifteen year old boy, Chief Warlock. And while that does not mean I will follow his wishes without fail, it does mean he should have a chance to express himself. I allowed my daughters to express their opinions before I accepted this position as Headmaster, and I cannot exempt any of my students from the same courtesy."
Albus grimaced and paused while he re-ordered his thoughts; this meeting was not going as he had expected it to.
"Mr. Potter has been staying with his Muggle relations since the death of his birth parents. I've been told that his home life is not…ideal," Albus finally ventured. "However, I was able to use the sacrifice of Mr. Potter's mother to craft some powerful wards. Those blood wards will keep Mr. Potter safe, only as long as he lives with his only remaining close relatives on his mother's side of the family at least part of the year."
Addison sat back at this revelation and then started to make some notes on some spare parchment he kept on his desk for just this reason.
"I will admit that is something that will need to be considered when it is time for Mr. Potter to leave at the end of the term, Chief Warlock."
"So you see why it is important for me to remain Mr. Potter's guardian," Albus said with confidence.
"No, I don't, Chief Warlock," Addison replied. "That you laid some questionable wards on the young man's place of residence is not enough of a reason to allow you to be the boy's guardian when he is not attending school. I need a real ongoing reason in order to satisfy the exception clause and I haven't heard one yet."
Albus sat back, somewhat shocked at the strength of Addison's refusal.
"The discipline surrounding this school is in a shambles, Mr. Dumbledore," Addison said, striking while he had the fool off-balance. "You personally prevented a small number of students from receiving deserved punishment, and now those students are suddenly very upset that they are expected to conform to the same standard that the rest of the student body is already following."
Addison paused only long enough to take a short breath; he did not want to give the fool a chance to gain the initiative. "And now you are trying to interfere with another of my students, a student that has already suffered through several incidents while attending this school when it was under your leadership. You will need a valid and compelling reason before I will even begin to consider your request."
Albus' face took on his 'I'm very disappointed in you' look, except Addison ignored the expression and snorted impatiently. "I'm waiting, Mr. Chief Warlock Dumbledore, but if you have nothing to say, we can terminate this conversation now, and, after escorting you off the school grounds, so I can get back to work."
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After escorting Dumbledore off the school grounds, Addison walked over towards the four students who were still relaxing on the grounds.
"Mr Potter." Addison addressed his most famous student and was very pleased to see Mr. Potter's pet stand in respect. He was even more pleased when the other three all copied her.
"Yes, Headmaster?" Harry asked after standing.
"A couple of issues have come to light that involve you; please come to see me in my office tonight after dinner."
"May I bring my pet?" Harry asked.
"You may, as she will be a part of the discussion," Addison replied. "I also recommend you bring a quill and parchment with you. As I said, there are several issues and not all of them will require an immediate response."
"What's the password?" Harry asked, only to look around for a clue about what had upset the Headmaster when Addison frowned.
"I'm not upset at you, Mr. Potter," Addison said, although anger could be heard beneath his words. "There will be an outer office at the base of the stairs, the portraits in that room will let me know when you arrive, and will let you know when you are to come up the stairs."
"Ah, thank you, Sir," Harry responded.
"Enjoy the rest of your day, students," Addison said as he left.
"Thank you, Headmaster, the same to you," at least two of the female of the students behind him said, with the other two following a heartbeat later.
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"You are prompt, Mr. Potter, thank you. You and your pet may sit," Addison said as Harry and Luna entered his office that evening.
"Thank you, Headmaster," Harry said as he sat, with Luna resuming her human shape and also sitting in the provided chairs without saying anything.
"As I mentioned, Mr. Potter, there are a couple of different issues that we need to discuss. The first issue I want to talk about deals with your classes next term. I would like for you to be prepared to take the placement test for both Runes and Arithmancy the first week of December. This is earlier than you expected, I know, but it will give the instructors a chance to place you, and, if you don't make the grade, it will still allow you a chance to decide on your additional classes."
"Yes, Sir," Harry responded while writing the dates on the parchment he had brought with him.
"You aren't upset, Mr. Potter?" Addison asked, a little surprised by Harry's calm acceptance.
"As I understand it, you didn't have to allow me the opportunity at all, Sir, and the schedule Hermione is using to help me catch up has me ready to take the test about that same time. She wanted another week to grill me, but I'm happy you were willing to let me even try."
Addison nodded and paused to make a few notes on the paper on his desk before bringing up the next point he wanted to discuss.
"Secondly, Mr. Potter, I want to address your pet, Lassie," Addison said, and he then turned to Luna. "Lassie, I understand you are not under a pet bond, is that correct?"
"Yes, Headmaster," Luna said, with little or no inflection in her voice.
"Professor Flitwick and I have spent some time cleaning out your previous house of Ravenclaw, and I would like to know if you want to return to your status as a student and member of that house."
"No, Sir, I would rather remain as Harry's pet, Sir."
Addison nodded and made another note, before turning back to Harry.
"Mr. Potter, having a pet, such as your Lassie, is not something that has been seen at Hogwarts for a very long time. And the last occurrence did not end well for either the master or the pet," Addison remarked before turning very serious. "I have spent some little time observing your interactions with your pet and your friends, but I need to confirm some of my observations."
"Sir?" Harry asked when Addison stopped speaking and seemed to look for an answer.
"According to an open rumor, you have allowed your pet a place to keep some personal things and to change in private; is that correct?"
"Yes, Sir," Harry answered. "Parvati was very worried when she first gave Lassie to me, and offered to make some space in her dorm for Lassie's things. The other girls in that dorm have added to that space; it gives her a chance to shower and clean up away from myself and the other boys in my dorm. As I understand it, Lassie even has a bed there if she ever wants to use it"
"And you do not object to this possibility, Mr. Potter?" Addison asked.
"No, Sir, I do not," Harry answered with emphasis. "I've told Lassie several times that she is her own person and not my slave."
"Lassie is your pet, Mr. Potter, and in some people's eyes she is actually less than a slave."
"I stand by my statement, Headmaster," Harry answered firmly. "Lassie is her own person and is allowed to have her own thoughts and feelings. I'm very pleased to have her companionship and help, but I've also instructed her to tell me if she ever wants to be transferred back to Padma and allowed to be a student again."
"I see..." Addison made several notes before seeking some clarification. "Why would you need to transfer Lassie to Miss Padma Patil, Mr. Potter?"
"By custom, Padma is the only person that can release me from my state as a pet, Headmaster," Luna explained. "Harry didn't make me his pet. Rather, I intentionally lost a family honor duel to Padma, and Padma transferred me to her sister. Parvati is the one who gave me to Harry while keeping the right of first refusal."
"Hmmm, I did not know all of that," Addison mused. "I missed it somehow. Thank you for the explanation, Lassie."
More notes were written on the paper in front of Addison, before he checked a large tome to one side of his desk.
"Mr. Potter, I would like to move you and your pet into a different dorm room. You have been more than fair with your added responsibility; your grades have not suffered, in fact they have improved by a considerable margin. I also feel you and your pet deserve a bit more privacy than your current dorm offers. I know that at least two of your fellow students in your dorm have received detentions and have lost several points, with one of the students receiving two sets of detentions after making some untoward comments towards your pet. I want to remove at least some of the temptation. I understand you know the name of at least one of the House Elves; tomorrow after breakfast, call him or her and ask how to get to your new dorm. Your dorm's new password word is cannis."
"Thank you, Headmaster," Harry choked out, amazed at the way the new Headmaster seemed to work.
Luna also seemed very surprised and her thanks were more glowing and heartfelt.
"Mr. Potter, that takes care of the easier items I wanted to discuss with you, the next issues are going to take a bit more time and effort," Addison warned.
"Now, Mr. Potter, you might not know it, but the Headmaster of your magical school is normally your magical guardian as well. This is because while you are attending school here, I am acting in place of any other guardian, using a concept known as in loco parentis. It has been found throughout the years that it causes much less strife if the Headmaster retains that guardianship throughout the year, rather than transferring it to another magical person during the times you are not attending classes. This normally only affects the Muggle-born and orphan students of course as the rest of the student body has well defined magical guardians."
Addison paused and let both Harry and Luna finish with the notes they were making before continuing.
"Your previous Headmaster has requested a change from the normal, and has requested that he take your guardianship while you are not at Hogwarts. He would like you to continue to spend time at your aunt's house, even though he admits that your life that has been difficult."
"Sir, if you remain my guardian would I still be required to spend time at my aunt's?' Harry asked when Addison paused.
"I do not know, yet, Mr. Potter," Addison replied. "I am asking for your opinion, although, I am not saying I will automatically follow your wishes. That will depend both upon my further research as well as how you present your wishes. Mr. Dumbledore has tried to explain that some special blood wards have been laid around your aunt's house that should help keep you safe. I will want to know if you can find someplace just as safe elsewhere as a part of your presentation."
"With respect, Headmaster," Luna spoke up at the pause while Harry started scribbling feverishly.
"Yes, Lassie?"
"Are you aware of You-Know-Who's return?"
Addison frowned slightly as he answered, "That is something we are going to be discussing a bit later in our conversation, Lassie."
"Sir, according to Hermione and Harry's renditions of You-Know-Who's revival, some of Harry's blood was used in the ritual that revived him. Based on my incomplete knowledge of wards, I think that should nullify any protection from the blood wards around Harry's old house."
"Hmmm?" Addison asked, intrigued by this new information.
"That's correct, Headmaster, Wormtail did use some of my blood, as well as a bone from Riddle's father," Harry supplied.
"Wormtail? Riddle?" Addison started to ask before raising his hand to prevent an answer. "No, that will need to come later in our talk. However, I will also be researching Lassie's hypothesis, and will take that into consideration."
"Headmaster, I can say that without a doubt I don't want to be placed under Dumbledore's thumb. But I would like a chance to formalize my arguments as well as come up with a different living arrangement," Harry said breathlessly.
Addison looked up from his own notes and nodded, a half smile on his lips. "Very good, Mr. Potter, say Monday evening? Based on my rather incomplete information and Lassie's recent comment, our discussion about your earlier years here at Hogwarts might take longer than I first thought. I admit I expected all of the rumors I have jotted down to be just rumors, now it sounds like that is not the case."
Addison turned back to his notes, and made several marks on a couple of different pages before reordering the small stack and turning back to Harry and Luna.
"I'm going to change the order of our discussion, Mr. Potter."
Harry nodded in agreement when Addison paused and seemed to be waiting for some sign.
"As you are aware, my daughters are now attending Salem, and I just received a very pointed letter from Daphne," Addison explained.
Luna made a short gasp and interrupted with an excited squeak.
"Yes, Lassie?" Addison asked, frowning.
"Did Daphne find a Witchdoctor in training? Harry's dreams are worrying me."
Addison sighed, and made a few more marks on a page in front of him. "Yes, Lassie, Daphne spoke to a fellow student, and that student then spoke to her mother. In short, they are also very worried about these dreams. Mr. Potter, would you be willing to let a group of practicing Witchdoctors examine you on Friday? If you agree, between three and five visitors will be coming to England. Two or three of the visitors will actually be students and will be observing whatever ritual the two instructors will be performing."
"Please say it's okay, Harry," Luna pleaded. "I think it's important we learn what's going on. Your dreams are too vivid, and are too similar."
Harry glanced at Addison and then turned to Luna. "Lassie! You know I don't like things like that spread around."
"Mr. Potter, your pet is correct to be worried," Addison broke in, although he was quite pleased that Harry was not ordering or correcting his pet. This observation agreed with part of his notes and matched Harry's earlier statement about allowing his pet to have her own thoughts and feelings.
After Harry's attention returned to him, Addison continued. "Young full blooded witches and wizards are normally given some instruction to help prevent outside interference of their dreams, but with you being raised Muggle, you would not receive that instruction. If the Witchdoctors find an outside influence, they should be in a position to help negate that influence. If no outside influence is detected, then they will be able to point us towards a training regime to help you train your unexpected gift or talent."
"This isn't something Madam Pomfrey would be able to..." Harry's objection stilled when Luna put her hand on his arm and shook her head when he glanced her direction.
"Harry, Madam Pomfrey is a superb school nurse and could be counted as a fine healer, but You-Know-Who has tied his fate to yours by attacking you personally several times since you started to attend Hogwarts. There are no healers at St Mungo's, or all of Europe for that matter, that can untangle the lines of fate. There are other magics, however, that can. Witchdoctors use soul magic regularly in their voodoo rituals, and while it's not as good as a full circle of Buddhist monk-wizards would be, it is better than what we can find here." Luna explained in an almost Hermionian tone of voice.
"You are very learned in other magics, Lassie," an impressed Addison commented.
"Daddy and I have traveled all over the world looking for different magical animals, Sir, and while most of our trips deal with flora or fauna, we always spend at least a couple of days looking at the local magical customs. Then, the first week we are back in England, we often compare notes, and Daddy has helped me make a journal of the different types of magics we've seen." Luna blushed slightly before she continued. "I'm very embarrassed by some of the things I first put into this journal, but Daddy has pointed out, that I was much younger then, and different things seemed to be important then. Like how the women Shaman of Tahiti were brown all over and that the orange feathers looked pretty against their skin."
"Hmmm?" Addison sat thinking for a moment, then addressed Luna. "Lassie, please have your father contact me. I would like to discuss an idea with him." Addison turned back to Harry. "Mr. Potter, your pet's explanation is very accurate, although I did not know about the circle of Buddhist monk-wizards and would have substituted a different culture's knowledge."
Addison remained pleased when the pet did not repeat her plea but let Harry make his own decision.
After a moment, Harry slumped, dropping his shoulders before looking up at Addison. "I really should learn to listen better; when Lassie, Padma, and Hermione all say it would be better to do something, it's certain I should do it. I'll agree to undergo whatever ritual our guests have planned."
"But, Mr. Potter?" Addison prompted.
"But I don't have to like the fact that something 'weird' is happening to me again."
"That is not an attitude that I find objectionable, Mr. Potter, as I would likely feel the same way. And this would be an excellent time for us to start our discussion on the weirdness you have survived during your time here at Hogwarts. I would like you to take a moment, and, if needed, make a few notes and then tell me about your first year here. We will then repeat the process for your second year and, depending on the time, either continue with your third year or schedule a time when you can continue."
– – (()) – –
Addison looked up from his notes and then stared hard at an exhausted Harry. "Let me make sure I correctly understand something that has been bothering me. Your Godfather, Mr. Sirius Black, who happens to be the most wanted wizard in England, is innocent?"
"Yes, Sir!" Harry said. Harry felt as though he had been through the wringer not once but four times during the past two days. It was a good thing he had Hermione and Padma doing some of his research for his meeting with the Headmaster about Dumbledore.
"And Mr. Dumbledore is aware of this and has done nothing?" Addison prompted.
"Actually, no, that's not correct, Sir. It's the Minister that refuses to do anything. Hermione believes that some of the bad press that has come out of the Ministry is aimed at discrediting me and Dumbledore, and thus keeping us from exposing Riddle's return. And Sirius' innocence would come out first thing if the truth about Riddle was learned."
"Ah, there were several of us that wondered about the bad press our Chief Warlock had been getting," Addison said in a smug voice, before becoming serious. "The Minister is also in some hot water right now, and, as an Englishman, I cannot approve of imprisoning someone without a trial. We have been at this for several hours, Mr. Potter, but if you can go over this with a couple more people present, we can see about at least starting to get this mess cleaned up."
"If it will help Sirius, I would be willing to go over it again, Sir," Harry responded gamely.
"This will be one of the times that I'm happy about the floo in the Headmaster's office," Addison said as he rose and walked over to the cold fireplace. A few moments later the newly lit fire turned green and Addison was speaking to someone although he had whispered the name or address, so Harry and Luna did not know to whom he was speaking
"Why don't you like the floo in this office, Sir?" Luna asked as soon as Addison was sitting again.
"Having a floo in this office is a temptation to make deals in secret, Lassie," Addison answered. "Your previous Headmaster seemed to make constant use of his floo and, as a result, the other professors in this school generally had no idea when things were going to change. However, the professors do not need to know that we are talking about someone who is considered an escaped convict."
The floo flared up and turned green before three people emerged gracefully from the flames.
"Just once, I would like to exit a floo with that kind of grace," Harry muttered as Addison stood to greet his guests.
– – (()) – –
"Headmaster?" Harry asked as soon as the headmaster's guests had left.
"Yes, Mr. Potter, you and your pet are dismissed. You need to get some rest before our next meeting, and I need to do some researching of my own."
"Thank you, Sir, but I have a question," Harry responded.
"Will it wait, Mr. Potter?"
"I suppose it could, Sir, but I would rather ask it now."
"Very well, Mr. Potter, you may ask, but if I feel the answer is going to take some time, I may suggest we deal with your question after you have rested," Addison said as he settled back into his chair.
"Why did you ask my opinion about Madam Bones, Sir?"
Addison arched his eyebrows in a questioning manner, which Harry took as a sign he could continue.
"I mean, Sir, I'm just a student here and know nothing about most, if not all, of the people you were talking about; yet after that one man said he thought Madam Bones was not tied to the Minister and would be honestly shocked that Sirius didn't receive a trial, you asked me for my opinion."
"And I was very pleased to see you were paying close attention at the time, Mr. Potter," Addison said, before addressing Harry's question. "Mr. Potter, this is a school, and the teaching should go beyond what happens in the classrooms. I took this opportunity to have you express your opinion in a situation where not all of the variables were known. When you leave school, you will be required to make decisions based on partial information all of the time, and once out of school the fallout from those decisions becomes a great deal more serious – and like so many skills, the more chances you have to practice making decisions, the more likely you will make better decisions."
"Ah, but, Sir, if I'm wrong about Madam Bones, it could be very bad for Sirius."
"In this case, while you had incomplete information, I and one of the others in the room had more information than you did. In essence, I set up a situation where you could not make a life threatening choice, Mr. Potter."
"Should I have asked for more information then, Sir?"
"In general, you should always ask for more information, but in this case, I wouldn't have been willing to give it to you as I wanted you to have to think on your feet. After all, there are times when you can't stop and analyze every option."
"Don't tell Hermione that," Luna quipped.
"Actually I don't need to tell Miss Granger that, as I believe she knows it. But since she believes that research and analysis are her only strengths she shies away from making such decisions."
"Hmmm?' Luna interjected, "Harry, I think we will need to spend more time with Hermione if that is the case."
Luna then stood and reached for Harry's hand as she addressed Addison.
"Sir, thank you."
"For what Lassie?" Addison asked while Harry took Luna's hand and rose to his feet.
"Both for letting Harry give his side of what has happened to him, and for showing us how to help our friend," Luna replied before slipping into her dog form.
"Sir, I also thank you for the chance to tell my side of rumors," Harry paused and smiled down at his pet, "and for the new dorm room."
"I'm afraid the dorm room was awarded predominantly because of the poor behavior of your previous dorm mates rather than because of anything you did to earn it, Mr. Potter, although your improved grades and behavior towards your pet helped when making that decision. Now I expect I will be seeing you and your friends again all too soon to discuss the request by Mr. Dumbledore, so goodnight."
– – (()) – –
True to his words, all too soon, Harry and Luna were again in Addison's office; although this time they were joined by Hermione and Padma.
Hermione summed up her part of the presentation. "… So, based on Mr. Dumbledore's consistent failure to carry out his responsibilities of keeping Harry both happy and healthy, we don't believe he should be allowed any authority over Harry at all; much less during the time he is away from the relative safety of Hogwarts, especially if it is his intention to require that Harry lives with a family that has shown such abusive tendencies."
"Thank you, Miss Granger," Addison said with what could almost be called a twinkle in his eyes and a smile in his voice. "Now I would like to ask you a couple of questions. According to your research, You-Know-Who is no longer going to be prevented from attacking Mr. Potter due to his use of Mr. Potter's blood in a ritual. What about the general witch or wizard that might wish to harm Mr. Potter? Is he still protected from them by the blood wards?"
"Sir, I'm not sure. I couldn't find a case like it in my research," Hermione answered.
"I'm asking for your opinion then, Miss Granger," Addison continued and only he noticed when both Harry and Luna perked up to pay attention to Hermione's answer.
"This is only a guess, Sir, but I believe that the wards will still protect Harry from the common witch and wizard. But I also believe that You-Know-Who could order someone to attack and, since Harry is not protected from You-Know-Who any longer, the attack might succeed," Hermione responded after a moment of thought. "But I have no solid basis for that conjuncture."
"Interesting, Miss Granger, I didn't think about the possibility of a command being used to bypass the ward's protection." Addison held up a hand to prevent Hermione from interjecting anything. "I did request an opinion, Miss Granger, and I will not assume it to be based on anything but your thoughts."
Hermione nodded, and took her seat with a sigh of relief.
"Now," Addison moved on to the next point in his agenda, "I asked Mr. Potter to suggest a different living arrangement if it is decided that Mr. Dumbledore is not to be responsible for Mr. Potter when he is away from the school. I also know I have since commandeered a lion's share of his time since then, but do you have any ideas we can work with, Mr. Potter?"
"Actually, Sir, when Harry mentioned that I took it upon myself to do some initial research," Padma interjected into the conversation.
"Miss Patil?" Addison asked in some surprise since, from his observations, this one of the Patil sisters did not generally like to bring attention to herself.
"Yes, Sir?" Padma responded, although you could see her setting her shoulders as if she expected some kind of rejection.
"Very well, Miss Patil, what have you found out?"
"Sir, I asked my father to check on the possibilities that the Potter family has additional residences."
"A moment, Miss Patil," Addison interrupted. "Why did you include your father in this request?"
"Because when I tried to find the information for myself, all of the normal avenues were closed to me as I was being dismissed as a minor, female, and not British born, Sir," Padma answered.
"And was your father able to discover the information?" Addison asked, somewhat impressed by how calmly Padma had answered.
"Yes, Sir," Padma said. "It seems the Potter family has three different residences: the house at Godric's Hollow that was destroyed in '81 and has not been repaired; Potter Manor in Sussex, but we believe Harry can't get into it until he turns seventeen; and there's a small place south of London. Unfortunately, that location is somewhat run down from years of neglect and I don't believe it can be made livable before the winter break. It is an option for the summer break, however."
"So it seems Mr. Potter does not have a residence for the winter break," Addison stated.
"That's not quite true, Sir," Padma replied. "He actually has five places to choose from: the Weasley family has offered, Luna's father has offered, Hermione's parents have offered, it is possible to remain at Hogwarts, and my father has offered to take Harry as well."
"Your father?" Addison asked, truly surprised by that revelation. He had been contacted by Hermoine's parents about the request their daughter had made, and he was not surprised by the offer by Mr. Lovegood, although he considered that to be an offer of last resort as there were no strong wards around the Lovegood keep and nearly everyone knew where the Quibbler was published.
"Yes, Sir, I believe he is most intrigued by Harry, and he would both like to thank Harry for his help in the maturing of my sister, as well as having a chance to develop a future business contact. We generally spend most of our winter break in the Indian state of Kerala, which is on the Western side of India, and our home estate is very strongly warded against any visitors."
"Do you have any opinions, Mr. Potter?" Addison asked in order to give himself a chance to think through this new development.
"I think the Weasleys are very much in Dumbledore's pocket, and so even if I'm not officially under his authority, I would still be under this thumb and accessible to him," Harry responded promptly since he had expected Addison to ask. "I wouldn't feel comfortable in Luna's house, since she said I would need to sleep in her bedroom, and there isn't a great deal of privacy there. And I would prefer either spending the holiday with Hermione's or Padma's families over staying at Hogwarts, Sir."
"And do you have a preference between the two, Mr. Potter?" Addison asked.
"Not really, Sir. I'd also like to defer this decision until we know the results from the ritual this Friday, in case something is uncovered that requires a different decision."
Addison looked hard at Harry, and then nodded and said, "I agree, this decision can wait until after the results of the ritual are known, Mr. Potter. That will also give me a chance to confirm or refute Miss Granger's interesting idea concerning the wards around your previous residence. I will, however, notify Mr. Dumbledore and let him know that he will not be granted guardianship over you during the break."
Addison looked over all of the seated students and then focused on the one who had remained very silent during the meeting. "Lassie, you have been very quiet, why?"
Luna looked over at first Padma and then at Harry before she answered, "Since I didn't do any of the researching, I don't have much to say, Sir."
"And what is your opinion, Lassie?" Addison asked.
"As much as I would love to spend time with Daddy this Christmas break, I think my place should be with Harry, Sir. Also, I agree with Harry that spending time with me at my old house would be very awkward. Beyond that I'm more focused on the ritual this Friday."
"Why is that, Lassie?" Addison asked.
"It feels important, Sir," Luna answered.
"It feels important? What do you mean, Lassie?" Addison pressed.
"I can't answer much more clearly than that, Sir," Luna answered very quickly, before she took a deeper breath and started again. "I sometimes feel things, Sir. Daddy had me tested before I started at Hogwarts, and I don't seem to have any trainable gifts, but from time to time I get feelings about either people or coming events. It's one of the reasons I wanted Parvati to give me to Harry; I now have a strong feeling about the witchdoctors, I think something is going to happen."
"Something bad, Lassie?" Padma asked just a heartbeat before Hermione.
"I don't think it's bad, just something important," Luna answered quietly.
Luna looked down when she felt something, and stared when Harry took her hand in support. Looking up, Luna saw Harry smiling at her. "Harry?"
"It's okay, Lassie, we're good," Harry answered.
Luna smiled in relief, then nearly started in surprise when Padma took her other hand and squeezed it, also in support.
"I think we are done for the time being," Addison interrupted, although with a smile. "We will meet again, sometime after Friday, to discuss any of the findings from the ritual and further discuss where Mr. Potter will spend the winter break."
– – (()) – –
Mr. Dumbledore,
After discussing your request with Mr. Potter, and after hearing his responses, as well as reviewing the evidence provided by other students concerning Mr. Potter's childhood, I write to inform you that under no circumstances will you be granted guardianship of Mr. Potter. A copy of the evidence provided by the students has been forwarded to the DMLE, so you may expect a call from the DMLE regarding your past failures as Mr. Potter's guardian.
It has also come to my attention, from some of my contracts in the Wizengamot, that you may be introducing a bill to make yourself Mr. Potter's guardian by law. If you actually introduce such a bill, you may rest assured that the evidence and accusations against you regarding Mr. Potter's home life will be discussed in an open session of that body. I am certain, however, that you will wish to avoid such an unpleasant event.
Addison Greengrass,
Headmaster Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Albus looked up from the freshly delivered letter to see Amelia Bones, flanked by two of her Aurors, at his door, and knew his day was just about to get a great deal worse.
– – (()) – –
"If I may have your attention," Addison proclaimed just before the evening meal started. "I have several announcements to make this evening. First, I am pleased to affirm that Professors Sprout and Flitwick will continue teaching here at Hogwarts. As many of you are already aware, Professor Burbage is now teaching Transfiguration; what you don't know is that Madam Hooch will start teaching Muggle Studies next week."
Most of the students applauded at these announcements. Professor Burbage's first classes had been a very pleasant surprise to those students lucky enough to have Transfiguration classes scheduled that day.
"Next," Addison continued after the noise settled down, "I would like to introduce Andromeda Tonks, who will start teaching Potions, effective from tomorrow."
The students again applauded, although not as loudly and a murmur of voices could be heard underneath the clapping.
"Sitting next to Professor Tonks is her husband, who will be taking over the History of Magic classes next week."
The murmuring grew; a married couple teaching at Hogwarts?
"I am also pleased to welcome Remus Lupin back to Hogwarts as our Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor. Professor Lupin will have at least one full time assistant starting late next week, but she has not yet moved into the castle."
The clapping in response to this news was louder in volume as the older students remembered Professor Lupin as someone that knew his subject. The murmuring also grew as the fact that Remus was a werewolf was also divulged to the younger students.
"Lastly, starting tomorrow, we will be having some visitors from the United States here at Hogwarts. These visitors are practicing Witchdoctors and are here to study some of our teaching methods. They have agreed to give a couple of seminars while they are here, and a schedule will be posted in each of your common rooms."
No applause met this announcement although the murmuring did not likewise stop. Several of the more knowledgeable students remembered that the Headmaster's daughters had transferred to Salem and speculated that there was a connection between that transfer and the appearance of the Witchdoctors at Hogwarts.
"There will be additional announcements about each of the heads of house in the coming weeks." Addison started the last of his pre-meal announcements. "But, for now, Professors Flitwick and Sprout will retain their positions as head of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Professor Andromeda Tonks is a Slytherin Alumni and will be assuming the duties as head of that house, while Madam Hooch has agreed to take on the house of Gryffindor. With these last changes, the Witches and Wizards from the International Community will be returning to their own homes, allowing us to get on with teaching. We are thankful for their help. Thank you, enjoy your meal."
As Addison sat down, food appeared on the tables. At the end of the Gryffindor table, Harry turned to Padma with a frown and asked, "Does this mean you need to start eating at the Ravenclaw table again, Padma?"
"I think that it's likely, Harry," Padma replied, pleased that Harry seemed disturbed by the possibility she wouldn't be able to eat together as often.
"We're going to miss you at dinner, Padma," Luna added from Harry's side. "But we can still meet between classes as we have been, so it won't mean that we won't be seeing her nearly every day, Harry."
"I'm going to miss having a friendly dinner with you all as well," Padma sighed. "Some of the older students are blaming me for how hard Flitwick has been on your old house, and while they aren't being overt, they aren't being friendly either."
"Well, I don't recommend you become a pet to escape them, Padma," Hermione half-joked. "I'm not sure Harry will have room to sleep in his bed if he has two pets joining him."
Padma first stared at Hermione, and then blushed at the thought of joining Luna in Harry's bed while Harry halfheartedly scolded Hermione. "I'm sure I could make room for another dog, if she was Padma, Hermione."
"Um, Harry, I'm not an Animagus," Padma admitted in a choked voice. "If I joined you in your bed it would be as a human girl."
That stopped Harry's scolding, and all three of the girls smirked as Harry blushed very red and choked out an, "Oh!"
– – (()) – –
The evening selected for the Witchdoctors' ritual had arrived and Harry, dressed in only a loose robe and loincloth, was pacing the floor outside the room that had been prepared for this evening by the two Witchdoctors and three students, who had arrived at Hogwarts two days previously.
"I'll be sitting just outside of the circle, Harry," Luna said, trying to reassure both of them as the door finally opened.
Once inside the room, Harry did as he had been instructed, and took off his robe and handed it to Luna before lying down in the spot that the leader of the Witchdoctors, a woman named Mrs. Hawks, had instructed.
Even though Harry wasn't required to do anything except to lay on a prepared blanket, Mrs. Hawks, who had skin the color of midnight and teeth so white that many felt she could light the Great Hall with nothing but her smile, had spent over three hours speaking with Harry about the impending ritual…
Around him, several seventh year students, who were being allowed to observe the ritual, were taking their places on the periphery of the ritual circle. However, Ron, Neville, Hermione, Padma and Parvati, who as Harry's friends, had been given places of honor right on the edge of the ritual circle, were already in place. Luna, being more closely tied to Harry as his pet, needed to remain a little further away and had moved to sit with the three of Mrs. Hawks' students who were manning the drums.
Addison took his seat with the other instructors to observe the ritual. As he sat down, he wondered what the big deal was with the drums, they didn't look much like what he considered to be drums. He also wondered why the ritual circle was so much larger then he had expected; he had been told most of the ritual would involve Mrs. Hawks and her assistant dancing around Harry.
Then the drums started, and as one, the watchers leaned back from the concussive barrage of noise that suddenly filled the room. And the dance! Addison was unable to describe the movement proceeding around Harry as dance! Mrs. Hawks and her assistant whirled and circled the prepared area while their arms seemed to move independently from the rest of their bodies, yet both of the dancers were stepping or hopping together, as if they could hear a hidden rhythm in the wall of sound.
And the drums! Addison had never heard or seen such a thing as steel drums before, and the range of sounds coming from what looked to be the tops of two barrels was something that needed to be heard to be believed.
After watching the proceedings for a moment, Addison noticed that the five students around the circle had started swaying together, as if they could also hear a hidden beat to the wall of sound. Then he could feel it as well, it was subtle, but he could feel the stirrings of some magic, growing and falling in time with swaying of the students.
Then Filius joined in with the swaying from where he sat next to Addison. Here and there, one of the seventh years found the hidden beat and began moving in time with the others, and with each body joining in the ceremony as more than just as a watcher, the magic grew stronger.
The chaos of movement known as Mrs. Hawks, changed her pattern, using her body's gyrations to circle closer and closer to Harry's head. Once she had reached her destination, she stopped traveling, but her body continued to move, her entire being now leading the magic being gathered from the ritual.
In a departure from the original intent of the ritual, first Mrs. Hawks, and then her assistant, began chanting in a counterpoint to the beats from the drums, the assistant now moving with even wilder gyrations although she seemed to remain around Harry's feet, opposite Mrs. Hawks.
The chanting grew, the words only half sounding like English as they were slurred, first by the accents of the Americans, and then by the rhythm of the chant's lengthening of some of the vowels. Addison could only decipher maybe one word in eight, and the words he could understand, made no sense together.
Then, with an even three loud beats from the drums, it was over. The sudden quiet seemed much louder than the wall of sound it had replaced, although each and every student that had been swaying with the magic all blinked in confusion, as if they could not remember where they were and what they were doing here.
Before anyone could move, Mrs. Hawks called over to the drummers a word that sounded like exorcism through the heavy accent, followed by a slow count of two. Two of the drums began a softer and slower cadence, while one of the students joined the two teachers in the ritual circle and started a slow undulation of his body.
Before Addison could interfere, Mrs. Hawks left the circle herself and approached him.
"Headmaster Greengrass, your student has been possessed of a most vile and black spirit. We should start working at removing it immediately," Mrs. Hawks said, slurring her words while panting slightly from her earlier dancing.
"I...see," Addison said quietly. "Will Mr. Potter be seriously hurt by this ritual?"
"Non," Mrs. Hawks said, while shaking her head. "I expect he will be sore and likely be sensitive to bright light for a day or so, but he will be much the better for the removal of the evil."
"Very well, you can proceed," Addison decided, after thinking through the shortlist of whose spirit could be possessing his student. "I will want a more complete understanding of what you found, however."
"It is good, that you have agreed, Headmaster. And with so many of your students being able to feel the flow of our magic, this shouldn't take too long," Mrs. Hawks said before turning back to the ritual.
As Addison watched the new and unexpected ritual take shape, he decided that no matter what others might say about the magic practiced by the colonies and the primitive tribes around the world, he could now say it was not so much hogwash. Addison watched as Mrs. Hawks, with no preparation and no warning, created a rough human figurine out of nearly nothing and then forced a possessing soul out of Harry's scar and into the doll.
The super polite manner of address that I tried to convey with Addison is a offshoot of the polite address used in Jane Austin's books. I have added to that convention by trying to have Addison not use contractions to make his speech stand out a bit.