AN: This story was written for Gamma's Kink Challenge on the HPFC. Thanks to IllusiveAddictions who beta read this story for me.
All feedback whether flame or constructive criticism is more than welcome. I hope you all enjoy this light-hearted and summer inspired fic. - Chris
The Art of Charlie
Hermione tossed and turned in her bed; a poor attempt to find a comfortable position after waking from a particularly pleasant dream. In her hazy frame of mind she held on to the thoughts of her dream, damn near convincing herself that if she fell asleep quick enough, maybe the dream would continue where it left off. She couldn't tell who the man was in her sleep nor what his voice sounded like, but she knew for sure that he was the blame for the tingling sensation between her thighs. With a quiet huff, she sat up in the bed with a stretch and muffled a yawn.
The window behind the sheer curtains in Ginny's small room showed that it was still night. The sky was covered with a purple hue that told her just how far away day break would be.
She debated on dealing with the sensation between her legs, but her friend's audible breathing quickly reminded her of where she was. She dismissed the idea and decided perhaps a trip to the kitchen for some warm milk would be a better idea all around. She would get her mind off of her dream and the milk would hopefully lull her back into relaxation for a few more hours of sleep.
Her legs swung over the edge of the bed and she threw a robe over her thin nightgown, not bothering to dress anymore than was necessary. At this hour of the night it would be highly unlikely that anyone would be awake anyway.
She tip-toed down the stairs, skillfully avoiding the creaky spots and made a turn into the kitchen. The sound of scribbling on parchment filled her ears and she halted all movement in surprise to see the room was already occupied by a red-head with his back turned. The shock quickly died and a slow smile spread across her face. A mischievous light bulb turned on in her mind. She moved slowly across the room while holding her breath until she was mere inches way from him.
"Good morning!" she chirped and giggled when he jumped.
Her smile faded and her eyes widened as she noticed the paper covered with sketches that had nothing to do with dragons.
Charlie flipped the paper over and stood quickly, almost knocking the chair down with the sudden movement. "Hermione," he rasped. He took a look a her shocked face and his shoulders slumped. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "You saw that, didn't you?"
"I... well..." Blood rushed to her cheeks as she stared at the overturned piece of parchment.
He puffed out his cheeks and let out a slow breath. "I know you saw it."
"Yes, I did," she admitted, and suddenly, it was very difficult to look at Charlie. Her mouth opened and closed a few times as she tried to decide what to say—or even what sort of response would be acceptable in a situation like this. "But... from what I saw they looked very... er... saucy?" She winced. It had meant to sound like a compliment. She assumed that was the type of thing he had been going for, after all.
To her surprise he chuckled. "Just don't tell anyone. I'd hate to think of what they might say about my hobbies."
That seemed to snap Hermione out of her embarrassment and her eyes flickered to his. "Of course not, Charlie. God, I'm not a gossip," she replied as he started to gather the papers and hastily shoved them in a folder while keeping the actual drawings from being revealed. Her mind went back to her dream and she shifted from one foot to the other. He gave her a sheepish smile before making his way to the stairs, but she impulsively stepped to the side, blocking his path.
"Could I see them?" she asked with a slightly furrowed brow.
Charlie eyed her warily. "Why?"
She snorted. "So I can secretly make copies and sell them to adolescent boys. I could be rolling in galleons," she deadpanned. "I'm just... Can I?"
He seemed to consider the request for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly. "Alright."
She nodded and took the folder from his hands and sat down at the table.
"Why are you down here anyway?" he questioned, distracting her from the folder for a moment.
"I couldn't sleep and came down for a glass of milk. You? I know there's a small time difference from what you're used to, but it's still really early."
He grabbed a cup and poured some milk. "We wake when the dragons wake. Early-rising is part of the job description." He set the glass in front of her and pulled out his wand, tapping it to the side of the glass.
"Thank you," she said as he slid into the seat across from her. He looked at her for a minute before casting his eyes down at the folder and back up expectantly. "Oh right!" She slid her thumb under the cover and let out an unladylike snort for being so silly. "Sorry, it's my first time."
She reddened at the sentence and her eyes snapped up to see him staring at the table top with pursed lips, hiding an amused grin, no doubt. "I didn't mean it's my first time. I mean, obviously it's not my first time. This wouldn't count as a first time or anything... Not that I need a first time right now... It's just this is my first time doing this." She shook her head. Her thought process never had been very good in the morning. "I'm not having this conversation," she finished.
"Oh, I'd say you were doing quite well without my input," he admitted.
Hermione noted the slight accent he had that differed from the other Weasleys; raspy from lack of use, but still soothing and soft. She could hear a hint of a Romanian accent laced in. It wasn't something she had ever really noticed, or perhaps it was the fact that Charlie rarely spoke to her, but she found she truly enjoyed his voice.
She ignored the comment and flipped to the first page, barely taking a peak before shutting it suddenly. "Oh, good Godric," she gasped in a slight panic. Charlie chuckled and she scowled slightly. Taking a deep breath, she boldly flipped back the cover and stared at the image before her.
A rather handsome man stood behind a curvy woman with his hands between her legs. Her head rested back on his shoulder and her mouth open in pleasure.
Hermione felt a twinge of jealousy at the attention the man was giving her as well as another round of discomfort between her legs.
It took a few moments for her to get past the eroticism and focus more on the artistic talent that would be required to make a picture of such detail. It was obviously unfinished. There was missing shading and finishing details, but nonetheless, she had to admit that it was beautifully done. Clearly, Charlie was a real artist.
"You're really good at this," she murmured as she flipped the page to a new image.
Drawing after drawing, she made a comment about how well it was done. She didn't dare bring up the nature of the poses, though. When she had viewed the last of his drawings, she closed the folder and slid it across the table to him while willing the flush in her cheeks to fade.
Charlie flipped open the folder again and thumbed through them. "Final opinion?"
She nodded. "The bodies are well proportioned, the expressions are portrayed clearly, and the shading is done excellently."
He shook his head. "That's not what I meant."
She internally cursed. She had been hoping he would settle with a compliment instead of asking her that.
"I draw these subjects for me, but since no one sees them it makes me curious." He leaned in. "Do they effect you?"
She crossed her arms. "That's a highly inappropriate question," she countered.
"The entire folder is inappropriate, so is asking to see them in the first place," he replied smoothly.
She considered pointing out that it was his fault for drawing in such an open place, but that would just be petty bickering and sighed. "Yes, Charlie it did, but..." she trailed off searching for the right words.
He frowned. "But?"
She wrapped her hands around her glass and took a sip of the warm milk. "It was very erotic, but I can't help but to be slightly jealous of the women in the pictures," she admitted. "Maybe that's just the female perspective on erotic art, though."
Charlie took her words into consideration. "What made you jealous, exactly? The art itself, the way they looked, or something else?"
She looked up and wrinkled her nose slightly. "Both, or all of the above, rather?" Deciding that anymore conversation would be out of her comfort level, she stood. "I think I should get some more sleep. It's the summer. You could sleep in, too, if you wanted."
He nodded in agreement. "Not a bad idea," he yawned.
"Goodnight, Charlie."
The corner of his mouth rose into a crooked grin. "Goodnight."
Thanks for reading!
More to come...