Yes, I know I've got another fic on the go. Yes, I know I'm lousy at updating. But hey, I liked this idea, so I wrote it.

I don't own anything you recognise.

Kate. From the day she introduced herself (Mr Castle? Detective Kate Beckett, NYPD) the name had meant something important to him. It was strong; a stubborn name for a stubborn woman. It suited her, he often said. 'Katie' seemed too gentle for the bad-ass detective, but he never told her that. 'Katie' had been her name in a more peaceful life, before she had known him.

She loved the way he said her name, how he seemed to caress the monosyllabic word. She had heard it said many times, many ways: the harsh tone of a furious bellow, followed by the loving, gentle whisper after a long case when she was in his arms and they were all that mattered.

Yes, no, maybe so?

Reviews would be much appreciated, along with suggestions for other four-lettered words.

Updates will be roughly weekly, unless there's no interest.

If you're looking for a slightly different plot than usual, go have a ganders at my co-written fic on A. Pseudonimo's account: Queen of Thieves - it's Castle a la Robin Hood.

Have a great week!
