Please review and let me know what you think and thank you tishbing my beta for all the help
Marcel Bonin sat in her Nana's home. Today was her Nana's birthday. She would have been 111 and though she had lived longer than anyone had the right to live, she was Marcel's whole world and she missed her with every fiber of her being.
A single tear fell down her cheek as she cracked open the bottle of Jack she found in Nana's former bedroom. She started drinking straight from the bottle savoring the burn. She was half-way through with the bottle when she got the bright idea to mix it with nightquil to help combat her terrible head cold. She began petting Andre her grandmother's prized hound dog.
"Well boy it looks like it's just you and me for now on." She told him as she was rubbing his belly. He lay next to her with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, panting softly. A comforting warmth at her side.
Marcel's eye's began to close and she began to drift off into sleep when she was suddenly woken up with another fit of coughs. She whined a little, vehemently wishing that this damn cold would just go away. She grabbed another tissue and blew her nose then took another swig of her Jack and nightquil mixture cringing at the bitter taste.
She stood up, planning on going to the bathroom to relieve herself when she was suddenly startled by Andre who started to bark and growl at the front door. Marcel peeked out the window and didn't see anything so she opened the front door to get a better look and that is when Andre bolted out the front door like a shot. She cursed to herself and started to run and call out for Andre but he wasn't listening to her and kept running.
She stopped short when she heard Andre start yipping and screaming. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck raise as goosebumps erupted on her flesh and she could sense that something wasn't right. There were no outdoor noises, no crickets, nothing all. She wanted to run but she was rooted to the spot, frozen with fear and knowing something wasn't right. Andre had known and had bravely chased it down but now he was some where hurt maybe even dead.
Then she began to get very mad and started to scream. Andre was all she had left. She bent over and picked up the biggest stick she could find and started to swing wildly hoping she would hit whatever has attacking Andre. She couldn't hear him anymore and fear started to settle in again. She was breathing hard her pulse was beating in her head. There was no way she was leaving him out here. She gripped the stick in her hands till her knuckles turned white and pressed on.
Marcel had a strange feeling that somebody or something was watching her she quickly turned around. Suddenly, all she could see was a blinding white light it engulfed her she couldn't move. She couldn't even scream. She vanished into the brightness. Andre sat there and whined and sniffed where she once was.