A/N: The story didn't receive a lot of reviews. The amount of hits and favorites and alerts were inspiring though. This story was inspired when I took my rat terrier/chihuahua mix to the dog park. I was excited to see in yesterday's newspaper that there will be a chihuahua race this up coming Sunday during a street festival. Chiquita will be upset if she loses so wish her luck.

Chapter 2

It had been a month since I broke up with Sakura. The empty apartment was starting to get to me. After Sakura, I really didn't what another girlfriend. One crazy stalker was enough for me. Sakura just glared at me when she saw me at work now.

One day at work, I over heard my coworkers talking about their pets. They were talking about dogs, cats, and even hamsters. That's when I realized a pet would be perfect to keep him company. After work Sasuke passed by the park and noticed that there was a dog park. There were a few people there with their pets. He looked at the dogs and noticed that there were many kinds. There was a pit bull, a Great Dane, a German Shepherd, a Labrador Retriever, a Yorkie, a rat terrier, a pug and even a poodle. How would he decide what kind of dog to get?

After going on the internet and taking the Iams Dog breed Selector, he looked over the results. A standard schnauzer is a 83% match. No way those dogs look dumb. What the hell is a Portuguese Water Dog? Okay the Australian Shepherd and the German Shepherd dog seem normal enough.

After comparing the two breeds, he noticed that an Australian Shepherd is not recommended for apartment. The German Shepherd would be okay in an apartment if exercised which was idea. He liked the thought of have a jogging partner instead of the usual iPod. While he did go to the gym, it was only for weight training. He jogged daily to stay in shape.

With that decided, he contacted an excellent breeder. The breeder recently had batch of puppies that were 8 weeks old and had already house trained them. He said I could pick the puppy up in three days. I was so excited by the second day that I barely slept. The puppy was adorable and had these big warm brown eyes. My heart has never been so easily defeated.

I stopped by Pet Smart on the way home. The female store attended was absolutely smitten with him. I got puppy food, collar, leash, a bed, and a few toys. On the way out I saw a dog tag machine. I feed the machine five dollars and started to enter the information. I started a the blank box for the name. Uhhh... You got to be kidding me. I was so excited yet it never occurred to me to think of a name. I had got a boy so maybe Conroy. No that is stupid. He needs a strong name, Jethro. Jethro from NCIS has a strong character. Jethro sounds like a strong name.

In my parked car with the ac on, I put Jethro's collar and tag on. I placed a teething bone in the passenger seat with him. I drove home while Jethro remained entertained by the bone. I remember the dog park and had the strangest urge to show off my new puppy. When I stopped by there, I was surprised by the amount of small dog present. They were usually only a few at a time. I put the collar on Jethro and entered the small dog area. I looked at the large dog area that had two dogs in there and knew in a few months he would be in there.

The pack of small dogs rushed to meet Jethro. The first to approach him was a rat terrier. A chihuahua, a wiener dog, a pug and a Shih Tzu followed him. Jethro just wagged his tail and started to jump around excitedly. I was surprised to see a single person sitting on a bench with multiple leashes. He was absolutely stunning. He had blonde hair and blue eyes with a sun-kissed tan. He was wearing blue jeans and an orange MM t-shirt. He smiled brightly at me as a approached him.

"Hi, I'm Naruto." His voice was soothing and a tad bit sensual. I doubt it was on purpose, but I started to harden from the sound of his voice.

"I'm Sasuke." I didn't know what was happening. My body hadn't reacted on its own like this since puberty.

"What's his name?" For a second, I was puzzled until I noticed him glance at Jethro.

"It's Jethro." He smiled a little bigger.

"He's cute."

"Are those really all your dogs?" I looked at Jethro run and play with the other dogs except the Shih Tzu. The Shih Tzu laid down in the concrete tunnel acting all snobby.

"Oh no, that would be crazy. What did you think I was some crazy dog lover?" He laughed. It sound so joyful that it made Sasuke want to laugh.

"It was a possibility. Unfortunately I would probably have to stop talking to you though." Sasuke smirked as Naruto started laughing again.

"I am a dog walker and I have a few clients that pay me extra to take them to the dog park. I am a college student so a have a lot of free time."

"Is the pay good?" Sasuke couldn't help but wonder.

"Yeah people love their pets."

"Hey I work a lot do you think you could come by around lunchtime and walk my dog?" Sasuke was wondering what to do about leaving Jethro home alone. He didn't want to make the somewhat time-consuming drive to his apartment from his office especially during the lunch rush.

"Really? Yeah I can do that, but how do I get in if you're not home." Naruto look excited and then slightly puzzled.

"I will tell the doorman to let you in and have him give you my spare key." Sasuke couldn't help but like the idea of seeing Naruto more often.

"Okay, cool. Where is your apartment?"

I exchanged numbers with Naruto and gave him directions to my apartment. I gathered up Jethro. Naruto cuddled him and told him he would see him tomorrow. After saying goodbye, I was on my way home grinning like the cat that caught the canary.

I hadn't caught him yet, but I will soon enough.