It's been awhile since I've updated I'm really sorry sometimes life just gets in the way. ...This chapter and the next few chapter are dedicated to Leonard Nimoy I actually cried when he passed may he RIP
The ride back to Star fleet Command was difficult for Marcel, she was physically and mentally drained and her shields were frayed around the edges.
The thoughts and feelings of everyone aboard the transport were seeping through.
Marcels hands shook and her head was splitting open, she could feel her heart beating behind her eyes. Marcel tried to smile at Leonard who was hovering over her like a mother hen.
"Leonard please, stop I promise you I'm completely healthy, I just need a moment alone to compose myself!" Marcel snapped at the doctor and regretted it as soon as the words left her mouth.
"I'm sorry. it's just too much. " Marcel managed to strangle out grabbing her head in pain. Leonard reached out to press a instrument to Marcel's forehead but was stopped cold.
Spock had grabbed Leonard by the hand and squeezed it a little to roughly. Marcel watched Leonard wince in pain and nearly lost her temper with Spock.
Then Marcel caught a stray feeling leaking through Spock's carefully constructed wall he was scared.
Marcel's eyes glistened with unshed tears she wished everyone could see Spock the way she saw him. He concealed his emotions so well that everyone thought he had none but Marcel never felt such intense emotions from any other man.
As soon as the transport came to a stop Marcel jumped out she had to get away from all strong emotions they were beginning to overwhelm her.
Without shame Marcel plucked the information she needed to find their room from Spock's mind. With that information Marcel knew where she needed to go she needed to gather herself before she fell apart.
Getting into the room proved harder than finding it. Frustrated and tired Marcel forced to mechanical door open and slammed it behind her sparks flew from the ruined door hangings lopsided from it's frame.
Marcel stripped away her filthy clothes dropping them to the floor making her way to the bathroom. Stepping into the shower Marcel tried to wash away twenty-four hours worth of dirt and memories.
Khan's words echoed in Marcel's mind no matter how hard she tried to forget. Marcel got out of the shower and flipped her hair over drying it vigorously. When Marcel flipped her hair back, Spock was standing in the doorway watching her.
"I'm fine." Marcel said walking past Spock in the pursuit of clothing Spock eyes never leaving her body. Marcel knew exactly what he was trying to do. He was examining her looking for any injuries from her ordeal with Khan he wouldn't find any not on her flesh any way.
Marcel grabbed a bathrobe and wrapped it around her body. Marcel was angry and frustrated with life in general it didn't seem like she could catch a break.
"I need to meditate." Marcel's voice trembled slightly, was it her hormones kicking into overdrive or was it culmination of everthing she learned.
To sort out the facts from the emotions Marcel meditated for hours. Spock meditated with her since he knew he had been very close to losing his carefully orchestrated control. When he saw Marcel and his unborn child were safe he wanted to hold her and never let her go.
Meanwhile Marcel was sorting through her memories. Everything Marcel through she knew was wrong. Her mother the woman who gave birth to her, the woman who for most of her childhood was distant and cold, who all but abandoned her at her grandmother's. Had a reason for doing it all, she was protecting Marcel from a man, her father it was a lot for Marcel to wrap her head around.
And now Marcel had lied to everyone. When she told them she had a plan for Khan she had nothing. It some how it felt wrong to lock him into cryogenic tube and forget about him. He would escape again it was just a matter of time.
Then it came to her a sort of solution to her problem. He was the reason why she is alive and breathing today he changed the time line they were all living in alternate universe because of Spock Prime.
Marcel needed to talk Spock Prime he held all the answers but Marcel had no idea how to make contact or even if he'd talk to her. Marcel knew she needed to ask her Spock for his help.
The idea of talking to Spock about Khan being her father terrified Marcel. All kinds of scenarios ran through Marcel mind each more ridiculous than the next.
Marcel's biggest fear was rejection even though she couldn't see Spock leaving her because of who Khan was to her. Marcel was more concerned that he wouldn't understand why she had lied about having a plan on how to deal with him.
Marcel slowly opened her eye blinking a few times to adjust her blurry vision. Sighing deeply Marcel stood up blushing deeply when she realized she was wearing nothing but a bathrobe. and then she noticed Spocks lack of clothing. He was walking out of the bathroom in nothing but a Starfleet issued boxers he was lean and toned making Marcel's heart flutter.
Marcel swallowed hard and averted her eyes trying to compose herself but with her hormones going crazy it was becoming exceedingly difficult not to stare.
Spock took notice to Marcel's discomfort and grabbed a bathrobe wrapping it around his body. " We need to talk." Marcel said in a soft whisper. "I know, but first you must eat." Spock said pushing a trey filled with fresh fruit and a variety of cheeses.
Marcel tried to deny the fact that she was hungry but her stomach protested loudly at the sight of food. Marcel used her hands to grab at her food completely forgetting her manners.
Spock didn't say a word as he watched his bride eat the offered food by the fist full. "What I'm eating for two." Marcel said lamely wiping fruit juices from her face.
"We really should talk." Marcel said pushing the now empty platter of food away hoping that Spock would forget her display of less than lady like manners or at least not mention it.
"Did he hurt you." Spock broke the moment of silence with the question that he had been dying to ask since Marcel's return.
"No,he didn't hurt me. He tried but he underestimated me. He was going to..." Marcel words faltered for a moment while she choked on unshed tears.
Marcel sucked in a breath and continued " He tried to have a doctor abort our unborn child, but I turned the doctor against him, by the way I owe the doctor a vile of my blood to save his wife.
"The doctor that you speak of didn't make it." Spock said with a stiff back and a well practiced blank face that Marcel had grown use to.
Marcel's face fell a little when she heard about the doctor. "Spock, I got to keep my promise. It's the least I can do." Marcel said as she wiped a single tear from her cheek.
"I will make arrangements with Doctor McCoy we will honor your promise." Spock said trying not to stare at his emotional wife.
Marcel began to nervously pace in their small living quarters this was difficult for Marcel to share and it was to big to keep to herself.
"Spock, khan he knew my mother!" Marcel said quickly hoping that Spock would read between the lines. When it became obvious that Spock wasn't filling in the blank Marcel elaborated.
"He knew my mother intimately, he is my father." Marcel said it quickly like ripping off a band-aid. After several long moments Spock finally spoke.
"This is what has you unsettled?" Spock struggled a little trying to find the right word for the right emotion.
"Yeah you can say that!" Marcel said throwing her hands up in the air in aggravation. "I am the spawn of the devil, that man is corrupt and vial and ..." Marcel began to ramble but quickly ran out of steam.
"But that isn't the worst part...I lied! ...I lied about having a plan on how to deal with Khan..I just couldn't let him be frozen in that cryogenic felt wrong some how, it's just a gut feeling." Marcel finished telling Spock what she thought was the worst offense she had ever commited.
Spock's response to Marcel's confession was immediate. "Far be it of me to question a "Gut feeling" of my wife's. Do you have a plan of action?" Spock asked Marcel who for the most part was a little surprised at Spock's attitude towards the whole messed up situation.
"I need to talk to Spock Prime if it's possible ...I've got several questions that he only has the answers to, then I might be able to make a informed decision. " Marcel said feeling stronger and more confident in her own abilities.
Marcel almost didn't notice how her Spock's back went rigid when she mentioned Spock Prime. Marcel didn't know what to do about this sudden predicament if she had to guess it would be that her Spock didn't want her to talk to Spock Prime.
"I just need information from him and that's all, I'll be as quick as possible." Marcel said ethusiasticly smiling brightly then a strong emotion came from Spock it was so strong it almost knocked Marcel right on her ass.
Jealousy, strong bursts of the emotion came off of Spock. He quickly tried to recover himself but he knew he was busted.
"Spock I Love you and only you, I'm not interested in Spock Prime in that way." Marcel said sashaying towards Spock swaying her hips seductively a smile filled her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck planting a kiss right on his lip taking him by complete surprise.
"You could do this one favor." Marcel said the whole time she peppered him with soft kisses on his neck and face. "I'm going home with you whether or not I sleep with you is up to you." Marcel said planting a single kiss on the tip of his nose.
"Bribing your superior officer is a serious offense."Spock said holding Marcel close to his body listening to her heart beating.
"I will make arrangements but first you need rest." Spock said his hand resting on Marcel's stomach.
With a sigh Marcel relented. " I am a little tired, will you join me?" Marcel said with a seductive smile.
"I have duties I must attend to." Spock started to say but stopped when Marcel frowned slightly. "But, I will stay with you until you are asleep." Spock quickly added gaining a smile from Marcel.
letting her bathrobe fall to the floor Marcel walked to the bed naked slipping under the covers and patted the empty spot next her feeling confident in her new found sexuality.
Spock took off his bathrobe a neatly folded it along with Marcels bathrobe that he quickly retrieved from the floor.
Marcel smiled as she watched Spock,trying not to openly stare at his mostly naked the bathrobes back in the bathroom, Marcel had time to look around their room Spock had straightened up the room. Marcel's soiled clothing from earlier that day were gone. Spock probably even repaired the door she nearly ripped from the wall.
Spock came back into the and slid into the empty spot next Marcel leaving on his boxers much to Marcel disappointed.
"At least you could get under the covers with me." Marcel smiled at Spock reassuringly.
Spock slid under the covers with reluctance, when Marcel scooted closer and pressed her naked body up against his he stiffened but only for a moment.
Marcel mistook Spock's bodily reaction as a rejection so she rolled to her side feeling completely dejected.
Marcel nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt Spocks warm body pressed against her backside his warm hand was smoothed over her exposed belly.
"I don't want to hurt you or the body you need rest my wife." Spock said into Marcels ear. She smiled to herself whem she felt his member poking her from behind straining his boxers fabric.
Marcel yawned putting her over her mouth. "I must been sleepier than I thought." Marcel mumbled incoherently before falling asleep.
Spock stayed for several hour's holding his wife, smelling her hair he knew it was illogical but it felt right.
When Marcel woke up the next morning she knew Spock was gone before her hand touched his side of the bed it was already cold.
Marcel felt refreshed she had no idea she was so tired. Looking around their room she noticed that Spock had laid out her red cadet uniform and another plate of cut fruit and a note. Marcel smiled at the note it was thoughtful.
Marcel snacked on the fruit and picked up the letter but before she could read three words she was hit with a strong wave of nausea Marcel barely made it to the bathroom before throwing up.
With a shaky hand Marcel pulled down a towl and wiped her face then put her forehead back on the cold toilet staying long enough to make sure she didn't need to heave again.
Marcel forgot all about the food and the note and jumped into the shower washed the puke out of hair and the smell off of her body.
Getting out of the shower Marcel was hopeful that this would be the end of her morning vigorously brushed her teeth removing the taste of puke from her mouth. Towling off Marcel went back into the room and got dressed quickly not even daring to glance at the food.
Grabbing the pad Marcel went back into the bathroom to finish getting ready. Standing in front of the mirror Marcel put her hair up in a high ponytail Marcel thought about putting her up into a bun but changed her mind at the last minute.
Grabbing the pad Marcel quickly read over what Spock had written had made arrangements for Marcel to speak with Spock Prime. Starfleet Command put Kahn and his men on ice till they could come up with something better.
Skimming over the rest of the pad Spock left her a map giving her precise directions back to the Enterprise.
Marcel swallowed a lump in her throat when she realized that would be taking a transport ship by herself. Well I will just have to learn to get over my fear of flying Marcel thought to herself as she laced up her Starfleet issued boots.
Gettimg to the transport ship was easy Marcel only had to glance at the map once just to be sure was going in the right direction.
In no time Marcel was standing in front of a shuttle craft with her stomach churning. The side door of the shuttle craft came open making Marcel jump.
"Hello, I am Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu; Commander Spock asked me to escort you to the Enterprise Ma'am." The Asian man said sounding just as nervous as Marcel felt.
"I promise you a smooth flight the Commander advised me of your concerns about flight." Lieutenant Sulu said sounding very formal.
Marcel couldn't help but laugh he was so nervous it was endearing. "Hikaru, please there is no need to be so formal with me I'm not Commander Spock." Marcel said with a smile that made her eyes twinkle.
Sulu visibly relaxed and smiled at Marcel. "Ready when you are." Sulu said with an brief smile.
Marcel returned the smile and followed him aboard taking the seat next to Sulu. Marcel's hands shook as she fumbled with the safety belt evidently she got it. Marcel smiled weakly at Sulu her stomach plummeted to her feet.
"Don't worry I'm a pro at this." Sulu said with a confident grin.
The shuttle craft slowly began to hover and Marcel began to desperately try to control her breathing giving the thumbs up sign to Sulu smiling weakly.
Then flight was smooth without any turbulence but Marcel still held onto the armrest till her knuckles turned white only releasing them when they reached the calm of space.
Marcel reported straight to the bridge. " Permission to come aboard?" Marcel asked trying her best to do everything by the book she couldn't quit smiling; she had found her place in the universe.
"No need for formality here we are all family here." Jim said with a cocky grin from the Captain's seat.
Sulu came in right after Marcel taking his seat quickly. "Helmsman plot a coarse to New Vulcan, we have a Vulcan we need to catch up with. Oh and Marcel. " Jim turned in his seat looking at his newest crew member. "Bones wants you to report to the Sickbay asap, better you than me" Jim said with a chuckle.
Marcel turned around and got back turbolift grumbling under her breath the whole time.
Upon entering the Medical bay Marcel knew that Leonard was in a foul mood the whole place reaked of it and the nurses were no where to be seen they were keeping themselves busy far away from Leonard.
"About damn time you got here." Leonard barked making Marcel jump. "Jump up the examination table and let me give you a check up." Leonard mumbled as he started his examination.
"Do you have any idea how worried I was...If something where to have happened to you...I don't know what I would have done." Leonard said in a rush he tried to mask his emotions but Marcel saw right through his anger.
" Whoa, whoa buddy you need to slow your roll. I'm sorry that I didn't let you examine me as soon as you saw but I was falling the fuck apart ... I just had the worst day of my whole damn life and you weren't helping one bit..." Marcel vented at Leonard her temper getting the better of her.
After several long moments of silence Leonard began to grin throwing his hands up in defeat. " O.K. I'm sorry I just felt so useless. " Leonard admitted lamely rubbing his sore wrist.
"You're perfectly healthy, come I need a drink and we need to catch up before you back to your duties. " Leonard said as he ushered Marcel into his office.
Sitting down at his desk Leonard pulled out his hidden stash of Kentucky bourbon pouring himself a stiff glass.
"So what happened. " Leonard asked taking a deep swallow of the reddish liquor.
Marcel sighed not really wanting to dredge up every last painful detail. So she gave Leonard the short version and waited for his response dreading the worst.
Leonard was shocked but he held himself together well. "You can't choose your family can you." Leonard said trying to make light of the whole situation.
"But I can choose my friends." Marcel said with a bright smile.
"Yes, yes you can, how is pregnancy treating you, any morning sickness or weird cravings. " Leonard asked putting away his prized bottle of bourbon.
"No I haven't had any cravings, but I did have my first bout of morning sickness the idea of eating anything makes me nauseous. " Marcel said turning slightly green.
"There isn't much I can do to help you wirh that unless it gets to be to much. I'm going to send you to the galley order yourself some ginger tea and dry toast that should help with your morning sickness. " Leonard said escorting Marcel to the turbolift. Leonard was clearly in a much better mood.
...Meanwhile on the bridge.
"Captain we are receiving a distress call from a Romulan ship their warpcore is critical. " Uhura said from her station.
"Will we make it to them in time?" Jim asked from the Captain's seat. "Negative Captain they are out of range. " Spock said looking up from his instruments.
"Captain the Romulan ship has exploded and an energy wave is headed our way at a high rate of speed, I advise evasive action." Sulu told the Captain.
"Red Alert all officers to their stations prepare for impact. " Jim said from his chair. "Raise sheilds!" Jim yelled.
"Captain the energy wave is an tachyons wave! Impact in 3..2..1." Spock said from his station.
Upon impact all the onboard computers blinked and sputtered back to life.
Back to the turbolift. ...
Marcel heard Jim over the intercom the Red Alert light was blinking in the lift. When the energy wave hit Enterprise the lift stopped the lights blinked off and on.
Something was very wrong Marcel felt it in the pit of her stomach. Looking down at her hands they looked like static from a television. Marcel began to scream but no sound came out.
Back on the bridge.
"Bones everything alright down there?" Jim asked. "Just a couple bumps and bruises nothing I can't handle." Leonard answered back.
Jim sighed running his hand over his face " Looks like we dodged a bullet." Jim said looking at the rest of the crew.
"Computer were is crew member Bonin?" Spock asked. " Crew member Bonin is no longer aboard Enterprise. " The computer stated. Jim and the rest of the crew watched all the color drain from Spocks face.
"Computer, where was her last known location. " Jim asked. "
"Turbolift one." The computer stated just as the empty turbolift opened to the bridge.