Hi, just want to say thanks to everyone who reads my story, it means a lot to me. hope you enjoy reading this chapter and tell me what you think.
They saw us walking in and I think our faces, or well at least mine held a worried. Lissa looked straight at me as soon as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes "Rose what's wrong?" As soon as she asked I tried to put my guardian mask as just like Dimitri. "Nothing just.. Hungry, how about we go eat." With that said we all stepped into the kitchen, Christian walked into our kitchen and went straight towards our fridge. "Oh no Christian, I don't mind you going into our fridge" I said in a teasing tone. "Thanks Rose, I knew you wouldn't mind" he said with a smirk, I just rolled my eyes.
He cooked something for Lissa and himself while Dimitri and I went back to our food that was unfinished, though I was not as hungry anymore. Dimitri noticed the lack of appetite that I had but did not say anything. I saw from the corner of my eye that he wanted to say something but stood quiet.
After awhile Lissa and Christian noticed as well. "Everything alright Rose" to my surprise it was Christian who had spokes up, people though we didn't like each other but in reality we showed our friendship with witty remarks. Only people who understood this in reality are our closes friends. "Yeah, I'm fine" I gave them a re-assuring smile, "so what's the plan for today?" I asked trying to cheer up everyone's mood. Lissa answered this time.
"Nothing just stay in and relaxed"
"Not butt's"
"We'll we can't just stay and do nothing. Don't you have to work?"
"There are perks in being queen you know"
"Rosemarie Hathaway! When I say we are staying in relaxing, I mean we are STAYING in and RELAXING"
Whoa... Where did that come from? I was able to see Christian put his hand over hers and I saw Dimitri try to hide a smile but it was a fail. I know Lissa is under a lot of stress so it's best not to argue with her.
I raised my hands in surrender "ok your majesty" I knew she hated when I called her that.
"Rose" she said in a sharp tone.
"Ok, ok sorry Liss. So what are we going to do?"
"Hmmmm. We could watch more movies!"
"We already did that. You and Christian ended up falling asleep." I said with a monotone.
"Right" she sounded disappointed. "But this time we WILL watch it I Promise Rose!" The queen pleading to watch a movie. Oh god, I can't help saying no to someone I've known since we were in kindergarten and would do ANYTHING to get what she wants.
"Fine" I said "BUT... I get to pick the movie."
"Oh no..." She said with a worried face.
"Oh yes" I said excited.
"Why does Rose have a evil smile on her face?" Christian asked Dimitri, he shrugged not knowing earthier but Lissa answered.
"Rose has a... Unique taste when it comes to movies... She likes scary movies but there the kind that will give you nightmares for a month." She finished with a look like she was about to faint.
"I'm sure the movie that Rose will pick wont be that bad. I'll be by your side the whole time" Christian said trying to comfort Lissa. With that said I choose a movie while Dimitri got two large blankets one for me and him and one for Lissa and Christian, Lissa and Christian got the popcorn ready. The duo sat on the floor on a 'bed' they made while me and Dimirti got the couch. The movie I put was one I've seen over and over again but it was new to Lissa, Christian and Dimitri. I was able to see that Christian tried to act fearless for Lissa but would have trouble with it. As for Dimitri... Well, he just watched it like it was any other movie, although I would feel him tense up in some scenes and that made me want to laugh. The great Dimitri Belikov scared of a movie? Ha.
I on the other hand was starting to get bored and since I've seen this movie A LOT I know where all the suspense scenes are I decided to have a little fun. I got low to the ground in an attempt to scare Lissa and Christian, I told Dimitri ahead of time so he wouldn't get worried.
As soon as the scariest part was going to happen I got In between Lissa and Christian while saying or rather shouting "their coming!" it was funny until I felt a punch on my left temple. "Oww!" I shouted. Dimitri paused the movie, Christian started to laugh and Lissa tried to help me up. Her punch wasn't hard but it's just that it caught me off guard.
"Oh my god, Rose! Are you ok?" Lissa asked me while panicking.
I rubbed my left temple while chuckling" It's fine Liss. It was totally worth it! You should have seen the look on your faces. It was priceless! Especially you hot head!" Dimitri was trying to check if I was fine but I just shrugged him off.
"I'm fine seriously. It didn't hurt, I was just caught off guard. Trust me." And with that said they let me go. Lissa decided she had enough of movies for one day and wanted to go back to her place as well as Christian. I think they are both kind of scared to be alone so then I asked.
"You want us to walk you guys back to your place?"
"No it's fine, we got two other guardians outside your door remember" Lissa answered. Christian spoke this time " I'm surprised they didn't come barging in with the screams Lissa made and with the pain sound YOU made."
"Don't blame Lissa for the Girly screams, they also came from you." I said while laughing.
"You sure you don't want us to walk you back?" I asked again trying to make sure they weren't too scared cause of the movie.
"Yes Rose, you stay and ice that. If we need anything ill call. I promise."
"Ok then. If you can't sleep later tonight just come over and well have a sleep over with NO scary movies. I promise."
"It's a done deal. Enjoy the rest of your day Rose"
"You too Liss. Bye hot head"
"Bye Dimitri, bye psycho." I Christian say under his breath. "How does he deal with her" I think Dimitri heard as well because he laughed and replied "It's not so hard. You just have to know her weakness's" I narrowed my eyes at him trying to think of what he meant by that but came up empty. He must have noticed because he stared to chuckle but I decided to ignore it. This man is going to be the death of me.
Once we were alone we started to talk about how it could be possible that Lissa and I are have the same dreams around the same time... We came up empty and decided to put it a side for now. But I am determined to find out if its just my nightmares/coincidence or if it's actually connected with Robert.
Later that day Lissa did end up calling. I thought she was going to ask if she can sleep over but ended up asking if we could go to the mall tomorrow?
"I can go with you, but you do remember that I would be one of your guards. Right?"
"Nope, I got everything settled. You and I are going to have a free day."
"Liss, I cant keep not going to work. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE spending time with you but i do have to work as well."
"I know Rose, its just that in two weeks were going to be going to Lehigh... And we wont really be having time for each other so much." She had a sad tone in her. She wanted to go to college but doesn't want to leave Christian, especially now that's she's queen. After a moment of silence I decided to speak up.
"Ok Liss, you win... I will go with you. But that doesn't mean i wont be acting like a guardian, got it?
She screamed through the phone and I had to move the phone away about a inch. When it sounded like she stopped I put it back on my ear.
"Thank you so much Rose, were going to have so much fun!"
"Ok. I'll talk to you later. I have to go get Three other guardians to accompany us and get a car ready for Tomorrow. You want me to go wake you up?"
"Uh. Rose... I think I'm going to have to wake you up!" I heard her laugh through the phone but ignored her
"Hey!... You're probably right." We both started to laugh. "Is Christian going?"
"Yeah, so that means Dimitri can come along. in that case get three more guardians so you and Dimitri can spend some time with us, you wont have to be too worried."
"No matter how many guardians we have YOU are my charge and Christian is Dimitri's charge so you will be our first priority." I heard lissa sigh loudly "We can go to the mall and have it that way, or we can just stay here in court where its safe. You choose.
"Ok, ok well go... But you and Dimitri will loosen up. I will make that happen." I just rolled my eyes
"What ever you say. I'll talk to you later. I have to go get everything organized ok? umm does Dimitri know of this plan?"
"Nope, you're in charge of telling him. Good luck!" the line went dead. Damn i thought to myself, he HATES going to the mall. one I got off the phone i went back to the living room.
"Was that lissa?"
"Is everything fine? she wasn't to scared was she?"
"No everything's fine... But ummm... We have a trip to attend to tomorrow."
"Where at?"
"Before you get upset just think of how much fun it would be and Christian is going as well so you both can suffer together."
"Rose" Damn I know that tone. He uses it every time gets upset.
I was slow to answer. "Were going to the mall... YAY!" He stood quiet for a while. "No YAY? Either way Christian is going... so that means you have no choice then to go" I said with a smirk
"Roza" before i let him say anything else i spoke up. "Remember Lissa and I are going to be going to Lehigh in 2 weeks and she wants all of us to spend as much time together as possible" i saw in his eyes sadness "Hey, we will come back from school eventually... You aren't getting rid of me that easily" And with that he leaned down and kissed my forehead. "I know its just that im going to miss you so, so much."
"So its a yes on going to the mall with us?"
"Yes Rose, I will go" he put on a smile that I love to much.
"Ok, now go get six other guardians and get us a car ready, Comrade."
"OK" he gave me a kiss that I did not want to break but we had to, he left to get everything ready. Boy am I going to miss him so much while im at school, the good thing is that lissa and I have the same schedule for next year. The rest of the day went by a blur, next thing I knew I was in bed falling a sleep with Dimitri next to me.
Ok i know is just a big fluff but it is getting to a good part. I wont let you guys down but really tell me do you guys also want someone else point of view or just Rose? Remember to review i do want to hear from you guys! :D and thanks so much to whoever reads all the way down here lol bye.