Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
(Master to Kitten, Kitten to Master)
[Kitten speech]
Summer Vacation Again
(With Harry and Neville)
Ash and Neville were in their rooms. They had just finished up their exams and were packing. They couldn't believe that another year of school was about to end. They also couldn't believe they were once more stuck on school grounds another summer. They hoped soon Voldemort would finally be dealt with.
Their parents had told them that Voldemort was vulnerable and in hiding. They worried he would try to do something risky to try and kill Harry. The wards around his manor was the only thing keeping him safe from the ministry.
Luckily the wards around the school were better than ever so Harry and his family were safe. They had also learned that the spy had some information on past wards. The British ministry had recruited the best curse breakers from the bank. Fay was one of them. The others were named Bill Weasley and Anthony Zabini. They also recruited the warding master professor from their school.
"Neville?" Harry looked at the fairy.
"Yes Harry?" He looked at him.
"Do you think we will ever go home?" He asked.
"I sure hope so but at this point I am kind of losing hope." He sighed.
"So am I." He admitted.
The two sighed and finished packing in silence. They shrunk their trunk and went around and said goodbye to all their friends. Harry gave Neville privacy when the fairy was saying goodbye to his mate. They were soon back at the apartments.
"Did you guys hear anything good?" Harry asked.
"Sorry honey." Fay said.
"I figured." He sighed.
"They do seem to be closing in on his location." She said.
"And then you and the others will go in and take them down?" He asked.
"Indeed and he better hope they find him before I do." She said, her eyes promising pain.
"I'm hoping you find him." He hummed.
"I bet." She rubbed his head, causing him to pur.
"Now go unpack." Augusta said.
"Okay grams." Harry said.
"That's new." She said when Harry was out of the room.
"It is but not surprising." Fay shrugged.
"True." She said, a grin lighting up her face.
Fay didn't say a word. She knew that Augusta loved that Harry loved her as a grandma and was now showing it by calling her grams. She thought of him as a grandson for years. She didn't say it but showed it. Now she was going to lean into it more.
"Excuse me." She said.
"Of course." Fay said.
Augusta left the room. Fay smiled and went to the kitchen. She was checking in on dinner. She made sure the house elves were making the boy's favorite.
After the boys unpacked they went to the backyard. They played with the younger kids until dinner was ready. They ate, played some more, then went to bed. Harry's dreams were filled with being able to travel. Neville's was too.
(With Draco and Narcissa)
Draco was sad. His mom had taken him to America and pulled him out of Hogwarts. Luckily he had been registered with a tutor so he was able to keep his wand. That wasn't what caused the blonde to be sad. No, what caused him to be sad was that his father was staying in Britain. He didn't want to join them until the dark lord was finally taken care of.
"Draco?" It was his mom.
"Yes?" He looked at her.
"Your father sent a letter." She said, handing it to him.
"Thank you mum." He smiled and took it.
"You're welcome." She smiled back.
Dear Draconis,
I hope this finds you well. This summer is going to be hard without you and your mother around. I will also miss all the letters since you won't be able to send them. I am hopeful that I will see you soon. The dark lord is in hiding at the moment but the minister has informed me they are close to finding his manor.
With any luck you will be able to return home next summer or sooner. Make sure you do well with your tutor. I want to hear how well you did. Be good for your mother. I love you both.
Your father
"That was short." He was disappointed.
"Hopefully the next one won't be. Despite the dark lord hiding, he still needs to be careful." She said.
"I know." He sighed.
"I'm sorry." She hugged him.
"It's okay. I know it isn't your fault." He hugged her back.
"How about we call Sirius. I know you have been wanting to meet him. It will have to be over the mirror but you'll be able to see and speak to him." She said.
"Do you think the others will be there?" He wanted to talk to his godfather again.
"Maybe. That would be a question for Sirius." She answered.
"Okay. Let's do this." He said, smiling.
"Alright." She smiled back.
The two went to the study. That was where the mirror was. She quickly called her cousin. They waited a few minutes before a sandy haired man answered. Remus recognized the pair and quickly called for Sirius.
"He will be here soon." He told them.
"Thank you Mr. Lupin." Narcissa said.
"You're welcome. By the way, all the apartments here have mirrors that are used for calling. Severus also has a small mirror phone that he uses." He informed them.
"Really?" That was a surprise.
"Really." He smiled.
"Good." He was relieved to hear that.
"We will have to ask Severus for his contact information." Narcissa said. "Too bad Britain doesn't have this."
"That is because Britain is far behind the other magical societies." Sirius said, entering the room.
"What?" That shocked her.
"Magical Britain is behind the other magical countries since they don't like advancement. The mirror phone has been around for fifty years now. They are far more advanced than the mundane societies. Magical Britain doesn't care for other countries and likes how they are at the moment." He revealed.
"I had no idea." She blinked.
"I will send over some things. Luckily there are a few in the ministry that are looking into the invention of other countries." He said.
"Thank you." She smiled at him.
"You're welcome." He said.
"How are you?" She asked.
"I am doing really well." He answered, "How are you?"
"We are doing good." Narcissa answered.
"We just miss dad." He said.
"I understand that. I also bet you are both worried about him." Sirius said.
"Yeah." Draco bit his lip.
"I am as well. Despite everything I never really hated Lucius. Especially after I got out of jail and learned he never followed that bastard." He said.
"Really?" Narcissa was shocked.
"I hated Slytherins because of my parents. Seeing how he treated you made me think he was an okay guy. Learning he helped to bring down that snake bastard made me like him." He revealed.
"Aw, look at you," She cooed. "Little Sirius is all grown up."
"Shut up!" He blushed.
"No." She grinned.
"Ugh! I forgot how much of a pest you are." He joked.
"Why thank you." She curtsied.
Draco was staring at his mum in shock. He had never seen her act this way. His dad told him how his mum used to be mischievous but he never believed it until now.
"Anyway, how have you been?" She asked.
"I'm antsy since I am stuck here but otherwise I am okay." He answered.
"I understand that." She said.
"I know you do." He said.
They talked for a bit. Draco enjoyed getting to know his cousin. Sirius then transferred him over to Severus. Draco was so happy to talk to his godfather again. Severus also enjoyed it as well.
This talk lasted hours. Eventually Narcissa had to end the call. Draco wasn't happy about it but understood. The promise of talking once a week helped.
"I'm so happy to see that he is doing well despite being forced to hide." Draco said.
"So am I." She said.
"I wish there was a way to let dad know." He said.
"So do I but at least he would hear if the dark lord had gotten his hands on him." She sighed.
"That's true." He said.
"Come dear, dinner is ready." She told him.
"Okay." He said and followed his mum out.